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They read many books. - Li lektis multa libri.

I went to the forest. - Me iris a la foresto.

I visited the factory. - Me vizitis la fabrikerio.

I went to the new pub. - Me iris a la nova drinkerio.

It was drinking whisky. - Olu drinkis wiskio.

We went into the garden. - Ni iris aden la gardeno.

I drank too much whisky. - Me drinkis tro multa wiskio.

The new teacher saw you. - La nova instruktisto vidis vi.

I walked out of the town. - Me promenis ek la urbo.

The doctor stayed at home. - La mediko restis heme.

My dog fetched the doctor. - Mea hundo queris la mediko.

In the forest I saw a ghost. - En la foresto me vidis fantomo.

She often worked in the factory. - Elu ofte laboris en la fabrikerio.

I was ill because of the whisky. - Me esis malada pro la wiskio.

But the doctor was also ill and he didn't come. - Ma la mediko esis anke malada ed ilu ne venis.

laute - loud (adverb) lernas - learns letro - letter linguo - language nova - new omna-die - every day pose - afterwards saluto - greeting sempre - always skribas - writes studiar - to study texto - text traduko - translation trovas - finds ye - at/in/on Vortaro

ante nun - ago amiko - friend dii - days dum - for facas - do/does facila - easy fine - finally horo - hour ja - already kelka - some komencis - began komprenas - understands kordiala - cordial kurta - short lektas - reads


Pri linguo internaciona (international language)

Ka vuja lernas la nova linguo internaciona?

Me komencis studiar olu ye kelka dii ante nun, e me trovas ke olu esas

vere tre facila. Omna-die me lektas texto dum un horo; me sempre

lektas laute, nam oportas ke ni tre ofte lektez laute.

Pose me facas kurta traduko e fine me skribas letro en la nova linguo.

Ka vu komprenas to?

Kun kordiala saluto,

Vua amiko,


Here are some more useful affixes:

-er- (one who habitually does something, amateur): fumero - smoker, voyajero - traveller

-er- (also used for animals or things characterized by an habitual action):

reptero - reptile, remorkero - tug (-boat)

-ist- (meaning: a person who does something professionally):

koquisto - a cook, instruktisto - a teacher, skribisto - a writer artisto - artist, dentisto - dentist, fotografisto - a professional photographer (while an amateur photographer is fotografero)

-ist- (also indicates an adherent of a party or school of thought): Idisto - Idist, komunisto - communist, socialisto - socialist, idealisto - idealist

-ism- (system, doctrine, party): socialismo - socialism Katolikismo - Catholicism

-an- (member of a community, country, town or body): partisano - partisan societano - society member Parisano - Parisian Kanadano - Canadian

-ier- (who or what bears or is characterized by): pomiero - apple-tree roziero - rose-bush milioniero - millionaire

-ier- (also in a few words, "holder"): plumiero - pen-holder sigariero - cigar-holder

Note that all suffixes are added to the root of the word they are modifying, i.e. any grammatical ending is removed before adding the suffix:

skribas (writes), root = skrib, skribisto - writer polico (police), root = polic, policisto - policeman

Gender-specific Words

As we have seen before, living things can be made male or female by adding the infixes -UL- or IN-. Originally there were no exceptions to this.However it was found convenient to include in the language a few very common words of one gender only:

patro (father)

matro (mother)

viro (adult man)

muliero (woman)


Here are some more useful affixes:

-id- denotes offspring: Izraelido - Israelite bo- (-in-law): bopatro - father-in-law

chambro - room desneta - dirty dormo-chambro - bedroom

facis - made/did fakte - in fact fratulo - brother heme - at home hemo - a home kande - when koquas - cooks koquero - cook

laboris - worked ledro - leather

ma - but

matro - mother

neta - clean

netigas - cleans

nia - our

nun - now

nur - only

plastiko - plastic

puero - child (7 years to


restas - stays

shuo - shoe

shu-fabrikerio - shoe factory tota - all/whole

Mea Matro

Mea matro restas heme. Elu laboras en la hemo. Elu netigas la chambri. Me esas/es neta, ma mea fratulo esas/es tre desneta. Do la matro ofte netigas nia dormo-chambro. Fakte la matro netigas la tota domo. Elu anke koquas por ni. Elu esas/es tre bon koquero. Kande me esis puero, elu laboris en la shu-fabrikerio. Elu facis shui ek ledro e plastiko. Nun elu ne laboras en la fabrikerio ma elu laboras nur por ni. Elu esas/es tre bona matro.


An adverb is a word which describes how, when or where an action is, was, or will be done. For example "he worked" may be that "he worked" + "well" or "badly" or "often" or "quickly", and so on.

In English most adverbs end in -LY, but not all. The equivalent ending in Ido is -E. All Ido adjectives can be made into adverbs by changing the adjectival -A ending to the adverbal-E:

mala - bad -> male - badly

rapida - fast/rapid -> rapide - rapidly

danjeroza - dangerous -> danjeroze - dangerously

rapida - fast ecelanta - excellent ecelante - excellently instruktar - to teach instruktisto - teacher amiko - friend multa - much multe - a lot treno - train koquar - to cook koquisto - (noun) cook kuko - cake


He works well. - Ilu laboras bone. He teaches badly. - Ilu instruktas male. The child is good. - La puero esas/es bona. The teacher is bad. - La instruktisto esas/es mala. The train went fast. - La treno iris rapide. She cooks excellently. - Elu koquas ecelante. They like cakes a lot. - Li multe prizas kuki. We saw the fast train. - Ni vidis la rapida treno. The cook is excellent. - La koquisto esas/es ecelanta. He has a good many friends. - Ilu havas multa amiki.


alumeto - match butiko - shop butikisto - shopkeeper certe - certainly chanco - luck desfortunoza - unfortunate fino - end helpas - helps hiere - yesterday kliento - customer kun - with matino - morning merkato - market monato - month

obliviis [ob-LI-vyis] - forgot

pagas - pays

paketo - packet

pro - because of

pro quo - why

quon - what

sempre - always

servas [SERR-vas] - serves

sigareto - cigarette

vakanco - holiday

vetero - weather

ye - at


En la butiko (B=Butikisto, M=Mary) B: Bon matino, Mary! Quon vu deziras?

M: Bon matino, Sioro Harris! Me deziras paketo de sigareto e buxo de alumeti por mea matro, ed anke botelo de lakto.

B: Ka vu pagas nun o ye la fino di la monato?

M: Me ne pagas nun. Me obliviis mea pekunio. Fakte, Peter havas olu, ed ilu es en la merkato. Ka Siorino Harris ne helpas vu hodie?

B: No, elu havas vakanco. Elu iris hiere a London.

M: Elu certe havas bona chanco. La vetero esas/es bela. Pro quo vu ne iris kun elu?

B: Pro la butiko. Me restas hike e servas la klienti. M: Butikisti esas/es tre desfortunoza. B: Yes, ni sempre laboras.