Qua lojas che vu? -> Nulu lojas che me. Mea domo esas/es tre mikra.
Ube vu habitas? -> En la strado di Ben-Yehuda.
Ka vu havas fratino? -> Yes, me havas un fratino.
Forms of Transport
aero-navo - airship aeroplano - aeroplane auto(mobilo) - car balonego - balloon batelo - boat biciklo - bicycle dilijenco - stage coach furgono - van fuzeo - rocket helikoptero - helicopter, kamiono - truck lokomotivo - locomotive motorbiciklo - motorbike navo - ship omnibuso - bus spaco-navo - spaceship submerso-navo - submarine treno - train
vagono - (railway) carriage
Lesson 08- Okesma Leciono Ordinal Numbers
In English, ordinal numbers are slightly irregular. From "one" we get "first", from "two" - "second", "three" - "third", "four" - "fourth", and so on. In Ido all ordinal numbers are regular: -ESMA is added to the cardinal number:
first -un + esma = unesma (also written "1ma")
second - duesma (2ma)
third - triesma (3ma)
twentieth - duadekesma (20ma)
144th - cent e quaradek e quaresma (144ma)
Monati - Months
In Ido, months are not capitalized: januaro [ja-nu-A-rro] - January februaro [fe-bru-A-rro] - February marto [MARR-to] - March aprilo [a-PRI-lo] - April mayo [MA-yo] - May junio [JU-nyo] - June julio [JU-lyo] - July agosto [a-GOS-to] - August septembro [sep-TEM-bro] - September oktobro [ok-TO-bro] - October novembro [no-VEM-bro] - November decembro [de-CEM-bro] - December
Dates - Dati
When referring to dates, the word for "of" - "di" - may be omitted, although the preferred style is to leave it in: la quaresma (di) mayo - The fourth of May.
With dates "es" can mean "it is". There is no need for an additional word for "it": Es la dek e nonesma (di)junio - It's the nineteeth of June.
"Ye" is used for "on" in expressions of time: Ye la duadek e okesma di februaro - on the 28th ofFebruary.
It is the fifth ofMarch. - Es la kinesma di marto. It is the second of January. - Es la duesma dijanuaro. Yesterday it was the fifth of July. - Hiere esis la kinesma dijulio.
He was not here on the fifth of July. - Ilu ne esis hike ye la kinesma di julio.
It will be the eighth ofMay tomorrow. - Esos morge la okesma di mayo.
It will be the ninth of June tomorrow. - Esos la nonesma di junio morge.
It was the seventh of August yesterday. - Esis la sepesma di agosto hiere.
My birthday was on the first of October. - Mea nasko-dio esis ye la unesma di oktobro.
The letter came on the first of February. - La letro venis ye la unesma di februaro.
The sun shone on the twentieth ofNovember. - La suno brilis ye la duadekesma di novembro.
The boys will not work on the fourth of April. - La yunuli ne laboros ye la quaresma di aprilo.
My mother will come on the tenth of September. - Mea matro venos ye la dekesma di septembro.
-eri- (establishment where something is made or done, implied by the root, but not necessarily the process of manufacturing or producing it):
drinkerio - public house
agenterio - agency (agento - an agent)
fabrikerio - factory (fabrikas - manufactures)
lakterio - dairy
restorerio - restaurant
rafinerio - refinery
chapelerio - hat factory
distilerio - distillery
Note: -ERI- and -EY- are sometimes confused. Use -ERI- for an establishment (such as a restaurant), but use -EY- for a place or location (such as a kitchen), possibly within some other establishment:
imprimas - prints (verb)
imprimerio - printing works (including offices etc)
imprimeyo - the part of the works, the place/room/shop where the printing takes place
Vesti - Clothes
boto - boot ganto - glove
pantalono - trousers subvesto - under garment surtuto [surr-TU-to] - (long)coa vestono - (man's)jacket jupo - skirt jileto - waistcoat korsajo [korr-SA-jo] - blouse trikoturo - pullover manu-sako [MA-nu-SA-ko] - handbag
subjupo [SUB-JU-po] - slip kalsono - knickers/pants/ (US)briefs/panties kalzego - tights/pantyhose (US) kalzeto - sock kalzo - stocking robo - dress,
sharpo [SHARR-po]- scarf shuo - shoe chapelo - hat jaketo - (woman's) coat kamizo - shirt kravato - tie paltoto - (over)coat
Interrogative Pronouns : Accusative Form
The interrogative pronouns we learned earlier are: Qua? - Who, Qui? - Who?, Quo? - What?
