The boy has a bottle ofbeer. - La yunulo havas botelo de biro.
The teachers of this school are good. - La instruktisti di ca skolo esas/es bona.
It is the teacher's bottle ofbeer. - Olu esas/es la botelo de biro di la instruktisto.
The boy and the girl are drinking the beer. - La yunulo e la yunino drinkas la biro.
They are not listening and so they are not learning. - Li ne askoltas e do li ne lernas.
The attractive girl is not listening to the bad teacher. - La atraktiva yunino ne askoltas la mala instruktisto.
En la drinkerio [drin-KE-ryo] P: Bon vespero, Mary! Quale vu standas hodie? M: Me standas bone, danko. Quale vu standas? P: Tre bone, danko.
M: Adube ni iras? - ("To" where are we going? )
P: Ni iras a la drinkerio. La drinkerio nomesas la Nigra Porko. Mea amiki dicas ke olu esas/es tre bona drinkerio.
M: Me ne savas ube la Nigra Porko esas. Ube olu esas, Peter?
P: Olu esas/es dop la domo di Sioro Jones, la dentisto.
M: Me rare iras a ta strado.
P: Ho, me ofte iras a ta strado, e me ofte drinkas biro en la Nigra Porko. Ha! Yen ol! Ka vu deziras biro, Mary?
M: Ka vu havas pekunio?
P: Ho, yes! Hodie me havas pekunio.
M: Do, me deziras glaso de biro.
Manjaji - Foods
butro - butter fabo - bean fisho - fish
flor-kaulo - cauliflower fromajo - cheese karno [KARR-no] - meat karoto - carrot ovo - egg
kaulo [KAw-lo] - cabbage konfitajo - jam kukombro - cucumber latugo - lettuce margarino - margarine mustardo - mustard onyono - onion pano - bread
Konversado: Exempli
Give me a fork. - Donez a me forketo. I have no spoon. - Me ne havas kuliero. This knife is not sharp. - Ta kultelo ne esas akuta. Pass me the salt. - Pasigez a me la salo.
May I trouble you for the bread? - Kad vu voluntus pasigar la pano?
Bring me a bottle of stout. - Adportez a me botelo de nigra biro.
Will you have a glass of ale? - Kad vu deziras glaso de flava biro?
I only drink water. - Me drinkas nur aquo.
Are you a teetotaller? - Kad vu esas ne-alkoholisto?
Will you have some salad? - Kad vu deziras salado?
Here is a fine lettuce. - Yen bela latugo.
pipro - pepper pizo - pea rosto-pano - toast salo - salt
sauco [SAw-co] - sauce/gravy karno-sauco [KARR-no-SAw-co] - gravy
sociso - sausage
sukro - sugar
supo - soup
tarto [TARR-to] - tart
terpomo [terr-PO-mo] - potato
tomato - [to-MA-to] - tomato
torto [TORR-to] - pie
vinagro - vinegar
yen - here is/are
Do you take oil and vinegar?
Kad vu prenas oleo e vinagro?
Here are the pepper and salt. - Yen la pipro e la salo.
Lesson 05 - Kinesma Leciono Personal Pronouns
By now most of the personal pronouns have been introduced, but for easy reference they are listed together below.
me - I/me tu - you vu - you il, ilu - he/him el, elu - she/her
ol, olu - it (usually for an inanimate thing) lu - he/she/it (indefinite "it") ni - we/us vi - you
li (ili/eli/oli) - they/them on - one/they/people
When necessary, the gender of they/them may be indicated by using the fuller forms instead ofjust "li":
"ili" for the masculine, "eli" for the feminine, and "oli" for the neuter.
And similarly in the singular "lu" is the common gender form of il, el, ol, corresponding to the plural "li". This form is useful in such sentences as:
If the reader desires fuller details, he or she (lu) may turn to page XXX.
Onu/On - one/they/people:
Onu/On dicez to quon on volas. - Let people say what they like.
The reflexive pronoun is "su" - himself/herself/itself/themselves (third person only).
Ilu lavas su. - He washes himself. Li lavas su. - They wash themselves.
Ilu manjis sua pomi, elu manjis sui - He ate his apples, she ate hers.
But, because "su" can be used only for third person:
Me manjis mea poma -1 ate my apple. (Not: Me manjis sua poma.)
Me lavas me. -1 wash myself.
Vu lavas vu. - You wash yourself.
"tu" refers to one person only. It shows affection towards the person addressed, and is therefore only to be used in special circumstances: a) within the family, b) between close friends, c) when addressing small children, d) perhaps when addressing an animal or pet.
"vu" also refers to one person only. It is the usual word for "you".
"vi" refers to more than one person, and is the plural ofboth "tu" and "vu".
I/Me - Me We/Us - Ni
She/Her - Elu He/Him - Ilu
It - Olu They/Them - Li
You (a close friend) - Tu You(a complete stranger) - Vu
You (a friendly dog) - Tu You (more than one person) - Vi
Are you good? - Ka vu esas/es bona?
Iam a dentist. - Me esas/es dentisto.
You are a doctor. - Vu esas/es mediko.
You are beautiful. - Tu esas/es bela.
It is in the house. - Olu esas/es en la domo.
You are good doctors. - Vi esas/es bona mediki.
He has a good friend. - Ilu havas bona amiko.
We are reading your books. - Ni lektas vua libri.
She likes beautiful flowers. - Elu prizas bela flori.
They are chasing the horses. - Li chasas la kavali.
Past Tense
In previous lessons we used the present tense verb ending -AS which shows that the action is taking place now. Changing this ending to -IS forms the past tense:
elu kantis - she sang/ she has sung/ she was singing/ she did sing. me manjis -1 ate/1 have eaten/1 was eating/1 did eat
The ending -IS is used for any action that has happened or was happening in the past, so it can be translated into English in the different ways shown in the above examples. You will learn later on other forms of expression which avoid any such possible confusion in meaning. The -IS ending is not the only way of expressing the past, but it is the easiest and most convenient.
Verbs - Past and Present
The present infinitive of verbs ends in -AR (bearing the accent on -AR):
kredar [kre-DARR] - to believe, donar [do-NARR] - to give.
The present tense ends in -AS:
me kredas [KRE-das]-1 believe, me donas [DO-nas] -1 give.
The past infinitive ends in -IR (accented):
kredir [kre-DIRR] - to have believed, donir [do-NIRR] - to have given.
The past tense ends in -IS:
nam - for/since nova - new
pro - because of pro ke - because queris - fetched restis - stayed
tro - too (much) wiskio - whisky
Me kredis [KRE-dis] -1 believed/1 have believed. Me donis [DO-nis] -1 gave/1 have given.
ek - out of
fabrikerio [fa-bri-KE-ryo] - factory
fantomo - ghost foresto - forest heme - at home malada - ill/sick
multa - much/many
I am. - Me es. I was. - Me esis. I have. - Me havas. I had. - Me havis.
We are going, We went. - Ni iras, Ni iris.
He was going, He went. - Ilu iris. Igo.- Me iras. I went. - Me iris.
I visited. - Me vizitis. He has visited. - Ilu vizitis.
He did eat. - Ilu manjis. I am eating. - Me manjas.
She works. - Elu laboras. She was working. - Elu laboris.
The dog drank. - La hundo drinkis.
He had a big cake. - Ilu havis granda kuko.
I also drank whisky. - Me anke drinkis wiskio.