wing: (furnish with wings) al-izar; (to fly) flugar (intr.); (use the wings) al-agar; (injure) vundar; -ed: al-iz-ita.
wing: (n.) alo (also fig.); w.spread: anverguro; w.-sheath: (of insects) elitro; w.-beat: alo-stroko; to flap the w.s: brandisar la ali; w.less: sen-ala, sen-fluga.
wink: palpebr-agar (intr.); kloz-etar l’okulo; (as signal) sign-ifar per l’okulo; to w. at: (connive at) konivencar (pri ulo).
wink: (n.) palpebr-ag-ado; in a w.: en un instanto; -ing: palpebr-ag-ado.
winner: gan-anto, -ero; vink-anto, -into.
winning: gan-anta; (charming) lur-anta, sedukt-anta, charm-anta (rido, e.c.); w. post: fin-, ariv-fosto; -s: gan-aj-o, -i.
winnow: (grain) fanar (cf. examenar; separar).
winsome: charm-anta, -iva, -ema; agreabla.
winter: vintr-o, -ala; -try: -ala, -atra.
wipe: (w. off) vishar; (dry) sik-igar; w. out: (destroy utterly) exterminar; (annul) nihil-igar; (erase) efacar; w. one’s nose: mungar (su); -r: vish-ilo, tuko; (pocket handkerchief) naz-tuko.
wire: fix-igar, ligar (ulo) per metal-filo; (telegraph) telegrafar (ulo ad ulu).
wire: metal-filo; iron w.: fer-filo; brass w.: latun-filo; telegraphic message: telegramo, telegraf-uro; telegraph w.: telegraf-filo; w. ribbon or purclass="underline" kanetilio.
wiredraw: fil-igar metalo; (fer-)fil-ifar.
wire gauze: metal-grazo.
wireless: sen-fila; (radio) radio; w. telegraphy: radio-telegraf-ado; w. telephony: radio-telefon-ado.
wiremilclass="underline" metal-fil-if-erio.
wirepulling: sekreta demarsh-ado; cel-ita influ-ado.
wire rope: metala kordo.
wirework: metal-fil-ajo; metal-fila treliso.
wiry: (of persons) magra ma vigor-oza; tenue muskul-oza.
wisdom: saj-eso; w. tooth: dento di saj-eso.
wise: (sage) saja; (sensible) prudenta; (learned) erudita; (manner) maniero; in no w.: en nula maniero; w. man: saj-(ul)o; w. men of the east: (Bibl.) magi; in this w.: ica-maniere; in such w.: tal-manier-e.
wiseacre: saj-acho; pedanto.
wish: dezirar (ulo, ad, por ulu); wishar*; best maxim bona deziri; w. well of: dezirar prospero ad (ulu); I wish to know: me deziras savar; what do you w. of me?: quon vu deziras de me? I w. I could:me deziras (facar) ol, ma to esas ne-posibla; me voluntas facar to, ma to ne esas posibla o ma me ne povas.
wishfuclass="underline" dezir-oza; avida.
wisp: tuf(et)o.
wistfuclass="underline" envidi-atra; dezir-oza; aspir-ema.
wit: esprito (cf. humoro); (mind) mento; inteligent-eso, racion-povo; (person) esprit-oz(ul)o; esprit-oza persono; to lose one’s wits: perdar raciono(-povo); perdar kalm-eso; to frighten anyone out of his w.s:pavor-eg-igar (ulu); to be at one’s w.s’ end: ne savar quon facar od irgon facar; to live by one’s w.s: vivar per (irga) moyen-achi; to wit: nome.
witch: sorc-ino; w.craft: -(ad)o; to practise w.: (tr., intr.) -ar (cf. nekromanciar, magiar); sorco-kurac-isto, -ero.
witchery: sorc-ado; magio; (fascination) facino, charmo.
witch hazeclass="underline" (bot.) hamamelo.
with: (prep.) kun; (by means of) per; (concerning) pri; (who has, have) qua havas, hav-ante; (against) kontre; (towards) ad; (in the house of) che; (nearby) apud, proxim; to be w. someone: esar kun ulu; to write w. a pen: skribar per plumo; compared w.: kompare ad; the lady w. blue eyes: la damo hav-anta blua okuli; I am angry w. him: me iracas kontre il; w. reference to: relate ad; he is w. me: (at my house) il esas che me; to speak w. his hands in his pockets: la manui en la poshi, il parolis ad me; il parolis a me, dum ke ilua manui esis en ilua poshi; she is w. child: el esas gravida; they profess the same faith w. you: li profesas la same kredo kam vu.
withdraw: retro-, ek-, for-irar; (take back) de-, for-prenar (ulo, de ulu); (haul back) ri, retro, ek-tirar (cf. kontraktar; retraktar); (retreat) (intr.) retretar; w. from the world: retretar de od ek o for la mond-umo;w. his promise: retraktar sua promiso; w. from the room: ek-irar la chambro; w. troops: retret-igar trupi; let us w. to another room: ni ek-irez ad altra chambro; lasez ni irar ad altra chambro; -aclass="underline" ek-, for-iro; retreto; retrakto.
wither: (intr.) velk-ar, (tr.) -igar (ulo); (pine away) (intr.) deperisar; (intr.) langorar; -ing: (fig.) velk-iganta, sarkasm-oza regardo, e.c.
withers: inter-skapula parto (di kavalo, e.c.).