wave: (of sea and fig.) ond-(eg)o; (phys.) vibro (cf. ocilo); (produced) ond-ifo; (of hand) manu-signo.
wave-offering: ofro di premici.
waver: (intr.) vacilar (cf. hezitar, esar ne-certa; fluktuar; shancelar).
wavy: ond-oza, -if-anta, -iz-ita; -atra.
wax: (cover or apply w. to) vax-izar; (become) divenar; (grow) kreskar; to w. wroth: irac-eskar.
wax: (n., adj.) vax-o, -a; sealing w.: siglo-vaxo; w. candle: cero, (vax-)bujio; w.-work: vax-figuro.
waxwing: (ornit.) bombicilo.
way: (road) voyo (cf. pas-eyo); (exit) ek-ir-eyo; (entrance) en-ir-eyo; (distance) disto; (direction) direciono; sinso; (manner) maniero; fasono; (custom) kustumo (cf. moro; uzo); (means, system) moyeno; metodo; sistemo; (conduct) konduto, ago-maniero, -metodo; (momentum) momento; cross-w.: kruc-voyo; Milky-w.: lakto-voyo; by the w.: pas-ante, latere; okazione di; on the w.: dum la iro o pasajo o paso;right of w.: pasaj-yuro; to go the wrong w.: mis-irar; the wrong w.: (to do) (uzar) mala metodi o maniero; to give w.: (yield) cedar; (fall) falar (ad); krular; to be in the w. of: obstruktar; to get under w.:preparar departar o facar; out of the w.: aparta, eskart-ita; (uncommon) stranj-a; get out of the w.: eskartez o ek-irez (de mea voyo); ced-ez plaso; over the w.: kontre, opoz-ite; she will have her own w.: el facos o sequos nur sua voli od inklini o deziri; to find a w. to: trovar metodo (per qua) o moyeno.
waybilclass="underline" charjo-listo; expedio-bilieto.
wayfaring: voyaj-anta.
waylay: (lie in wait for) guatar (see accost) (cf. embuskar).
wayside: voyo-latero, -bordo; (adj.) voyo-latera.
wayward: kapric-ema, -oza; obstin-anta, -ema.
we: ni.
weak: febla (cf. debila, infirma; ne-solida, ne-ferma; indulg-ema); -ness: febl-eso, (object, spot) -ajo; (fondness) afeciono.
weaken: febl-igar, -eskar; (debilitate) debil-igar, -eskar; (dilute) dilutar; -ing: febl-ig-anta; debil-ig-anta.
weaclass="underline" bona stando; felic-eso; (wheal) bato-strio; (publika) bona stando.
wealth: (riches) rich-ajo, hav-ajo, -aji; (abundance) abundo, rich-eso; -y: rich-(eg)a.
wean: ablaktar; (to break the habit of) des-kustum-igar, -eskar; (entice away) lurar (de).
weapon: armo (cf. defens-ilo); w.less: sen-arma.
wear: (clothes, a sword, etc.) portar; esar vestiz-ita (per); werar*; (put on clothing) metar; (last) (intr.) durar; (use by wear) uzar; (consume) konsumar (cf. rodar, efacar, obliterar); (tire) fatigar, tedar; to w. away: (of time) pasar, for-fluar; (lasting quality) dur-iv-eso; w. out: (of clothing, shoes, etc.) par-uzar; worn clothing: vesti ja uz-ita o par-uz-ita; to w. off: (disappear) des-apar-(esk)ar; w. a beard: havar oportar barbo; to w. mourning: vest-izar su traure, portar (granda) trauro-vest-aro; portar trauro (pri ulu); w. on the nerves: agacar la nervi; -able: (of clothing) port-ebla; met-ebla, -ind-a; -ing: (lasting) dur-anta, -iva; (exhausting) fatig-anta, exhaust-anta; w.ing appareclass="underline" vest-i, -aro.
wearied: fatig-ita; (bored) ted-ata, -ita.
weariness: fatig-eso; ted-eso.
wearisome: fatig-anta; ted-anta.
weary: (tire) fatigar; (bore) tedar; (tedious) ted-anta, -ema; (tired) fatig-ita.
weaseclass="underline" vizelo.
weather: vetero (cf. vento; sturmo; tempesto); (v.) rezistar; (live through) tra-vivar (cf. super-pasar; vinkar); (a cape) preter-irar; w.beaten: bat-ita o tush-ita da tempesto o da vetero; (fig.) male uz-ita; fatig-ita; exhaust-ita; (gen.) veter-tush-ita o bat-ita; w.bound: halt-ig-ita da vetero o tempesto; w.cock: (also fig.) vento-flecho; w.-glass: baro-metro; w.-gauge: avantajo di vento (-direciono); w. report:meteorologi-ala buletino; w.proof: veter-, aquo-espruva; w.wise: vetero pre-vid-anta.
weave: (cotton, wool, etc.) texar; (interlace) inter-plektar; (worm into) insinuar; -r: tex-isto, -ero; -ing: tex-(ad)o; (interlacing) inter-plekt-ado.
web: (of fabrics) tex-uro (lana e.c.); (net, mesh) reto; (membrane) membrano; (spiderweb) araneo-telo; w.-footed: palmata, palmipeda.