verde-antique: patino.
verdict: verdikto; (fig.) decido; to bring in, render a v.: facar verdikto.
verdigris: verdigriso (cf. patino).
verdure: verd-ajo, -eso, -aji; vejet-ant-aro.
verge: (border) bordo; on the v. of ruin: proxim ruino, ruin-esk-anta, inklin-anta a ruin-eso, proxim-esk-anta a ruin-eso; to v. on: proxim-eskar ad; (prep.) proxim; ye pento o bordo o extrem-ajo.
verger: (sacristan) sakristo.
veridicaclass="underline" ver-dic-anta, -ema (cf. verifik-ita).
verifiable: verifik-ebla, pruv-ebla.
verification: verifik-(ad)o.
verify: verifikar (cf. pruvar, konstatar, konfirmar, ver-igar).
verily: vere, certe, reale.
veritable: vera; (real) reala; (genuine) autentika.
verity: (quality) ver-eso; (thing, as “the verities”) -ajo (cf. real-eso, fakto); of a v.: vere, reale.
verjuice: verjuso.
vermicelli: vermicelo.
vermicide: ver-mort-ig-ivo (see vermifuge).
vermicular: verm-ala; -forma, -atra.
vermiform appendix: verm-atra, -forma apendico.
vermifuge: anti-vermo; (adj.) kontre-verma.
vermilion: (n.) cinabr-o; (adj.) cinabro-red-a, -ea; (v.) -izar.
vermin: (insects) insekt-(ach)i, -aro, parazit-i, -aro; (animals) besti-et-achi; (canaille) kanali-aro, -i; v. killer: insekt-ocid-ivo, -ilo; -ous: insekt-oza.
vermouth: vermuto.
vernacular: nacion-ala o patri-ala linguo; lok-ala idiomo.
vernaclass="underline" printemp-ala; (fig.) yun-es-ala.
vernier: verniero.
veronica: veroniko.
versatile: (of persons) habila, plur-arta; adapt-ebla; vari-ema.
verse: (rhythmic assembly of words, also of Bible) verso; (poetry in general) poezio; (piece of poetry) vers-ajo, -aro; poem-(et)o, poezi-ajo; (division of a poem) stanco, strofo; (stanza in song) kupleto; blank v.: sen-rima versi; a poem of six v.s each of two rhymed couplets: poemo di sis strofi, singla strofo di du rim-iz-ita verso-pari; a song with three v.s and chorus: konsono kun tri kupleti e refreno; to give chapter and v.: citar omna detali (autentika).
versed: experta, erudita (pri).
versification: vers-if(ad)o, -ig(ad)o; (art) -if-arto; (prosody) metriko.
versify: (make verses) vers-ifar; (turn in to verse) -igar (ulo), expresar (ulo) per versi.
versimilar: ver-simila; (probable) probabla.
versimilitude: (quality) ver-simil-eso, (thing) -ajo.
version: (manner of relating a fact) versiono; (translation) traduk-o, -uro.
vertebra: vertebr-o; -l; -ala, -l column: spino; -te: -oza, -ozo; -ta: ozi, -oz-aro.
vertex: vertico (cf. somito, zenito).
verticaclass="underline" vertikal-a; -ness: -eso.
vertiginous: (sensation) vertij-anta; (of heights, etc.) vertij-ig-anta, -iva.
vertigo: vertij-o; to suffer from v.: (intr.) -ar, -eskar.
vervain: verbeno (sovaja).
verve: vervo.
very: (adv.) tre (cf. tante, ya); very many: tre multa; v. happy: tre felica; I am so v. happy that: me esas tante felica, ke; so v. good: tante bon-ega; v. welclass="underline" bone!; (well now) nu!; it is the v. same book: ol esas absolute (o ya) la sama libro; (the identical copy) ol esas la identa libro; on the v. same day: ye la sama dio; the v. best: la maxim bona.
very: (adj.) (real, true) vera, reala; (absolute) absoluta; (even) mem; (same) sama, ipsa, unika; the v. man: la hom(ul)o ipsa; (the only man) la unika homo; on the v. day: ye la (tote) sama dio; this is the v. reason: to esas (ya) la (vera o reala) motivo; the v. thought makes me shudder: mem la penso (la penso ipsa, la nura penso) igas me fremisar; the v. walls have ears: mem la muri havas oreli.
vesicate: vezik-igar, -eskar, -ifar.
vesicatory: vezikatorio.
vesicle: vezik-eto (cf. ampulo, pustulo).
vesper: vesper-a, -ala; vespers: (rel.) vesperi, vesper-ala oficio.
vesseclass="underline" (receptacle) vazo, konten-ilo, recev-uyo, kolekt-uyo; (anat., biol.) vaskulo; (ship) navo; war-v.: milit-navo; merchant v.: komerco-, var-navo.
vest: (clothe) vest-izar; (invest) investar; to be v.ed in: apartenar ad; v.ed rights: yuri grant-ita, establis-ita, atribut-ita, aquir-ita, leg-ala.