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acipitr-o: (orni.) goshawk (Astur palumbarius). — LF

aciz-o: town or city tax on commodities, excise, octroi. — DeFIRS

a(d): see a, ad.

adapt-ar: (tr., ad) to adapt ulo ad ulo; -ar su: a. oneself; -esar: to be adapted. — DEFIRS

ad-avan, -e, -a: forward (with movement). Ex.: Avane marchar.

ad-base: (with movement) to the bottom, (cf. ad infre) (cf. II-163.)

ad-dextre: (with movement) to the right (hand side).

ad-dope: (with movement) backwards.

ad-dukt-o: (anat.) adduction; -anta, -iva: adducent, afferent.

ad-en: (with movement) into. Ex.: Irar aden la gardeno. La ucelo flugis aden la kajo.

adenin-o: (chem.) adenine: C5H5N5.

adenit-o: (med.) adenitis.

adenom-o*: adenoma: nenociva tumoro povante afektar glando o mukozo.

adept-o: adept. — DEFIRS

adequat-a: adequate. Ex.: Havar ideo adequata pri kozo. — DEFS

ad-flu-ar: (int.) to flow or run (to, into, as a river to the sea); (med.) to rush (as blood to the head); -(ad)o: afflux.

ad-heme: (with movement) to or toward home.

adher-ar: (intr.) to adhere (ad): stick close to, be attached; (fig.) to give adhesion (to a party, a principle); -o: adhesion, adherence; -iva: adhesive; -em-eso: adherency (tendency); -anta, -ema: adherent, sticking (ad); -anto: adherer, follower; -igar: to cause to adhere, stick. Ex.: La epidermo adheras a la pelo. Donar sua adhero a projeto. — DEFIS

adi-ar: (tr.) to bid adieu to (ulu), say good-bye; -o: adieu; -ala vizito: farewell visit. — DEFIS

adiabat-a: (thermodynamics) adiabatic.

ad-ibe: (over) there, thither (with movement). Ex. Omnube vu iros, adibe me iros kun vu.

adicion-ar: (tr., math.) to add: cast up (numbers, cf. ad-juntar) -o: addition. Ant.: sustracionar. — DEFIS

adikt-o*: addict: one addicted to something; -eso: addiction.

ad-infre: (with motion) down(ward) (cf. ad-sube, ad-base). Ex.: Irar adinfre sur l'eskalero.

ad-ir-ar: (intr.) to go to, toward; to approach.

ad-jac-ar: (intr.) to be adjacent; -anta: adjacent: bordering upon.

adjektiv-o: (gram.) adjective. — DEFIS

adjudik-ar: (tr.) to adjudicate, adjudge: to award (ulo ad ulo) judicially in a controversy: (at auctions) to knock down to, declare to be the purchaser of; -o: awarding (of prizes), granting (of contracts); -ario:person who receives the award; highest tenderer; -ajo what is awarded. Ex.: Adjudikar la domo a la plendanto. Adjudikar premio ad ulu. — DEFIS

ad-junt-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to add (ulo ad ulo); -o: adding, subjoining, adjunction; -ajo: something added, an addition; -ita: additional. Ex.: Adjuntar plu multa sukro a siropo. Facar adjuntajo a domo. Adjuntaji a domeno. Modesteso adjuntita a merito.

adjur-ar: (tr., pri) to adjure: command in the name of God, to charge solemnly. Ex.: Me adjuras vu, dicar la verajo. — EF

ad-just-igar: (tr.) to adjust (ulo ad ulo), to fit, to rectify, correct. Ex.: Adjustigo esas la ago igar ulo justa ad ... Talioro adjustigas vesto ad ulu. Adjustigar balanco, mezurilo.

adjutant-o: (milit. title) adjutant, aide-de-camp. — DEFIRS

ad-latere: (with movement) sideways.

ad-maxime: at (the) most.

ad-minime: at (the) least.

administr-ar: (tr.) to administer: to manage, conduct (a business, an estate, a department of government); -eyo: office of a.; -ant-aro: (collect.), -erio: (as institution) board of administration. — DEFIRS

admir-ar: (tr.) to admire; -inda; worthy of admiration, admirable. Ant.: des-prizar, des-estimar. — EFIS

admiral-o: (title) admiral. — DEFIRS

admis-ar: (tr.) to admit, to receive (ulu, ulo; cf. agnoskar); -o, -eso: admission, admittance, affiliation; -ebla, -inda: admisable, allowable. Ex.: Admisar ulu aden domo, ulu en societo. — EFIS

ad-monte: above (i.e. further up on the same general level; not overhead, cf. super), upstream (toward the mountain, the source of the stream). Aernavo flugas trans la rivero admonte de la urbo: the airship flies over (crosses) the river above (i.e. not over the city itself, but up-stream from the city). Ant.: ad-vale.

adolec-ar: (intr.) to be adolescent; -o, -eso, -tempo: adolescence, period of life between puberty and maturity; -anta: adolescent; -anto: an adolescent. — EFIS

adopt-ar: (tr.) to adopt (an opinion, a system); (jur.) to adopt (a child); (in assemblies) to agree upon, carry (a motion, resolution), to pass (a bill); -ito: an adopted child or person. Ant.: repulsar. — DEFIRS

ador-ar: (tr., rel.) to worship (Deo); (gen.) to adore, idolize (ulu, ulo); -inda: adorable. — EFIS