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Me sendigas mea letri da LA spozino. = I have my letter sent by MY wife.

When in Ido the relationship is apparent, we use the definite article, LA instead ofMEA.

-iz- (to cover, supply, provide with):

armizar - to arm (provide with weapons) limitizar - to limit (fix a limit to) adresizar - to address (write address on)

When necessary, the sense "coat, cover with" may be rendered clearer

by prefixing SUR- (= on): surorizar - to gild/ plate with gold

-if- (to produce, generate, secrete): florifar - to blossom sudorifar - to perspire sangifar - to bleed/ lose blood


I want to pack this up. - Me volas pakigar ico.

Give me some brown paper. - Donez a me pak-papero.

I want some string. - Me bezonas kordeto.

Have you any sealing wax? - Kad vu havas siglovaxo?

I can give you some paste. - Me povas donar a vu gluo.

That will do.-To konvenos.

Where is the pastebottle? - Ube esas la botelo de gluo?

Here it is. - Yen olu.

There is no brush in it. - Ne esas pinselo en ol.

Here is the brush. - Yen la pinselo.

Now I want a label. - Nun me deziras etiketo.

A gummed label. - Gumizita etiketo

I haven't a gummed one. - Me ne havas un gumizita.

Will this one do? - Kad ica konvenos?

Yes, thanks. - Yes, danko.

Jasper Parolas

(kontoro - bureau)

"Saluto! Me nomesas Jasper. Me habitas en Rotterdam, e me laboras en Leiden.

Me habitas en mikra, moderna domo. Me laboras en granda, anciena kontoro.

Me prizas vino e muziko. Me adoras bela mulieri, specale se li esas anke richa.

Me havas nova automobilo. Olu esas mikra, reda e rapida.

Mea familio esas sat granda. Me ipsa esas celiba (unmarried).

Me havas du fratini. Li nomesas Mieke ed Anja. Anja esas mariajita.

Me havas un fratulo. Ilu nomesas Bert. Bert laboras en Zaandam.

Me anke havas matro. Mea matro esas richa. Elu havas multa pekunio.

Me ipsa esas ofte povra. Me ofte havas nula pekunio.

Me ne havas patro. Ilu esas mortinta. Me iras nun. Til rivido!"

De certena lektolibro — Lektajo 06

L'infanto ploras. L'advokato (barrister) pledis (pleaded) por l'akuzato.

On vidas per l'okuli, ed on audas per l'oreli. To esas/es tre bon okaziono.

Il ne havas mult amiki. Me amas tajentil infanti.

Januaro esas/es l'unesma monato dil yaro.

Li venas del (=de+la) vilajo ed iras al(a+la) urbo.

La stranjeri duktesas dal (=da+la) duktisto (conductor).

"Hike mea onklulo sendas a me cent franki ed ilu skribas: Til rivido! Ka to koncernas me o la pekunio?"

Instruktisto a dicipulo: "To esas skeleto di mamifero, di qua mamifero olu esas?"

Dicipulo: "Di mortinta bestio." (skeleto - skeleton mamifero - mammal)

Profesoro: "Ka vu povas dicar a me quo eventas kun barometro, se ni

sidas kun olu en aerostato (balloon), e se ni acensas an/ad cirkume du kilometri en la aero"

Kandidato: "La barometro venas kun ni."

De certena lektolibro — Lektajo 07

Bela, plu bela, maxim bela. Bona, plu bona, maxim bona. Facila, min facila, minim facila. Kurta, min kurta, minim kurta. Vu esas/es plu richa kam elu.

Ilu esas/es la maxim laborema (hard-working) de omni. Ica persono esas/es min inteligenta kam fiera (proud). Lu esas nur stulta (silly). Li facas minim posibla bruiso (noise).

Ube vu esis hiere? Hiere me facis bel exkurso (excursion) kun mea amiko.

Ka tuja respondis ad il? No, ne ja, ma me intencas skribar ad ilu balde.

