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I go back down and help them make dinner, since my mom is picking up Grandma at the airport. Faith and Lyndsay show up around the same time as they arrive, so we all are able sit to down for our meal together. It has been a year since we have all sat down to a meal together. It's difficult juggling our different schedules between work, school, and discount airplane tickets.

Grandma wants to hear all about the job at River’s Bend, so Lyndsay and I take turns talking about it, her a little more than me. Grandma doesn’t notice my lack of stories. After I help put dishes into the dishwasher, she says, “So I hear we’ve got a new room to view.”

Kaitlin and I exchange a glance. She has a little bit of worry in her eyes, but I flash her a smile to put her at ease. “There is,” I say slowly.

“Well, come on, let’s have a look-see.” We all make our way up the stairs. My heart is beating rapidly, and I want to cross my fingers but can’t. As if it would make a difference.

I push Kaitlin to the front and tell her to do the honors. It is her room after all. She smiles shyly and puts her hand on the knob but hesitates. She is still worried about the reaction. When I nod to her, she opens the door and clicks on the light.

Her room has been transformed into a palace.

The dark purple encases the room in a royal glory. It bypasses the lilac by miles with its deep hue. The throw pillows match the walls, and the gold edging just adds to the regal effect. Overall, it turned out greater than I imagined.

I'm not the only one who thinks so. As everyone peers into the room with wide eyes and an open mouth, smiles start to emerge. Grandma is the first to speak. “Land sakes, my dear, this is elegant.”

“This is such a beautiful color, Kait,” Maurice says.

Lyndsay gives me a thumbs-up.

“You have impeccable taste,” Faith says as she gives Kaitlin a side hug.

I don’t make eye contact with my mom. I am still terrified of the reaction myself. Knowing she won’t make a scene with company doesn’t stop the possibility of a death stare. Her silence is making me wary.

Kaitlin is speechless. She stares into her room at her bed and the two pillows. She looks at me. “Where did you get the pillows?” she asks with bright eyes.

“Oh,” I say nonchalantly, “I found them at a boutique. One, well, actually, two of a kind. There weren’t any others left.” I didn’t want to lie again but I know if I say I made them, they will want to know when. We don’t have a sewing machine here, and the times I'm at Lyndsay’s are the times I'm supposed to be elsewhere.

“You two sure know how to decorate a room,” Grandma says with a smile. She turns to my mom. “I can see you’re rubbing off on these two, Joy.”

I cringe, expecting the worst.

“You’re absolutely right, Mother. I taught them well.”

My eyes widen as I finally look to my mom. She has a kind smile on her face.

Maurice declares, “Looks like the next step is to pick out new bed-sheets to match the wall and new pillows.”

“Really?” Kaitlin asks with a bounce. Maurice nods. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she says as she hugs him tightly. Then she turns and bolts over to me. Her arms wrap around me just as tight, and she says, “Thank you so much for the pillows. I love them.”

I melt at her words. Who knew how much an insignificant thing such as paint color would affect this? I had imagined her being happy. I had imagined her being grateful. I didn’t imagine this. It's all I can do to hold back the tears.

I squeeze her back and say, “You’re welcome.”

Chapter Seventeen

Wednesday, June 27th

My mom hasn't said a word about the color switch since the room reveal. In fact, I even overheard Grandma tell my mom later that night that she was proud of her for allowing her stepdaughter to choose her own color. I think Grandma's words may have struck a nerve, in a good way, letting my mom know how important it is to let the little things go. As obsessive as my mom is about her house, I like to believe she has come to terms with it better than I thought possible. Talk about a sigh of relief.

I also haven't heard from Chevy yet. He promised he would call when he got back. He should have been back Thursday night, or Friday if he got a late start. Maybe I shouldn’t be too concerned. He could just be busy with work, or his phone died, or…I don’t know what else. I tried calling him Tuesday but it went straight to voicemail without ringing. I shrugged it off, thinking that maybe he turned it off while working. The same thing happened later when I tried again. I asked Lyndsay what I should do. She told me not to worry and that he'll call me back when he can.

Easier said than done.

As I walk up to Lyndsay’s house Wednesday morning, Faith is standing in the doorway to greet me. “Guess what?”

I look at her apprehensively as I step inside. “What?” I ask slowly.

“A coworker of mine saw your pillows and now she wants some of her own.”

What is she talking about? “Wait, what? How did she see them?”

She deviously smiles. “I snapped a few photos of those pillows before we left last week and shared them with the girls at work. They all thought they were adorable. When I told them my niece made them, they were floored. They kept saying how you are so talented.” She smiles proudly. “One of them is in the process of redecorating her master bedroom. She said a couple of your pillows would be a perfect accent.”

I wave my hands in front of her to stop her. “Hold on, let me see if I’m understanding this correctly. Somebody wants me to make something for them?”

She nods.

A sewing project I will be paid for? When I started this endeavor, I imagined it taking a little bit of time before it goes anywhere.

I beam. “This is great! What kind of pillows does she want?”

“She said she liked the style of the ones you made, only her colors would be deep red with black trim. She’s going to email me some pictures of the room as a reference.”

“How much is she going to pay?”

When she tells me, my jaw drops.

Faith laughs at my reaction. “Don’t be so surprised! We need to go to a craft show sometime. That is pretty much the average.”

Shows how much I know about these things. I was expecting maybe half that. “Thank you, Aunt Faith. This is just great.”

The rest of the day is spent in planning the pillows. In the excitement of my first sale, I start to plot out more ideas. They begin to flow out, a new wave of creativity at my fingertips. I had no idea how much I would love designing and sewing things myself. The stuff I made when I was little was fun but it's different now. Different maybe because I’m older and have a better sense of color and design.

When it becomes time to go home, I take the long route so I can drive by Chevy’s house. Upon seeing his car in the driveway, I am relieved he's home safe. Part of me is a little hurt that I haven't heard from him since he's obviously home. I'd like to stop in but I don’t want to come across as needy. I've already left him a couple voicemails and one text message, and even that many feels like too many.

Chapter Eighteen

Saturday, June 30th

I'm about to give up hope.

Upon opening my eyes Saturday, I have zero motivation to do anything. I can’t work on my project. I can’t go to the store for material until tomorrow. I lay on my bed browsing through fashion magazines. At least I can work on ideas.

It’s mid afternoon when the doorbell rings. Since no one else is home, I have to get up to answer it. Why does this have to happen when I’m comfortable? I trudge down the stairs to the door.