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aglomer-ar: (tr.) to agglomerate, conglomerate; -ajo: agglomeration. — DEFIRS

aglosi-o: (zool.) aglossity: state of being tongueless.

aglutin-ar: (tr.) to agglutinate: stick as with glue; (fig.) to join together. — DEFIS

agnel-o: (poet. and relig.) lamb (cf. muton-yuno); -eto: lambkin; -ino: ewe-l. — FIR

agnosk-ar: (tr.) to acknowledge, admit, own (something as right, good, true, false); Me agnoskas vua motivi: I admit your reasons (i.e. receive them as valid); Me agnoskas la neceseso facar oclass="underline"  I admit the necessity to do it. Agnoskar guvernerio: to recognise a government. L

agnostik-a: (1929) agnostic. — DEFIS

agoni-ar: (intr.) to be in the death agony, in the last death struggle, in death pangs, in extremis. DeFIRS

agorafobi-o: (med.) agoraphobia: morbid dread of, or giddiness in crossing open spaces. — EFIRS

agost-o: August; -o-mezo: the middle of A. — DEFIRS

agr-o: field: piece of ground (cf. feldo); -ala: agrarian, rural; -ano, -isto: agrarian, country person; -o-kultiv-(ad)o: agriculture; -kul-tiv-ala: agricultural; -kultiv-isto: agriculturist; -o-mezur-(ad)o: land-surveying. Def.: Plu o min granda parto di sulo; VI-140. — DeFIRS

agraf-o: hook, hook-and-eye (to fasten dresses, etc.); clasp (for book-lids, cloaks, etc.); snap (of a necklace, bracelet, etc.); (ancient) agraffe; -agar: (tr.) to hook, clasp. DeFIS

agreabl-a: agreeable, pleasant; -ajo: a. act or object; -eso: agreeableness, charm. Ex.: Agreabla muliero, loko, figuro, sento. Ant.: des-agre-abla, des-plez-anta; ofens-iva. — EFIS

agreg-ar: (tr.) to aggregate, incorporate; to admit (into a society, university); -o: aggregation, admission; -ajo: aggregate; -ala grado: a special French university degree, lower than doktoro (F. agrйgй). — DEFIRS

agrimoni-o: (bot.) agrimony. — DEFIS

agronom-o: agronomist: a scientific agriculturist. — DeFIRS

agronomi-o: agronomics: the theory of agriculture; -ala: agronomic. — DEFIRS

agul-o: needle; (R.R.) switch, (England) point; -edo: needleful; -ag-isto: needle-worker, seamstress; switch-man; -if-isto: needle-maker; -agar: to ply the needle; to switch, shunt; -truo: eye of a n.; -pinto:point of a n. trikot-agulo: knitting n.; magnet-agulo: magnetic n. — FIS

aguti-o: (2001) agouti, tropical American rodent. — DEFIS

ah!: ah!

ailant-o: (bot.) ailanthus. — DEFIRSL

ais: (mus.) A sharp.

-aj-: (suffix) (1925) signifying, with substantive roots, a thing made from or possessing the character of. Ex.: lignn-ajo: a thing made of wood; lan-ajo: thing made of wool; bon-ajo: a good thing; pueral-ajo: a childish thing. With transitive verbal roots, signifies the object of the act, and is equivalent to the passive participle. Ex.: manj-ajo: thing eaten = food; vid-ajo: thing seen = (a) sight. With intransitive verbal roots, signifies the subject of the action, equivalent to -(ant)ajo. Ex.: rezult-ajo: the result (of the action); event-ajo: an event (that which happens). — DFIRS.

aji-o: (finan.) agio: exchange premium. — DEFIRS

ajil-a: agile, nimble, quick; -eso: agility; -e: quickly, on the jump! Ant.: lenta. — EFIS

ajiot-ar: (intr.) to speculate (in public securities, stocks), to be a stock-jobber; -(ad)o: agiotage; stock-jobbing; -anto, -ero: stock-jobber. — DeFIRS

ajorn-ar: (tr., til) to adjourn, put off, defer (ulo til); -o: adjournment, postponement, reprieve; -ema: dilatory. — EFI

ajun-a: (1931) sober.

ajur-o: ajour-work: open-work, fret-work; (of fabric) webbed: carving, metal work, embroidery, etc., where background is pierced or removed, or where it is translucent; iz-ita kloz-ilo: lattice; -oza kesto:crate. — DeF

ajust-ar: (tr., tech.) to adjust, regulate, set (cf. ad-just-igar); Ex.: Finita instrumenti esas ajustebla. On ajustas teleskopo por la disto (ne por la direciono: apuntar); III-219; cf. regular. — EF

ajut-o: ajutage: nozzle, spout. Def.: Specala tubulo o fino di tubo, destinita ne a juntar du tubi or recipienti (quale tubulo), ma a determinar la formo di la sprico ekiranta (ex. ya la fino di lanco por arozar); VII-197. — eF

akaci-o: (bot.) acacia (cf. robinio). — DEFIRS

akademi-o: academy: learned society (not "high-school"); -ala: academical; -ano: academician. V. exp.: Akademio esas societo de ciencisti (generale elektita ed en fixa nombro) qui ne docas. On devas do evidente rezervar akademiala a ta senco, e ne uzar ol parolante pri universitato (profesori, studenti, kursi, e.c.); III-496 — DEFIRS

akant-o: (bot.) acanthus. — DEFIRS

akantin-o: (biol.) albuminous substance forming the skeletons of some radiolaria.

akanton-ar: (tr., milit.) to canton: billet, allot quarters (to troops in a locality); -eyo: cantonment, quarters. — DeFIS

akapar-ar: (tr., finan.) to corner (goods, the market); (fig.) to monopolize. Def.: Amasigar komercaji en granda quanto por skarsigar li e cherigar lia preco. — FI