Who (plural) are you? - Qui vi esas?
Who (plural) are they? - Qui li es?
Who has enormous shoes? - Qua havas grandega shui?
Who lives in the garden? - Qua lojas en la gardeno?
Who (plural) has the red bicycles? - Qui havas la reda bicikli?
printempo - spring
tante - so
trovas - finds
ucelo - bird
uzas - uses
varma - warm
venas - comes
vintro - winter
sama ... kam - same ... with
quale - as/like
somero - summer
stelo - star
suno - sun
Four warm nights. - Quar varma nokti. Nine brown birds. - Non bruna uceli. After three evenings. - Pos tri vesperi. Ten enormous mothers. - Dek grandega matri.
Six stars are shining. - Sis steli brilas.
Eight woollen blankets. - Ok lana kovrili.
The same seven blankets. - La sama sep kovrili.
Two sick soldiers lived here. - Du malada soldati rezidis hike.
Five horses slept in this bed. - Kin kavali dormis en ca lito.
One fierce old cat was under the bed. - Un feroca olda kato esis sub la lito.
La familio [fa-MI-lyo] - the family
avo - grandparen frato - brother/sister
avino - grandmother fratino - sister
avulo - grandfather fratulo - brother
patro - father nepoto - grandchild
matro - mother nepotino - granddaughter
genitoro - parent nepotulo - grandson
parento - relative onklo - uncle/aunt
spozo - spouse onklino - aunt
spozino - wife onklulo - uncle
spozulo - husband kuzo - cousin
filio [FI-lyo] - son/daughter kuzino - cousin (female)
filiino [fi-li-I-no] - daughter kuzulo - cousin (male)
filiulo [fi-li-U-lo] - son nevo - nephew/niece
gefilii [ge-FI-lyi] - son(s) and nevino - niece
daughter(s) nevulo - nephew
Bona Nokto
Dum lajorno la suno brilas. En la vespero la suno desaparas dop la horizonto. La uceli nepluse kantas. Li trovas dormeyo en la arbori e li dormas. La nokto venas. En la nokto la luno aparas e la steli brilas. En la nokto me iras a lito e lektas libro dum un horo ante dormar (before falling asleep). Me havas grandega lito qua esas/es en mea dormo- chambro. Mea chambro ne esas/es varma dum la printempo e me uzas kin kovrili. Dum la somero la vetero esas/es varma e mea chambro ne esas/es kolda. Me uzas nur un kovrilo. En la autuno la vetero divenas kolda. Me uzas plura kovrili. Me uzas sis lana kovrili. Dum la vintro la vetero esas/es tante kolda ke me uzas dek kovrili, e mea du granda hundi dormas en la sama lito kam la mea (quale me).
Lesson 07 - Sepesma Leciono Future Tense
Verbs in the future tense refer to actions that will or shall happen. The ending for the future is -OS:
Me iros -1 will go.
Ni vidos - We shall see.
(Note that the verbs in this list are in the present tense.)
armoro - cupboard juas - enjoys
audas - hears klimas - climbs
batas - beats klimero - climber
dansas - dances kolino - hill
dansisto - dancer monto - mountain
dop - behind morge - tomorrow
fumas - smokes vilajo - village gustas - tastes
am, I was, I will be. - Me esas, Me esis, Me esos.
You have, You had, You will have. - Vu havas, Vu havis, Vu havos. He is looking, He was looking, He will look. -
regardas, Ilu regardis, Ilu regardos. You dance well. - Tu dansas bone.
The car is big. - La automobilo esas/es granda.
I will beat you. - Me batos vi.
I will help him. - Me helpos ilu. / Me helpos ad ilu.
I am not smoking. - Me ne fumas.
Will you eat today? - Ka vu manjos hodie?
The climber will come. - La klimero venos.
Will we dance tomorrow? - Ka ni dansos morge?
I shall taste the cake. - Me gustos la kuko.
You will enjoy the beer. - Tujuos la biro.
The teacher was smoking. - La instruktisto fumis.
I shall become a dentist. - Me divenos dentisto.
The weather is warm today. - La vetero esas/es varma hodie.
Shall we smoke a cigarette? - Ka ni fumos sigareto?
Philip's dog heard the girl. - La hundo di Philip audis la yunino.
The birds will sing tomorrow. - La uceli kantos morge.
The teacher did not hear them. - La instruktisto ne audis li.
He will not beat the small dog. - Ilu ne batos la mikra hundo.
The dancer will not dance today. - La dansisto ne dansos hodie.
He put the food in the cupboard. - Ilu pozis la manjajo aden la armoro.
The fat mouse will eat the apple. - La grosa muso manjos la pomo.
The pig will not sleep in my bed! - La porko ne dormos en mea lito!
The truck driver will drink the whisky. - La kamionisto drinkos la wiskio.
The ghost will not appear during the day. - La fantomo ne aparos dum lajorno.
The young climber helped the old soldier. - La yuna klimero helpis (a) la olda soldato.
She will not climb the hill behind the village. - Elu ne klimos la kolino dop la vilajo.
The climber will climb the mountain during the night. - La klimero klimos la monto dum la nokto.
1 -
21- duadek e un
22 - duadek e du
3 -
23 - duadek e tri
30- triadek
5 -
40 - quaradek
50- kinadek
60 - sisadek
70 -sepadek
80 - okadek
90 - nonadek
- dek e un
99 - nonadek e non
- dek e du
100 - cent
- dek e tri
101- cent e un
- dek e quar
124- cent e duadek e quar
- dek e kin
200 - duacent
- dek e sis
400 - quaracent
- dek e sep
1000 - mil
- dek e ok
2000 - duamil
- dek e non
3700 - triamil e sepacent
- duadek
1,000,000 - miliono
Cardinal Numbers
Lesson 6 introduced the numbers 1-10.As you can see from the above examples, going past 10 is a matter of rebuilding with the first ten numbers. "Eleven" is "dek e un" (literally "ten and one"), "twelve" is "dek e du", and so on up to nineteen (dek e non). "Twenty" - "duadek" is simply "dua" (two times) "-dek" (ten), i.e. twenty. "Thirty" is "triadek", "forty" is "quara-dek", and so on. "Forty one" (four times ten plus one) is "quaradek e un", 556 (five times a hundred and five times ten and six) is "kinacent e kinadek e sis".
amoras - loves
kultelo - knife
banano - banana
lampo - lamp/light
ca - this (adjective)
letro - letter
disko - disc
letro-portisto - postman
durstoza - thirsty
lia - their
forketo - table fork
onklino - aunt
fratino - sister