Qua manjas? - Who is eating?
Qui venis? - Who (plural) came?
Quo facas la bruiso? - What is making the noise?
In these examples the "who" or "what" is doing the action indicated by the verb. However, sometimes we want to know about the "who" or "what" that is on the receiving end the action:
Whom do you see?
What are you eating?
In these two sentences the "you" is doing the action. In the first one the "whom" is being seen, and in the second the "what" is being eaten.
Just as "who" in English takes an ending and becomes "whom", so "qua" and "qui" take an ending in Ido and become "quan" and "quin". "Quo" follows the same pattern as "quan" and "quin", and becomes "quon". The use of the accusative ending -N is to make it absolutely clear who is receiving the action.
La viro quan vu vidis. - The man whom you saw.
Quin vu vidas? - Whom (plural) do you see?
Quon ilu dicis? - What did he say?
Me ne audis (to) quon ilu dicis. -1 did not hear what he said.
Note that in this construction the English word order changes, and "do" or "does" may be inserted, but the Ido word order remains the same:
English: "You see" becomes "Whom do you see?" or "What do you see?" "You are eating" becomes "What are you eating?"
Ido: "Vu vidas" becomes "Quan vu vidas?" or "Quon vu vidas?" "Tu manjas" becomes "Quon tu manjas?"
Who sees me? - Qua vidas me?
Whom do I see? - Quan me vidas?
Who can see him? - Qua povas vidar ilu?
Whom can he see? - Quan ilu povas vidar?
What do you like? - Quon vu prizas?
What ate my shoes? - Quo manjis mea shui?
What is in the box? - Quo esas/es en la buxo?
What drank the milk? - Quo drinkis la lakto?
What are you cooking? - Quon vu koquas?
What is in the house? - Quo esas/es en la domo?
Who is eating the fish? - Qua manjas la fisho?
Who is eating the meat? - Qua manjas la karno?
Whom is the fish eating? - Quan la fisho manjas?
What is the bird eating? - Quon la ucelo manjas?
What did you give to them? - Quon vu donis a li?
What did you give to John? - Quon vu donis a John?
Who (plural) likes apples? - Qui prizas pomi?
Who (plural) likes the birds? - Qui prizas la uceli?
Whom (plural) have they seen? - Quin li vidis?
Whom (plural) did my friends see? - Quin mea amiki vidis?
adreso - address antea - previous apud - next to atesto - certificate bezonas - needs
biblioteko [bi-blyo-TE-ko] - library
bone - well
brulis - burnt
centro - centre
cinemo - cinema
dil = di la - of the
direte - directly
drinkerio [drin-KE-ryo] - pub
eventis - happened
employo-agenterio - employment
fakte - in fact
homo - person
hotelo - hotel
hotelestro - hotel manager
incendio - fire
incendio-domo - fire station
Notes kom - as
klerko - clerk
koquisto - cook
laboro - work
lando - country/land
listo - list
livis - left (verb)
naskis - was born
onklulo - uncle
rejala - royal
evar - to be aged
serchas [SERR-chas] - looks for
restorerio - restaurant
staciono - station
tota - all/ the whole
vartez! - wait!
ye - at/in/on a precise place or time
fairo [fa-I-ro] - fire
quanta? - how many? (adjective)
quante? - how many? (adverb)