pantalono - trousers
klaso - class
pendas - hangs
fratulo - brother
per - with/by
gorilo - gorilla
plafono - ceiling
hungroza - hungry
planko-sulo - floor
kantisto - singer
ta - that
infanto - child (under 7)
tir-kesto - drawer
kopiuro - copy
sua - his/her/their own
kuliero - spoon
amoras - loves
kultelo - knife
banano - banana
lampo - lamp/light
ca - this (adjective)
letro - letter
disko - disc
letro-portisto - postman
durstoza - thirsty
lia - their
forketo - table fork
onklino - aunt
fratino - sister
pantalono - trousers
klaso - class
pendas - hangs
fratulo - brother
per - with/by
gorilo - gorilla
plafono - ceiling
hungroza - hungry
planko-sulo - floor
kantisto - singer
ta - that
infanto - child (under 7)
tir-kesto - drawer
kopiuro - copy
sua - his/her/their own
kuliero - spoon
"Amoras" means "loves" (the affection a man and a woman feel for each other). There is also "amas" which is the affection a mother feels for for her child, or a sister for a brother etc.
"Per" means "with" in the sense of"by means of": Ilu batis me per bastono. - He beat me with a stick. It should not be confused with "kun" which means "with" in the sense of "in the company of': Ilu iris kun elu a la parko. - He went with her to the park. Sometimes English "with" corresponds to some other Ido preposition: Havez pacienteso a me. - Have patience "with" me.
"Pantalono" - trousers is a singular word in Ido because it constitutes only one object. "Pantaloni" would be pairs of trousers. Also "binoklo" - a pair of glassesExempli
Twenty horses. - Duadek kavali.
Thirty children. - Triadek infanti.
A hundred knives. - Cent kulteli.
Fifty-eight spoons. - Kinadek e ok kulieri.
Sixty-three copies. - Sisadek e tri kopiuri.
Ninty-one gorillas. - Nonadek e un gorili.
My mother has sixteen cats. - Mea matro havas dek e sis kati.
Their teacher has eighty discs. - Lia instruktisto havas okadek diski.
My aunt has seventy-one flowers. - Mea onklino havas sepadek e un flori.
Tomorrow I'll write twelve letters. - Morge me skribos dek e du letri.
My aunt's gorilla ate fifteen bananas. - La gorilo di mea onklino manjis dek e kin banani.
The thirty soldiers slept on the floor. - La triadek soldati dormis sur la planko-sulo.
Thirty-six lamps hung form the ceiling. - Triadek e sis lampi pendis de la plafono.
Seventy-six thirsty postmen work in that town. - En ta urbo laboras sepadek e sis durstoza letro-portisti.
The forty knives were in the drawer of this table. - La quaradek kulteli esis en la tir-kesto di ca tablo.
My young sister found a hundred and two forks in the cupboard. - Mea yuna fratino trovis cent e du forketi en la armoro.
The 999 hungry children beat the table with their spoons. - La nonacent e nonadek e non hungroza infanti batis la tablo per sua kulieri.
The two singers sold 200,000 copies of their new disc, "I love you". - La 2 kantisti vendis duacenta-mil kopiuri de sua nova disko, "Me amoras tu".
-il- (instrument for doing the action shown in the root word): pektas - combs : pektilo - a comb
skribas - writes : skribilo - something to write with; pen, pencil, etc.
brosas - brushes : brosilo - a brush
plugas - ploughs : plugilo - a plough
pafas - shoots : pafilo - a fire-arm
baras - bars : barilo - barrier
fotografas - photographs : fotografilo - camera
Many special names of instruments exist: klefo - key, martelo - hammer. Verbs can be formed from these names by compounding them with the root -ag to do, act:
klefagar - to lock, martelagar - to hammer
ludas - plays apertas - opens natas - swims
mixas - mixes tranchas - cuts brosas - brushes
fotografas - photographs
Note that suffixes can often be used to make an approximate word when the correct one is not known.
knife - tranchilo a mixer - mixilo brush - brosilo
camera - fotografilo fish's fins - natili toy - ludilo door handle - apertilo frogman's flippers - natili
amiko - friend chokolado - chocolate demandis - asked donacajo - present (gift) hiere - yesterday peco - piece
partio [PARR-tyo] - party prenez! - take! saluto! - hello!/hi! sukrajo - a sweet
ja - already
komprenende - of course kunportas - brings ludilo - toy nasko-dio - birthday nia - our omna - all til - until tua - your vere - really yaro - year
Quante tu evas? - How old are you?
Me evas sep yari. - I'm seven
Sur la strado (A=Alan, B=Bob) A: Saluto, Bob! Quale tu standas?
B: Saluto, Alan! Hodie esas/es mea nasko-dio [NAS-ko-DI-o]. A: Vere? Quante tu evas?
B: Me evas non yari. Me havis multa ludili: Kamiono, automobilo, soldati e sukraji. Morge me havos mea partio. Ka tu venos? Mea matro ja demandis a tua matro.
A: Ka mea matro dicis "yes"?
B: Komprenende!
A: Qui venas a la partio?
B: Omna nia amiki. Li kunportos donacaji. Yen, prenez sukrajo e peco de chokolado!
A: Danko.
B: Til la partio.
A: Til la partio.
General Questions (Answer in Ido) Note
Quakolora? - What color? Ube? - Where? Che vu - At your house, Posdimezo - Afternoon, Vespero - Evening, Qua? - Who?, Quo? - What?
Quakolora esas/es la pordo? -> Olu esas/es blanka quale nivo (as white as snow).
Ube vu dormas? -> En la lito kun mea amorata (loved) spozino.
Ka vu dormas dum lajorno? -> No, kompreneble ne. Me sempre devas laborar.
Ka vu havas blua automobilo? -> Yes, nam la blua esis chipa.
Ka vu drinkas biro? -> No, me esas anti-alkoholisto.
Ka vu havas fisheyo che vu? -> Fisheyo che me? Ho, no, ridinde no.
Ka vu promenas en la nokto? -> Promenar? No, me pavoras de la nokto.
Ka vu laboras en la posdimezo? -> Yes, komprenende. Qua laboras por me?
Ka vu drinkas kafeo en la matino? -> Yes, matine kafeo komplete vekigas me.
Quakolora esas/es kafeo? -> Generale olu esas/es nigra ma bruna kande kun lakto.
Ka vu iras a la skolo en la vespero? -> No, me ne prizas skoli.
Quo esas/es sur la tablo? -> Mea libri. Me lektas libri pri vasta temi.