For international form, the names of countries and continents are an exception to the rule that all singular nouns end with -o.
The Ido forms are modified from one of the following groups.
1. A number of countries have an internationally known Latinized form which ends in -A or -IA: Italia, Amerika, Yugoslavia,
Austria, Andora, Angola, Chinia, Japonia.
Many countries, including nearly all recent and emerging states are known throughout the world by their national names and the stress falls on the last syllable, as if those names would end with -IA: Peru [pe-RU], Portugal [porr-tu-GAL], Pakistan [pa- kis-TAN] Viet Nam [vyet-NAM], but Chili [CHI-li]
Those countries ending in -LAND take normal -O ending, Finlando.
aero - air
aranjar - to arrange bone - okay bonega - excellent explorar - to explore gareyo - garage Idisto - Idist maro - sea monto - mountain montrar - to show natar - to swim omno - everything, opinionar - to think pluvo - rain propozar - to propose restar - to stay to - that (pronoun)
vakanco -holiday vento - wind vera - true
varmeta [varr-ME-ta] - mild/ luke warm
vidajo - view, voyajo - journey quale (used before a sentence) - like/how
quala (before a noun) - as/like Anglia - England Dania [DA-nya] - Denmark Hispania [his-PA-nya] - Spain, Portugal - Portugal Suedia [SWE-dya] - Sweden Suisa [SWI-sa] - Swiss, Suisia [SWI-sya] - Switzerland Suisiano [swi-si-A-no] - Swiss
To Think
pensar - to think = to use the brain:
Me pensas pri Jane. -Iam thinking about Jane.
opinionar - to think = to be of a certain opinion:
Me opinionas ke elu esas/es bela. -1 think that she is beautiful.
kredar - to believe can also be used:
Me kredas ke la buxo esas/es vakua. -1 think/believe that the box is empty.
(P=Peter, M=Mary)
P: Adube ni iros dum la vakanco?
M: Ni certe ne restos en Anglia. Me ne prizas la pluvo e la vento. Me multe preferas la suno. Ni iros a varma lando quala Hispania o Portugal.
P: Ta landi esas/es por me tro varma. Me preferas varmeta lando quala (ne quale) Suedia o Dania. [quale on preferas ...]La vetero povas esar bonega ibe.
M: Quon tu opinonas pri voyajo en la monti? La fresha aero, la foresti, la bela vidaji...
P: No, me preferas la maro. Me deziras natar (swim).
M: Ma, tu povas natar en la lagi (lakes).
P: To esas/es vera. Yes, bone, ni exploros (explore) la monti (mountains).
M: A qua lando ni iros?
P: Me propozas Suisia. Es multa Idisti en Suisia. Multi de li esas/es bona amiki. Me aranjos omno. La Suisiana Idisti montros a ni sua bela lando.
A qua Peter parolas? -> Ilu parolas a Mary.
Ka Mary prizas pluvo? -> No, elu ne prizas olu.
Quon elu preferas? -> Elu preferas la suno.
Ka Hispania esas/es kolda lando? -> No, olu esas/es varma lando.
Ube esas/es la fresha aero? -> Olu esas/es en la monti.
Ka Peter prizas natar? -> Yes, multe.
Quon Peter e Mary exploros? -> Li exploros la monti.
Adube li iros? -> Li iros a Suisa.
Qua aranjos la vakanco? -> Peter aranjos omno.
10. Qui montros Suisia a Peter e Mary? -> La Idisti di Suisia.
Generala Questioni
Adube vu iros dum la vakanco? -> Me iros a Grekia.
Ka vu prizas la suno? -> Yes, nam me esas nordala Europano.
Ka la fresha aero esas/es bona por vu? -> Yes, tre bona por me.
Ka vu parolas multa lingui? -> Yes, me bezonas parolar multa lingui.
Ka vu havas botelo de lakto en vua posho? -> No, sur la tablo.
Ka sep e non esas/es dek? -> 7+9=10? No, to esas/es dek-e-sis.
Ka vua automobilo esas/es en la staciono od en la gareyo? -> En mea gareyo.
Ube vu sidas? -> En la berjero (arm-chair).
Ka vu intencas manjar balde? -> Yes, nam mea laboro nun fineskas.
Ka vu skribas a plura Idisti? -> Yes, specale ad Idisti en USA.
Lesson 12- Dek e duesma Leciono
The Negative for Auxiliary and Quasi-auxiliary Verbs
The negative in Ido is usually formed by putting "NE" in front of the verb. But take care with negating auxiliary verbs, for the following nuances and style are peculiar to Ido.
Mustar - must (expressing absolute necessity, without condition, indisputably)
Vu mustas NE acendar alumeto, nam la chambro esas/es plena de gaso.-
You must not light a match; the room is full of gas.
Vu NE mustas acendar alumeto, nam me povas vidar suficante bone. -
You don't have to light a match; I can see well enough.
Devar - ought to (proper or suitable, by any manner of moral or other obligation)
Me NE devas helpar vu. -1 haven't got any obligation to help you.
Vu devas NE adulterar. - You should not (ought not to) commit adultery.
Darfar - may (having the right or permission, without fear of contradition or interference)
Me NE darfas fumar hike. -1 may not smoke here. I must not smoke here.
Me darfas NE asistar skolo. -Iam allowed to stay away from school.
Povar - can (to be in a state or position that enables an act or deed to be accomplished)
Me NE povas pagar imposturi. -1 can not pay taxes.
Me povas NE pagar imposturi. -1 can evade paying taxes.
Bezonar - need
Ilu NE bezonis facar olu.- He didn't need to do it. So he didn't do it.
Ilu NE bezonas facir olu.- He need not have done it, though he did it.
Ilu bezonas NE facir olu.- He shouldn't have done it. Too late.
Audacar - dare
Me NE audacas informar ilu pri la mala informo. -
I do not dare to inform him of the bad news.
Elu audacis NE askoltar mea konsilo. - She dared to ignore my advice.
-eg- (This increases the size or intensity of the root word): bona - good -> bonega - excellent varma - warm -> varmega - hot domo - house -> domego - mansion dormar - to sleep -> dormegar - to sleep heavily -et- (This decreases the size or intensity of the root word): varma - warm -> varmeta - lukewarm/mild domo - house -> dometo - cottage dormar - to sleep -> dormetar - to doze ridar - to raugh -> ridetar - to smile forko - garden fork -> forketo - table fork
More on Time
So far we have only learned "o'clock".
06:05 = sis kloki kin
06:25 = sis kloki duadek e kin
06:50 = sis kloki kinadek
03:30 = tri kloki e duimo
01:15 = un kloko e quarimo
01:45 = un kloko e tri quarimi
All times are calculated in minutes past past the hour. Minutes before the hour are never used in Ido:
du kloki kin (02:05) - five past two, literally 2 o'clock five (minutes)
du kloki duadek (02:20) - twenty past two
du kloki kinadek e kin (02:55) - five to three
non kloki quaradek e non (09:49) - eleven minutes to ten
For "half past" use "e duimo":
quar kloki e duimo - half past four, lit. 4 o'clock and a half (hour)
kin kloki e duimo - half past five : The "e" is important, as
"kin kloki duimo" could possibly be mistaken for "half a minute past five".
The same applies to "quarter past" and "quarter to":
sis kloki e quarimo - quarter past six, lit. 6 o'clock and a quarter (hour)
sis kloki e tri quarimi - quarter to seven, lit. 6 o'clock and 3/4 (hour)