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afeli-o: (astron.) aphelion. — DEFIRS

afer-o: (com..) business; (gen. sense) affair: matter, thing, concern, question, etc.; (leg.) cause, legal action; -i: (com.) trade, business; -isto: business-man; -agento: business-agent; -o politikala: political a.; -i extera: foreign a.s.; -o mala: a bad a.; a bad business; -o amor-ala: a love a.; -o honorala: a matter of honor; pledar afero: to plead a cause. V. exp.: La vorto afero aplikesas ne nur a l'aferi komercala e financala, ma a le judiciala, politikala, mem social e moral entraprezi ed agadi; V-623. — DeFIR

afidi-o: (ent.) aphis, plant-louse. EFIS

afin-a: (chem.) having affinity (ad); (fig.) akin, congenial; -eso: affinity; -esar (ad): to have a. (to). Def.: Qua havas tendenco a kombino, ad uniono. Ex.: Karbono afinesas ad oxo. Afineso spiritala, mentala. Ant.: repuls-anta, -iva. — DEFIS

afirm-ar: (tr.) to affirm, aver (the truth, or that something is true); -o: affirmation, vouching for, asseveration; -ajo: what is affirmed, the affirmative; defensar la afirmajo: to support the affirmative. Ant.:negar, dementiar. — DEFIS

afish-o: poster, bilclass="underline" placard posted in a public place; -igar: to publish, gazette (ulo); -o-glutinar: to post bill, billstick; -expozo, -o-glutino: bill posting; -eyo, -tabelo: place for bill, bill-board; -o-glutin-isto:bill-sticker. — DEFIRS

afix-o: (gram.) affix: a prefix or a suffix. — DEFIRS

aflikt-ar: (tr.) to afflict: to cause to suffer mentally, to distress, grieve; -o, -eso: affliction; -anta, -iva: afflicting, distressing; -ar la karno: (fig.) to mortify the flesh. — EFIS

aford-ar*: afford, have the means to do something; havar la moyeno agar por; permisar a su ulo (pro ke on havas la moyeno agar tale).

aforism-o: aphorism. — DEFIRS

afrank-ar: (tr.) to frank: to prepay (postage on letters, carriage on parcels); -o-, -uro: prepayment; -ita, ite: post free (of letters), carriage paid (of parcels); -ita ye bordo; (f.o.b.) free on board. — DeFIRS

afrodiziak-a*: aprodisiac; -o: afrodisiac (substance); -ala: aphrodisiacal.

afront-ar: (tr.) to affront: to meet front to front, to face; (fig.) to brave. Def.: Opozar (su) fronto a fronto: figurale on afrontas danjero, tempesto, e.c.; II-136. — EFIS

aft-o, -i: (med.) aphtha(e), thrush. — DEFIRS

afust-o: (gun-)carriage. — FIS

afuzion-ar: (tr.) to affuse. -o: (med., rel.) affusion; pouring of water, etc., on the body. — DEFIS

ag-ar: (tr., intr.) to do, to act; -igar: to make, cause (ulu, olu) to do (ulo); -(ad)o: acting, deed, action; -anta, -ema, -iva: active; -iv-eso; -em-eso: activity; -eskar: to begin to act, to come into play; -anto, -into: doer. V. exp.: Agar, facar: La difero inter agar e facar esas proxime ta qua existas inter D. tun a machen (E. to do, to make). Ica du verbi esas transitiva, ma kun diversa senci. On facas ula kozo, konkreta objekto; ma ago havas nul objekto extera. Pro to on darfas e devas dicar: Quon vu agas? Me agas nulo (t.e., me facas nula ago). La sequanta frazi indikas ica difero: "Quon vu agas dum la tota jorno, se on interdiktis a vu facar irga laboro manuala? Ho! me ne restas nul-aganta; me facas argila statueti; V-623, VI-482. Note: Agar is also used as a suffix with the names of instruments to denote the act done with the particular instrument, as: baston-agar: to beat (with a stick), martel-agar: to hammer; fusil-agar: to shoot, etc. — DFIS

agac-ar: (tr.) to set on edge (teeth); (fig.) to irritate, annoy, tantalize, -anta, -iva: irritating, provoking. Def.: Senco propa esas iritar la nervi (specale e prope di la denti, ex. per la froto di kultelo sur plado o vitro); II-136. Ex.: Limar segilo agacas mea denti. (fig.) Agacar hundo. — F

agam-a: (biol., bot.) agamic, asexual.

agap-o: (rel.) agape: love-feast. — DEFIRS

agapant-o*: (bot.) apaganthus, African lily.

agar-agar-o: (1926) agar-agar, Ceylon moss. — DEFIS

agarik-o: (bot.) agaric. — EFIRS

agat-o: (min.) agate. — DEFIRS

agav-o: (bot.) agave (genus: Agave). — DEFIRS

agend-o: agenda: memorandum of things to be done. — DeFIS

agent-o: (all senses) agent; -erio: agency (establ.) -eso: agency (function); -eyo: agency (office); bors-agento: stock-broker; -o kemiala: chemical a. — DEFIRS

agit-ar: (tr.) to shake, agitate (ulo, ulu); to wave (a flag, the hand, a handkerchief) (cf. ond-ifar); (fig.) to excite (the feelings; -esar: to be agitated; -(ad)o, -eso: agitation, (tossing as by waves); -anto, -ero:agitator (person); -ilo: agitator (inst.). Ex.: Agitar liquido. Agitar pupulo. El agitis sua brakio vers me. — DEFIRS

agl-o: (orni.) eagle; (fig.) heraldry; (milit. standard) eagle; (astron.) Aquilo; -o-nazo: aquiline nose. Ex.: (fig.) Romana agli. — EFIS