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Me ne havas tempo por vizitar vu che vua domo.

La pordo di la domo esas/es klozita. Ni volas nun parolar pri nia linguo Ido.

Via genitori prestis a me parapluvo.

Li sendas pekunio per la posto a lia parenti. Elu ne volas dicar olu ad ilu.

A qua apartenas (belongs) ica krayono? Me ne savas a qua olu apartenas.

Ni vidas la flori di la gardeno. Ilua bona patro esas/esja mortinta (dead).

Patro: "Ka tu nun savas pro quo me batas tu?"

"Yes", singlutas (sobs) Pauleto, "pro ke tu esas/es plu forta kam me."

Rezumo di la Reguli pri la Puntizado - Punctuation

This "Summary ofPunctuation Rules" is offered in Ido as a reading

and comprehension exercise for your enjoyment and practice.

La punto (.) uzesas por separar la frazi;

La komo (,) por separar la propozicioni;

La punto komo (;) por separar frazi gramatikale nedependanta, ma ligita per la senco;

La bipunto (:) por anuncar expliko o citajo;

La klamo-punto (!) pozesas pos frazo klamanta;

La question-punto (?) pozesas pos propoziciono direte questionanta (ne pos propoziciono subordinita).

La cito-hoketi (" ") uzesas por inkluzar omna citajo.

La parentezi () inkluzas frazo o vorto separenda de la cetera texto;

La kramponi [ ] ed embracili { } havas analoga roli; un embracio {juntas plura linei (dextre) ad una (sinistre).

La streketo (-) unionas la parti di vorto kompozita; olu indikas anke la seko di vorto inter du linei.

La streko (--) indikas chanjo di parolanto; olu devas sempre uzesar en dialogi. On ne darfas uzar olu vice la parentezi, o vice la puntaro.

La puntaro (...) indikas interrupto di la penso.

L'alineo (new paragraph) indikas chanjo di temo o nova ordino di pensi.

La noti (infre di la pagini) devas referesar per numeri (ne per steli, kruci, etc.)

Lesson 13 - Dek-e-triesma Leciono The Demonstrative Pronoun

The demonstrative pronoun (this, these; that, those) is "ita", shortened to "ta", where euphony permits:

Kad ita esas vua libro? - Is this your book?

Ta libri esas mea. - Those books are mine.

When quite necessary to distinguish between "this" and "that" use "ica" (or "ca") for this, and "ita" (or "ta") for that:

Ica esas bona, ita esas mala. - This one is good, that one is bad.

When it means "this thing", "that thing", use "to" (or "ito", "co", "ico"):

Quo esas to? - What is this?

Ico esas libro, ito esas plumo.

This (thing) is a book, that (thing) is a pen.

"That which", "what" is translated as "to quo" when used in the most general sense of "that thing or matter which". When some definite thing is referred to, use "ta qua", "the one that", (pluraclass="underline" "ti qui").

To quon me dicas esas... - What I say is ...

Yen omnaspeca frukti, prenez ti quin vu preferas. -

Here are all kinds of fruit, take those you like best.

When distinction of gender is necessary, il-, el-, ol- may be prefixed to these or any other pronouns, except naturally the personal pronouns themselves:

Ilti facis olu ed elti regardis,

Those (men) did it, and these (women) looked on.

La matro di mea amiko, elqua... - My friend's mother, who...

La matro di mea amiko, ilqua... - The mother of my friend, who...


They had two daughters who became nurses.

Li havis du filiini qui divenis flegistini. (Onu ne savas quanta filiinin li havis.)

They had two daughters, who became nurses.

Li havis du filiini ed eli divenis flegistini. (Onu savas ke li havis nur du filiini.)

I like Mary, who is kind. - Me prizas Mary, nam elu esas benigna.

Onu ne darfas dicar ke "me prizas Mary qua esas benigna", nam (for) onu devus imaginar altra Mary qua ne esas benigna.

Who would you like to be in this drama? (grammatically - Who would you like (him/her/yourself) to be in this drama?)

Quan vu prizus ke vu esez en ca dramato? (yourself) Quan vu prizus kom aktoro en ca dramato? (anybody) Quan vu prizus vidar en ca dramato? (him/her)

Who do you think will be the next President of the United States?

Quan vu opinionas kom la nexta Prezidanto di USA?

It is hard to determine whom we will vote for in the next election.

Es nefacila determinar ta por qua ni votos en la venonta elekto.

It is hard to say who the members will decide is responsible for the job.

Es nefacila dicar ta, quan la membri decidos, qua responsos pri la laboro.

It is the man who I believe robbed the First National Bank.

Lu esas, segun mea kredo, la viro qua furtis la Unesma Nacionala Banko.

An executive of a large soap company who we understand did not wish to be quoted, announced a 50 percent rise in soap prices.

Administrero de granda kompanio di sapono, (*ilu) ne dezirante citesar segun nia savo, anuncis preco-augmento di 50 procento pri sapono. *ilu can be either included or excluded according to your taste.

Possessive - "Whose"

Instead of whose, Ido uses of whom, of which, "di qua": La autoro, pri la libro di qua me parolis. -

The author whose book I spoke of (literally, the author concerning the book of whom I spoke).

Indeterminate Object - "it", "that"

The pronoun "lo",just like "co", "to", "quo", refers to an indeterminate object -toa fact rather than a thing:

Prenez ica pomo, me volas lo.

Take this apple, I desire it. = I desire you to do so; "me volas ol" would mean "I desire it (the apple)". Of course you can also say ... Prenez ica pomo, me volas to.

Take this apple, I desire "it". = I desire you to do so; but in a peculiar situation when there are two apples...

Prenez ica pomo, me volas to... would mean.. You take "this" apple, because I wanna take "that" one.

"Lo" is also used with adjectives to mark the indeterminate sense:

Lo bona, lo vera, lo bela

The Good, the True, the Beautiful

Think of "lo" in Ido as a pronoun: "lo bona" means the situation which is good, "lo quo esas/es bona", means "that which is good", an ideterminate object which is essentially good.

Action Affixes - para, par, esk, ad, ig, iz, if

para- (warding off): parasuno - parasol, parapluvo - umbrella, paravento - wind-screen, windshield (US)

par- (completion of action): parlektar - to peruse/ read through pardrinkar - to drink up, parkurar - to make the circuit of parlernar - to learn thoroughly

-esk- (beginning of action): dormeskar - to fall asleep, iraceskar - to grow angry, sideskar - to sit down

Used with noun roots to make a verb, -ESK means to become, to turn: vireskar - to become a man.

Sometimes used with with adjectives to make a verb, ESK means becoming, growing, turning (into): pala - pale, paleskar - to turn pale. When added to the passive participle of a transitive verb, ESK has the same sense ofbecoming: vidateskar - to become visible

-ad- (repetition, frequency): dansar - to dance; danso - a dance; dansado - dancing.

-ig- (with a verbal root, means "to cause to"): dormigar - to send to sleep; with a non-verbal root, it means "to make, cause to be (such and such)": beligar - to make beautiful, to beautify.

With transitive verbs, IG has a passive sense (=igar -ata), usually followed by the preposition "da". The use of -igar with "da" is in many cases somewhat difficult for English speakers. We recommend the more direct constructions: e.g.

Me igas la spozino sendar mea letri... instead of"Me sendigas mea letri da la spozino."

Me igas vu atencar ulo... instead of "Me atencigas ulo da vu."

Me igas vu vidar ulo... instead of "Me vidigas ulo da vu."

There is usually, however, a straightforward English equivalent for this construction: "to have _ done (by -)":