Spozino: "Ube tu restis dum tante longa tempo hiere vespere?" Spozulo: "Che mea bon amiko." Spozino: "Ed ube restis tua bon amiko?" Spozulo: "En la taverno (tavern, bar)."

Viro renkontris konocato e dicis ad ilu:

"Hiere me vidis nia amiko Karlo, me preske ne'plus konocis ilu.

Vu es magra, ed anke me es magra, ma ilu es plu magra kam ni du kune."

Lesson 14 - Dek-e-quaresma Leciono More on Numerals

The cardinal numbers are:

un 1,du 2, tri 3, quar 4, kin 5, sis 6, sep 7, ok 8, non 9, dek 10

cent 100, mil 1000, milion 1,000,000, bilion 1,000,000,000,000.

In the USA billion is 1,000,000,000 but we recommend you to use the European system, at least for now. Now that the American Banking System has won hegemony over Europe, ultimately the American system is likely to gain more acceptance even in Ido.

The stress position of milion [MI-lyon] and bilion [BI-lyon] are the same as English million [MIHL-yuhn] and billion [BIHL-yuhn].

From these root numerals all others are formed, the adjectival -A being used to show multiplication and the conjunction E to show addition. Thus:

dek e un - 11 (ten plus one)

dek e du - 12 (ten plus two)

dek e sis - 16 (ten plus six)

dek e non -19 (ten plus nine)

duadek - 20 (twice ten)

duadek e un-21 (twice ten plus one)

triadek e quar -34

quaradek e kin - 45

kinadek e sis -56

cent e sepadek e ok - 178

mil e sisadek e sis - 1066

mil e nonacent e duadek e tri - 1923

As in English, numbers may be given out, e.g., when dictating, by naming the digits only. The name of the digit 0 is "zero". The last two numbers given would then be:

1066 - un zero sis sis

1923 - un non du tri

Ordinals are formed by the suffix -ESM: unesma - 1st, duesma - 2nd, triesma - 3rd, dekesma - 10th, dekeduesma - 12th, centesma - 100th, milesma - 1000th, omna duesma dio - every second day

Cardinals and ordinals can be used as nouns or adverbs by adding -O or -E: uno - a unit, duo - a couple, trio - a trio, dekeduo - a dozen, unesmo - the first one, une - in one manner, unesme - firstly, dekesmo

the tenth. Note the stress shift in the following two forms: miliono [mi-li-O-no] - million, biliono [bi-li-O-no] - billion

Fractions are formed by the suffix -IM: duimo - a half, quarimo - a quarter, dekimo - a tenth part, centimo - a hundredth, du triimi - two- thirds, sep okimi - seven-eighths

Multiples are formed by the suffix -OPL: duopla - double, centopla - hundredfold, multopla - many-fold

Distributives are formed by the suffix -OP: quarope - in fours/ four at a time, pokope - little by little, vortope - word for word

The word "times" in counting is translated foye: unfoye - once, dufoye

twice, trifoye - three times, centfoye - a hundred times

When used as prefixes the numbers (except 3, "tri") have special forms: mono-, bi-, tri-, quadri-, quinqua-, sexa-, septua-, okto-, nona-: mono-plano (monoplane), bi-plano (biplane), tri-folio (trefoil), quadri- pedo (quadruped) etc.

What number in a series? - How many-eth?

It is a challenge to translate the following Ido sentences into English.

Quantesma persono de la dextra extremajo en la pikturo esas vua amoratino? - Which-number person, counting from the right edge of the picture, is your lover?

Sinistra extremajo ->XXXXXXXXXXOXXX<- Dextra extremajo

El esas la quaresma persono de la dextra extremajo. Elu esas Sarah. - She is the fourth person from the right edge. She is Sarah.

Me prenos kelkESMa specimeni por inspektar la qualeso di ica fabrikerio. - I'll take some-few-eth specimens to test the quality of this production (line). (Meaning, as they come down the line, I'll pick one out every once in a while.)


The present active participle ends in -ANTA: vidanta - seeing. The past passive participle ends in -ITA: vidita - seen.