west: west-o, -a, -e; (literary term) ocidento; -erly, ward: de la westo; vers la westo; (with motion) ad-weste; the w.ern church: la ocidentala eklezio.
wet: humida; (of weather) pluv-oza, -ema; (humidity) (state) humid-eso; (rain) pluvo; to w.: humid-igar (cf. trempar, imbibar); w.-nurse: alakt-ist-ino, nutr-ist-ino.
whack: (beat) batar; (a blow) frap-ego.
whale: balen-o; white whale: belugo*; w.-boat: baleno-kanoto; w.-bone: barto; whaler: balen-pesk-isto (cf. cetaceo).
wharf: (of masonery) kayo; (pier of timber or metal) warfo; -age: kayo-, warfo-taxo; -inger: kay-, warf-propriet-ero, kay-estro; warf-gard-isto.
what: quo, qua; (that which) to quo, ta qua; (what sort of, what kind of) quala; w.ever: irge qua; (everything) omno; for w.?: pro quo?; w. though: quankam; it is no use w.soever: ol esas absolute ne-utila;what did you see yesterday?: quon vu vidis hiere?; w.ever reasons you have to complain: irge qua motivin vu havas por plendi; w. do you wish?: quon vu volas?; w. is that?: quo esas to?; w. becomes of him?: quon il divenas?
whatnot: etajero.
wheat: frumento; (beard of w.) aristo; -en: frument-a, -ala, -atra.
wheedle: flate lurar; sudukt-achar; karez-achar; -ling: karez-(ach)anta; flat-(ach)anta, -ema; sedukt-(ach)anta, -iva.
wheeclass="underline" (roll along) (intr.) rul-ar, (tr.) -igar; (fly in circles) cirkle o ronde flugar; (to right or left) (tr., intr.) turnar; half-w.: mi-turno; w. about: ri-turno; (on toes) piruetar; (milit.) facar konversiono; to w. in a barrow: bruet-agar, -portar.
wheeclass="underline" (n.) roto; w.barrow: brueto; w.wright: char-if-isto.
wheeze: (person) (intr.) respirar bruise od astm-atre; (of engines and persons) (intr.) siflar; -zing: sifl-ado, -anta.
whelp: parturar (hund-yuno, e.c.); (n.) (hund-, leon-, e.c.) yuno.
when: kande.
whence: de ube; ek ube; de ube; w. do you come?: (de) ube vu venas?; the town from w. I came: la urbo de qua (od, ek qua) me venis.
when(so)ever: irga-kande; omna foye (kande); irga-tempe.
where: ube.
whereabouts: ube, (place habitation) loko; loj-eyo, habit-eyo.
whereas: (seeing that) konsider-ite ke; esante ke, pro ke; (in opposition) kontre ke; (whilst in fact) dum ke fakte.
whereat: (interrog.) ube? qua loko?; (quik) pos to od ico; ye to.
whereby: per quo.
wherefore: (that is why) pro to; pro ta kauzo o motivo o skopo; (conj.) do.
wherein: en qua; ube.
whereof: (about which) pri quo (on parolas e.c.).
whereupon: see whereat.
wherever: irga-loke, irg-ube.
wherry: (pasaj-)batel(et)o; kanoto.
whet: (sharpen) akut-igar (kultelo, e.c.); (of the appetite) ecitar, stimular.
whether: (alternative) sive (cf. se); (interrog. sense) kad; w. or no: vole o ne vole; malgre; sive yes, sive no; the question is w.: la questiono esas sive … sive; la questiono esas kad … kad; I doubt w. he comes: me dubitas (od, esas ne-certa) kad il venos.
whetstone: akut-ig-petro, -ig-ilo.
whey: selakto.
which: qua, quo; w.ever: irga qua (see whether).
whiff: (puff) sufl-eto (di aero, di fumo, e.c.); (odo(u)r) odoro, sufl-odoro.
while: (n.) tempo (cf. duro; instanto; inter-tempo); all the w.: dum la (tota) tempo (ke); a long w. before now: longa-tempo ante nun; for a long w.: dum longa tempo; long (while) ago: de longe, olim; in a little w.: en poka tempo; balde; it is not worth w.: ol ne valoras la peno; to w. away time: por distraktar la mento; pasar la tempo oci-ante; dum mea libera tempo me (facis, e.c.).
while: (adv.) dume (conj.) dum ke; (as long as) tam longe kam; (prep.) dum; (although) quankam; whilst: dum.
whim: kaprico; fantazi-eto.
whimper: (cry) (intr.) plor-etar; plor-ete plendar (pri); plor-et-achar.
whimsicaclass="underline" kapric-oza, -ema; (odd) baroka; (funny) komika, rid-inda.
whine: plore o jeme lamentar o plendar (pri); -ning: plend-ach-anta, -ema; lament-atra; plor-plend-anta.
whinny: (intr.) (ne-laute) bram-etar, -eto (di kavalo, e.c.); w. out: ek-tirar rapide.
whip: flog-ar (cf. batar, verg-agar); (n.) flog-ilo; (riding w.) kravacho; w.-hand: dominaco, avantajo; w.lash, w.cord: pinto o kordo di flog-ilo.