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“You forgot something.” Her lacy panties dangled from his fingertip.

“Souvenir.” She smiled and tried to bravado her way out of what was turning into a sticky situation. Seriously? Seriously? What single man in his thirties didn’t know the one-nighter protocol? If the other party wanted to bail, you weren’t allowed to get upset. “Thank you for a lovely time, but I’ll just be go—”

“Freeze,” he barked in a voice reserved for criminals. But she froze just the same. There was no disregarding that tone.

She watched him stalk down the stairs in silence, every inch the dangerous man, the predator. It sent a thrill through her to watch him, and she stomped all over any kind of enamored feeling. That road led to ugliness and heartache. Her underwear hit the coffee table in front of her as he flung them down and crossed his arms over his chest, his muscles rippling with the movement. He wore only a pair of jeans, his damp hair sleek against his scalp. The fact that he had any clothes on reminded her that she was still naked. She snagged her panties from where he’d dropped them and pulled them on. Then her jeans, bra, T-shirt and shoes. Okay, it was way past time to go. He watched her dress, but didn’t say anything. The silence was suffocating. She sighed. “Look. I had a great time. I really did, but I can’t do this.”

“You did do this.” He braced foot on the low table, and propped a forearm on his knee. The morning sun streaming through the windows played over his broad shoulders.

She dragged her gaze away from his muscles and focused on his face. “You know what I mean. I’m not interested in more that what we did last night. And this morning. I don’t do serious.” “I haven’t asked for anything—”

“I know. It’s not your fault. It’s all me.” Jesus, she couldn’t believe she was going to give a guy the it’s not you, it’s me speech. This was surreal. She also couldn’t believe he was going to nail her for this. What guy didn’t want no-strings sex? Scott sure as hell loved it with the waitresses on their restaurant staff. Her spine snapped straight at the reminder of why she didn’t do complications. Her eyes narrowed. “To be blunt—”

“When aren’t you?” His tone had gone sotto voce, and she wanted to kick him. Of course, that would put her within his arm’s reach, and him getting his hands on her again was a bad idea. Very bad. A wash of heat went through her, and she studiously ignored it. She didn’t want this, she didn’t want him, she’d had her night of fun, he was out of her system, and it was over. Done. It had to be. For her own good.

She crossed her arms tightly across her chest to cover the betraying tightness of her nipples. “To be blunt, you’re the kind of guy I could fall for. And I can’t do that. I just can’t. I’m sorry.” That may have been an over-share, but it seemed to shut him up. Surprise flashed across his face and his mouth snapped closed so fast his teeth clacked together. She took that as her cue to go, so she picked up her purse, walked out and didn’t allow herself to look back.

Thank God she had her shop renovations to throw herself into for the rest of the day. Since she had to redo all her upholstery and repaint a wall, she’d decided to redo the earth-toned color scheme of Bean There, Done That to something more vibrant. The insurance company was paying for it, so why not do an impromptu remodel? Her new curtains and chair cushions should arrive the following week. She worked until her eyes began to cross with exhaustion. The fact that she hadn’t slept the night before didn’t help at all. The sun had begun to set when she finally washed out the brushes she’d used to paint. The workmen had gone home hours before.

A knock on the front door of her shop had her head popping up from where she was bent over the sink. Leaning to the side to see through the glass, she spotted Price. Her heart stuttered at the sight of him, and she groaned. Man, she had it bad. She was jonesing for him like a crack addict who’d just escaped from rehab.

Good thing she would never let it go further than one night of hot sex. She’d had to restrain herself from thinking about him today. And he had to come here and screw it up. She wondered if he’d arrest her if she ignored him.

Probably. She wouldn’t put it past him. He wasn’t exactly a beta male. Nope, full on alpha. Too bad she liked that in her men. Someone who could match her. Not permanently, but she shouldn’t have to be bored while she was dating, right?

Heat wound through her as she remembered his hands on her skin, his body moving over hers, his lips playing against her mouth. She wanted him to go away. She wanted him to give her more. She was so fucking confused.

Rubbing a tired hand down her face, she let out a shaky breath as she stepped around the counter to unlock the door.

He propped his forearm against the doorjamb and looked her over at his leisure. A shiver slid down her flesh. “Hey, sugar.”


He straightened and walked past her into the shop. His gaze swept the interior. “You’ve almost got it all fixed up—it doesn’t even look like there was a fire. Nice.”

Her arms folded around her middle. “What are you doing here, Price? We talked this morning about how we wouldn’t see each other again.”

He leaned his elbows back against the countertop, crossing his legs at the ankle. “No, you said we wouldn’t see each other again. I never agreed.”

Panic skittered down her spine. “Price, please—”

“Begging is good. And I love it when you please me, Aubrey.” A slow smile crossed his handsome face.

Her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. She poked a finger towards his chest. “You know what? Just… shut up. We had a one-night stand, Chief. I’m betting it wasn’t your first, and I doubt very much that it’ll be your last. I told you, I don’t do relationships.”

He tsked low in his throat. “But you do more than a bunch of one-night stands. I asked around about you—”

“You asked around?” Her eyebrows arched and her mouth sagged open for a moment. “I live in this little hamlet, Price. People are going to talk if you start asking around about my sexual history.”

He continued as though she hadn’t spoken. “I asked around about you, and you’ve dated six men in the last few years, all for roughly two to three months. Just long enough for them to want more than sex and start making noises about wanting a real relationship. Am I getting warm?”

Her teeth ground together, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of answering. Apparently, her silence was enough for him, because a knowing smile curved his full lips. She offered him a glare in return and stomped behind the counter. Presumptuous jackass. “It doesn’t matter what you think. You can’t force me to date you. Or sleep with you.”

“Force?” Anger sparked in his eyes as he slapped his hands on the counter and leaned toward her. “I sure as hell didn’t force you to strip tease for me last night.”

“And I said ‘not again’ this morning.” Her hands planted on her hips. “No means no, Price. I’m sure you can grasp the concept.”

He pushed himself upright, stalking her across the coffee shop. She backpedaled as fast as she could until she’d gone all the way into the back room and was pressed against the prep table. The heat of his big body enveloped hers, and she fought a moan. Please God, don’t let him touch her again. She would not be able to handle it.

Bracing her hands on the prep table, she pulled herself up to sit on it. Anything to get some distance. Her body screamed for more of him. His hands, his lips, his teeth and tongue. She shuddered, heat racing through her. Her pussy clenched on nothing, and she could feel herself get slick with want. She sucked in a breath, trying to calm her pounding heart. It just drew his cologne to her. He smelled amazing, and her skin had smelled like him this morning when she woke up. His scent mixed with hers. Her nipples peaked tight, thrusting against the cotton bra she wore.