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Spozulo: "Tu ya povus konservar li dum dek yari, e pose uzar li."

Lesson 16- Dek-e-sisesma Leciono The Accusative Ending -n: - Me Amoras Tu...

The accusative ending -N is used to make clear who is doing the action and who is receiving it. Using the ending -N, you can change the word order to vary the emphasis. Whenever the object precedes the subject in a sentence, use -N ending to show which is which:

Me amoras tu. -1 love you.

Tun me amoras. Tun amoras me. - It is YOU whom I love (not anybody else).

Amoras me tu. - It is love that I give you.

Amoras tun me. It is love you are getting from me.

Using the accusative ending any time the object is at the left side of the verb increases the clarity of the sentence:

Me tun amoras. ("Me tu amoras" is gramatically correct, though.)

Kande me en tala cirkonstanco kontre mea povreso tun amoris, tu refuzis.... - When in such circumstances contrary to my needs, I loved you, you refused....

Tu esforcis men amorar dum ke me supozis ke tu amoris l'altru. Ho, ve! - You strove (tried) to love me while I was thinking that you loved another. Oh my goodness gracious!

You can also add the -N ending when the meaning is too ambiguous.

Me helpos tu vice (instead of) tua fratulo, nam (for) tua fratulo esas/es tre okupata. -1 will help you instead of your brother (helping you), for your brother is very busy.

Me helpos tu vice tua fratulon, nam me preferas tu kam tua fratulo. -1 will help you instead of (helping) your brother, for I prefer you to your brother.

The Passive Voice

The passive voice is formed with the verb "to be" followed by passive participle:

La puero esas amata. - The boy is loved.

La puero esis amata. - The boy was loved.

La puero esos amata. - The boy will be loved.

The Perfect Tenses in passive voice are formed with the suffix -AB-:

La puero esabis amata. - The boy had been loved.

La puero esabos amata. - The boy will have been loved.

All these forms can be contracted by adding the verb "esas" ("to be") directly to the root: La puero amesas. - The boy is loved.

However, contracting the -AB- forms in passive voice are clumsy and hard to follow in conversation. Therefor:

"La puero esabos amata" is preferred to "La puero amesabos".

The present passive participle is most used, but the others are occasionally required. For example, the past perfect passive can be translated with the help of the past participle:

La puero esis amita. - The boy had been loved (literally, the boy was a was-loved-person).

The future passive participle suffix -OTA is used in the same way as the suffix -ONTA is used in the active voice, to translate "about to be", "going to be":

Olu esas facota. - It is about to be done.

La letro esas skribota. - The letter is going to be written.

The contracted passive is useful in sentences like the following:

Ica vorto uzesas rare. - This word is seldom used.

It is frequently neater and clearer to avoid the passive by using the pronoun "on" (one, they, people) with an active verb:

On trovas diamanti en India. - (Active) One finds diamonds in India, (passive) Diamonds are found in India.

The preposition "by" after a passive verb is always translated by "da":

Olu esas recevita da li. - It has been received by them.

The preposition "of" (possessive and genitive case) is "di"; "from" is "de".

This is Peter's book, received by Paul from John. - Ita esas la libro di Petro recevita da Paulo de Johano.

The reception of the President of the French Republic by the King of England. - La acepto di la Prezidanto(n) di la Franca Republiko da la Rejo di Anglia.

Like other adjectives, the participles can be changed into nouns of the same sense by changing the final -A into -O or -I:

La parolanto esas la urbestro. - The man-now-speaking is the mayor.

La kantanto esas yunino. - The person now singing is a young lady.

La disputanti aceptis arbitro. - The contending parties accepted arbitration.

La batato kriis, ma la batanto duris sua batado. - The one-who-was- being-beaten cried, but the one-who-was-beating continued his beating.

La regnati expresas granda kontenteso pri la agi di sua regnanti. - The subjects (those governed) express great satisfaction with the acts of their rulers.

They can also form adverbs of manner by changing -A into -E:

Ni progresas astonante. - We are progressing astonishingly (wonderfully).

Audante la informo, ilu iracis. - Hearing the news, he got angry.


-et- (forms diminutives, marking smallness and changing the idea of the root): domo - house, dometo - cottage, rivero - river, rivereto - brook, kantar - to sing, kantetar - to hum, ridar - to laugh, ridetar - to smile.

-ET also serves to form pet-names: matro - mother, matreto - mamma, Johano - John, Johaneto - Johnny/Jack.

-eg- (forms augmentatives, the opposite of diminutives, denoting largeness with a change in the idea of the root): domego - mansion, pluvo - rain, pluvego - downpour.

arki- (denotes pre-eminence): arkiepiskopo - archbishop, arkianjelo - archangel, arkiduko - archduke, arkifripono - arch rogue.

-estr- (head of, chief of): urbestro - mayor, navestro - ship's master, policestro - chief constable.

The two following two affixes (-ind-, -end-) should be grouped with the participle -ot- "about to be".

-ind- (worthy tobe ...): estiminda - estimable, aminda - lovable, kredinda - credible.

-end- (that must be ...,is tobe ...): lektenda - that must be read,

Me havas nulo skribenda. -1 have nothing to write (that must be written).

Thus, a problem to be solved (solvenda) is possibly not about to be solved (solvota) nor even worthy of solution (solvinda).

-es- (forms nouns having the sense "state, condition, quality"): sanesar - to be healthy saneso - health avareso - avarice beleso - beauty qualeso - quality

konstrukteso - (state of) construction [compare konstrukto, (act of) construction.]

konverteso - conversion (act ofbeing converted) okupeso - state ofbeing busy, occupation


What is your name? - Quale vu nomesas? I am called John. - Me nomesas Johano. Where do you come from? - De ube vu venas? What is your father's name? - Quale nomesas vua patro? Where were you born? - Ube vu naskis? I was born in London. - Me naskis en London. When were you born? - Kande vu naskis?

I was born in 1897. - Me naskis en mil e oka-cent e nona-dek e sep. Where do you live? - Ube vu habitas? I live at the sea-side. - Me habitas an la mar-bordo.

An la Tablo

Sro Brandsma: Mm. La torto esas bona! Ube tu kompris ol?

Sno Brandsma: Me ne kompris olu.Ma facis ol!

Sro B: Olu esas bonega. Ka tu lektis lajurnalo hodie?

Sno B: No. Me esis tro okupata. Ka ulo importanta eventis?

Sro B: Esas altra milito en Sud-Amerika. La Papo esas malada, ma ne grave. La chefa ministro probable vizitos Chinia enjunio.

Sno B: Ka esas irga informo pri la mikra puerino qua desaparis ye sundio?

Sro B: No. La policisti serchas tra la boski en la regiono di elua hemo.

Sno B: Ka on opinionas ke ulu ocidis el? (boski - small bushes)

Sro B: Me ne savas, mea karino. Voluntez pasigar la salo e la pipro!

Sno B: Ka tu deziras glaso de cidro?

Sro B: Yes. Me queros la botelo. Ube olu esas?

Sno B: Enla koqueyo. Ka tu rimemoras quo esas ye la televiziono canokte?

Sro B: Yes. Ye 8 kloki esas filmo. Un (filmo) tre anciena kun Elvis Presley. Ye la altra kanelo esas faktala filmo pri minacata animalo- speci.

Sno B: Me preferas savar pri la animali kam askoltar Elvis. Sro B: Bone, to konvenas a me.