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I quickly got up and made my way over to Emmit. He pulled me down and across his lap as he kissed my nose lightly. “What if I told you I had another surprise?”

Lola lifted her head and looked at us. I couldn’t help but chuckle. “I think Lola is really hoping it’s not another puppy.”

Emmit glanced over to Lola. “Calm yourself girl, no more dogs in our household.”

Lola seemed satisfied as she dropped her head to the floor and closed her eyes again.

My hand landed on Emmit’s broad chest as I traced the pattern on his T-shirt. “So are you going to tell me the surprise or am I going to have to tickle it out of you?”

Emmit lifted his brow and let out a gruff laugh. My mouth fell open as I looked at him in disbelief. “What? You don’t think I can tickle you?”

Jerking his head back like I had just said the most insane thing he’d ever heard, Emmit slowly shook his head. “Please, don’t make me laugh.”

I moved to adjust myself to where I was straddling him. One press against his hardening length had Emmit swallowing hard. I knew I only had one shot at this so I had to play my cards right. Leaning in, I sucked gently on his ear lobe as he grabbed onto my waist and pushed up. The feel of his hard dick against me had my inner sex goddess arguing with me on what action to take next.

One quick peek over my shoulder showed Hank totally focused on driving. Turning back to Emmit, I wiggled my eyebrows as his eyes widened.

Dropping his head back, he softly said, “Yes.”

I placed my hands on his chest and pushed harder into him as I slid my hands under his shirt and went for my attack.

It took Emmit a few seconds to realize what was happening. I busted out laughing at his confused expression. Trying to grab my hands, I pushed harder onto his dick as he laughed and then moaned.

“Not fair! You’re double playing me!” Emmit yelled out as he grabbed my hands and pulled them away. I didn’t even know what had happened before I realized I was thrown over Emmit’s shoulders as he tickled me everywhere he knew I was ticklish.

“Emmit! I’m going to pee my pants if you don’t stop!”

Slapping me hard on the ass, Emmit called out, “Good. You sneaky little thing.”

Emmit shut the door to the bedroom and dropped me onto the bed. I attempted to crawl away, but he grabbed me and pulled me back to him. “Think you can tickle me and get away with it?”

“It was a challenge I had to take!” I said as I laughed so hard it felt like I would pee my pants any second.

Lola jumped up on the bed and licked my face as I yelled for her to stop. “Lola! No girl! Get . . . Daddy!”

I thrashed my head back forth as I called out, “I can’t breathe! Emmit . . . can’t . . . breathe . . . going . . . to pee!”

Emmit stopped tickling me as he sat back laughing. “I love your laugh so fucking much.”

Trying to catch my breath, I sat up and shook my head. “You wouldn’t have loved it if it made me pee on you.”

The way he scrunched up his nose was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. My smile faded some as I looked into Emmit’s eyes. Every now and then I would think about the three years we lost. Those moments between us that we’d never had because of me caused my heart to ache. Looking away, I expelled a deep breath and shook my head. “Man oh man, it feels good to laugh like that.”

Emmit lay on his side and gazed up at me. “Yeah, it does.”

I reached out my hand and traced the tattoo that ran down his left arm. “So, are you going to tell me the surprise?”

Emmit shrugged as if what he had to say was no big deal. “Oh yeah. We got the date we wanted at LaLuna.”

I almost fell off the bed when I jumped up. “What? Emmit, are you serious?”

Emmit let out a chuckle. “Yeah, baby, I’m serious. You’re getting your Christmas wedding.”

The moment I started jumping up and down, Lola started barking. “I know girl! I know!”

I didn’t even care I was behaving like a child. I spun around and screamed like a little girl as Emmit stood up and grabbed me. With one pull, I was back in his arms. “Are you happy, Addie?”

My arms wrapped his neck as I fought to hold my tears back. “Oh, Emmit. I’ve never been happier.”

I stepped into the house and let out a sigh of relief. I loved being on circuit with Emmit, and I loved my job, but I loved being home too. We’d gotten in late last night and I barely had time this morning to take care of the last minute preparations for Emmit’s surprise birthday party. Robby had convinced Emmit to head to the garage to go over some pit strategies.

Lola ran past me and straight to the kitchen. With a shake of my head, I followed her and grabbed a can of dog food from the pantry. “You hungry girl?”

Giving me a bark, I opened the can and dropped the food into her bowl.

I spun around and headed downstairs to check everything out. Ashley had secretly flown in two days ago for the party. Her and Candace started decorating the downstairs area as soon as Emmit left this morning while I ran into town to pick up some food.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. Pulling it out, I saw Robby’s name.

Robby: Hey, is there any way you can come to the shop?

My heart sunk.

Me: Is everything okay?

Robby: Oh yeah sorry! I left the cake there. Stephanie asked me to pick it up and I had it in the refrigerator and Emmit and I just headed down to the track. If you could come now and get it, he won’t see you.

Sighing, I shook my head. I had a ton of things to do and this just threw a wrench into everything.

Me: Sure. I’ll just call Candace and Ashley and have them come over and start the food.

Robby: Cool. Thanks!

Hitting the home button on my phone a little too hard, I tried not to be angry. Damn Stephanie. Why in the hell did she ask Robby to get the cake? That was her job!

“Hey, sweetie!” Candace said in a chipper voice.

“Hey, Candace. Are you and Ashley busy?”

“No, why?”

I didn’t even care that I let out a frustrated moan. “Stephanie asked Robby to pick up the cake and he can’t bring it back here along with Emmit. I don’t want to call her, so I’m going to go get it. Is there anyway y’all could come over and start getting some of this finger food ready? The caterer will be here in forty minutes.”

“Of course, Adaline. Don’t even worry. You head on out, and Ashley and I will be right over.”

As I dashed back up the stairs, I let Lola out back to go pee. “Hurry up girl.” I called out as Lola did her thing and ran back in. Grabbing my purse and keys, I dashed out the door and headed to the shop.

Ten minutes later I pulled up and couldn’t help but notice Stephanie’s BMW. Narrowing my eyes at her car, I shook my head. “What in the hell? If she is here why couldn’t she get the damn cake?” I pushed open my door and quickly got out, slamming it behind me. The anger racing through my body was undeniable. I was going to give her a piece of my mind.

The door to the front office rang when I opened it. I could hear two voices talking as I made my way to the break room. I stopped in my tracks when I heard Emmit’s voice.

“What are you talking about? There is no way in hell I’m telling Addie. No, this has to be kept a secret.”

My heart sunk as I made my way closer to Emmit’s office. “Emmit, I think it’s for the best. She deserves to know the truth.”

“What do you mean, that makes no sense? Why are you even bringing this up, Steph?”

I slowly walked up closer and stopped. I could see through the reflection on the mirror in the hallway. I could have sworn Stephanie looked directly at me in the mirror. Looking away, she said, “I can’t hide it anymore, Emmit.”