mala - bad nigra - black
I am, Am I? - Me es, Ka me es?
He is, Is he? - ilu es, Kad ilu es?
You have, Have you? - Vu havas, Ka vu havas?
Am I good? No. - Ka me esas/es bona? No.
Are you beautiful? Yes. - Ka vu esas/es bela? Yes.
Is Mary wearing a beautiful skirt? - Ka Mary portas belajupo?
Yes, she is wearing a beautiful white skirt. - Yes, elu portas bela blanka jupo.
Is the policeman in the park? - Ka la policisto esas/es en la parko?
Is he in the park? - Kad ilu esas/es en la parko?
No, he is not here today. - No, ilu ne esas/es hike hodie.
Have you got a black dog? - Ka vu havas nigra hundo?
No, I have a brown dog. - No, me havas bruna hundo.
He is drinking. Is he drinking? - Ilu drinkas. Kad ilu drinkas?
Have you a cat? - Ka vu havas kato?
Yes, I have a white cat. - Yes, me havas blanka kato.
Is she coming? - Kad elu venas?
No, she is going to the bridge. - No, elu iras a la ponto.
Is the bird drinking? - Ka la ucelo drinkas?
Is the bird on the bridge? - Ka la ucelo esas/es sur la ponto?
No, it is not there. - No, olu ne esas/es ibe.
She is eating. Is she eating? - Elu manjas. Kad elu manjas?
Is she eating a fish? - Kad elu manjas fisho?
Is the fish in the water? - Ka la fisho esas/es en la aquo?
Yes, it is in the water, and the dog as well. - Yes, olu esas/es en la aquo, e la hundo anke.
In English, to show that we are talking about more than one thing, we usually add an "s", e.g. "cat" becomes "cats", "pig" becomes "pigs", etc. In Ido, forming the plural is also very simple. The -O ending of the noun is changed to an -I, so that "kato" (cat) becomes "kati" (cats), "hundo" (dog) becomes "hundi" (dogs) and so on without exception.
The adjective does not change for a plural noun; but when used without a noun, it becomes a noun itself, and then takes the plural form, if necessary:
blanka hundi - white dogs, nigra kavali - black horses
La blanki e la nigri - The whites and the blacks.
The Definite Article:- "le" for the Plural
The definite article "le" is used when there is no other sign that the reference is intended to be pluraclass="underline"
le yes e le no - the ayes and the nays
blanka hundi - white dogs, nigra kavali - black horses
Le blanka e le nigra - The whites and the blacks.
a cat, cats - kato, kati
a table, tables - tablo, tabli
I see the cat. - Me vidas la kato.
You see the cats. - Vu vidas la kati.
The cats are on the tables. - La kati esas/es sur la tabli.
The cat is sleeping behind the flowers. - La kato dormas dop la flori.
The books are black. - La libri esas/es nigra.
Does he like apples? - Kad ilu prizas pomi?
The parks are beautiful. - La parki esas/es bela.
Mary likes white skirts. - Mary prizas blanka jupi.
Have you got a beautiful skirt? - Ka vu havas bela jupo?
The fish are in the water. - La fishi esas/es en la aquo.
The policemen are not fat. - La policisti ne esas/es grosa.
The policemen are chasing the teenagers. - La policisti chasas la yuni.
The mice are chasing the cat. - La musi chasas la kato.
The birds are in the trees. - La uceli esas/es en la arbori.
The birds are on the bridges. - La uceli esas/es sur la ponti.
Are the children in the trees? - Ka la yuni esas/es en la arbori?
The horses are drinking the water. - La kavali drinkas la aquo.
The flowers are in the cup on the table. - La flori esas/es en la taso sur la tablo.
danko - thank you deziras - desires/wants durstas - is/are thirsty hungras - is/are hungry glaso - glass
glaso de lakto - glass of milk kafeo [ka-FE-o] - coffee kafeerio [ka-fe-E-ryo] - cafe kuko - cake
me pregas - please
taso de kafeo - cup of coffee
yen - here is
pekunio - money
semblas ke - it seems that
esas/es - is/am/are
ma - but
En la kafeerio
P: Bonjorno, Mary! Quale vu standas?
M: Bonjorno, Peter! Me standas bone, danko. E vu?
P: Tre bone, danko. Ka vu durstas?
M: Yes, me durstas. Ube la kafeerio esas?
P: Yen la kafeerio! Ka vu deziras taso de kafeo?
M: No, danko. Me deziras glaso de lakto, me pregas.
P: Ka vu hungras?
M: Yes, me hungras.
P: Ka vu deziras kuko?
M: Yes, me pregas. Me prizas kuki.
P: Hm...Mary... Semblas ke me ne havas mea pekunii... Ka vu havas pekunio?
Answer these general questions -> Examples
Quale vu nomesas? -> Me nomesas Bebson Hochfeld.
Quale vu standas? -> Me standas tre bone.
Ka vu ofte drinkas lakto? -> Yes, me tre ofte drinkas lakto.
Ka vu havas bela domo? -> Yes, me havas bela, mikra domo.
Ka vu havas gardeno? -> Yes, me havas mikra gardeno.
Ka vu havas kato? -> No, me ne havas un.
Ka vu prizas kati? -> No, me ne prizas kati.
Ka vu havas granda hundo? -> No, me nek (neither) prizas hundo.
Ka vu esas/es en la parko? -> Yes, me esas/es en la parko.
Ka vu hungras? -> Yes, me esas/es grosa e sempre hungras.
Ka vu prizas kafeo? -> Yes, me tre prizas kafeo.
Ka vu durstas? -> No, me ne durstas ma me hungras.
Ka vu deziras kuko? -> Yes, me multe deziras kuko.
Ka vu esas/es bona? -> Yes, me esas/es tre bona segun me (as far as I know).
Ka vu prizas blanka musi? -> No, no, me ne prizas musi.
blanka - white purpura - purple
blua - blue oranjea - orange
bruna - brown reda - red
flava - yellow rozea - pink
griza - grey verda - green
nigra - black violea - violet
The Imperative
The imperative is the form of the verb used for giving orders and commands. So far we have met the present tense ending -AS, as in "drinkas", "manjas", etc. To make the above words into commands is easy. You merely exchange the -AS ending with -EZ. This gives for example: drinkez! (Drink!), manjez! (Eat!), venez! (Come!).
sideskez - sit down! staceskez - stand up! tushez - touch! krayono - pencil adsur - onto/upon
levez - pick up Exempli
Standup! - Staceskez!
Sit down! - Sideskez!
Open the box! - Apertez la buxo!
Eat the apple! - Manjez la pomo!
Open the book! - Apertez la libro!
Open the door! - Apertez la pordo!
Close the book! - Klozez la libro!
Close the window! - Klozez la fenestro!
Touch the chair! - Tushez la stulo!
Touch the window! - Tushez la fenestro!
Drink your coffee! - Drinkez vua kafeo!
Pick the book up! - Levez la libro!
Pick the chair up! - Levez la stulo!
Pick up the pencil! - Levez la krayono!
Give the book to me! - Donez la libro a me!
Put the cup on the table! - Pozez la taso adsur la tablo!
Put the plate on the chair! - Pozez la plado adsur la stulo!
apertez - open! donez - give! irez - go! klozez - close! pozez - put!
Put the pencil on the table!
Pozez la krayono adsur la tablo!