The baron left the room, and, in a few seconds, the two youthsentered. The boy had the key. He unlocked the collar, and he and the girl, eachholdingChilde by an arm, hustled him out of the room. They passed two doorsand entered the third, which was already open. This was a room the size of theone he had just left, but its walls were oak-paneled, the ceiling was paintedlight blue, and the floor was covered with a thick Persian rug profuse withswastikas inside circles. There were a number of collars hanging from chains attachedto bolts sunk into the wall, however. Childe was again held by a metal collar.
This room must have no secret entrances.
The baron looked at his wristwatch and said, "We have to dosomething abouther. She wasn't dangerous until she got enfleshed. But everything hasits disadvantage. Now she's dangerous, she's also vulnerable. We can dosomethingabout her, and we will. I'm going to call a conference."
Mrs. Grasatchow pouted. She said, "Now Magda's out of the way, I'd thought..."
"Half an hour. No more," Igescu said. "I'll send somebody down toescort you. You wouldn't want to be alone on the way up."
The fat woman started. It was as if a tidal wave were racingthrough herflesh.
"You mean I...I... have to worry? That I'm in danger?" She bellowed with laughter. "We all are," the baron said. "All of a sudden, our security is
gone. This," he stabbed a thumb at Childe, "has something to do with it but Idon't know what. He's a focus of some sort. Maybe Dolores has been waiting forsomeone like him all these years.
"Half an hour," he said. "I mean it. And don't use him up. Istill want a piece of him."
The baron left, closing the door behind him. Mrs. Grasatchowstarted to take her clothes off. Childe's legs began to shake again.
He told her that she was wasting her time. He did not tell, herthat, evenif he had not been drained and weakened, he would have been unable torespondpositively to her. The enormous hanging breasts, the tremendousbelly, whichcurved out and overhung the genitals so far that they could not beseen in the shadows and folds, the hips, sackish with fat, the tree-trunk legs, repulsedhim. He doubted that he could have gotten a hard-on even if he werein full strength and had not had an emission for a month.
Mrs. Grasatchow said, "That spook-bitch sucked you dry, heh?" Andthen she laughed. She was close to him; the blast of alcohol made him feellike vomiting. There must be almost two gallons in that pony-sized gut.
She had brought into the room a large bear-skin-purse and abottle of wine and a bottle of Scotch. She poured the wine over his belly andgenitals and thengot on her knees and licked them off. He did not respond.
She came up off her knees like a boulder tossed up by a volcanicexplosion. Her hand struck him on the side of his jaw. He saw comets and fellback, half-unconscious, against the wall.
"You little asshole!" she screamed. "You may look like George, but you surearen't the man he was!"
She waddled to her purse and took out a silvery cone about twoinches long. "This will put some life into you! Once it's in you!"
Grinning, she approached him. He shrank back against the wall andthen leaped out at her, striking at her. Laughing, she caught his wristand turned it until he cried out in agony and sank to his knees as far as the chainwould allow. Choking; he tried to stand up again, but she forced him downuntil he was almost unconscious again.
He regained his senses to find himself turned around, his face tothe wall. Something--he knew it was the cone--was being shoved up his anus.
"You've never had anything like this, little man!" she crooned. "Never! You'll not forget this night, as long as you live! Oh, little man, Iwish I were you just now, so I could fuck me!"
The cone burned at first and made him feel as if he had to shit. After about half a minute, it seemed to turn icy and to become heavy, as if itwere a lead sinker just removed from a freezer. The coldness and heaviness spreadout, uphis intestines, coil after coil, like a snake racing ahead of the IceAge buttoo slow, into his testicles, which became bells ringing withchilliness, intohis solar plexus, and, at the other terminus, into his penis. Liquidnitrogenpumping into every tube of his body.
He squirmed as the stuff fell down the shafts of his legs andflapped slowlyspiraling up the shaft of his trunk. The powerful bands of the fatwoman tightened, and she said, "Quiet, little lover. This won't hurt you, and you'llbe a man such as you never were!"
The icy weight lapped at the base of his brain. His neckbones andhindbrain felt crystallized. He could distinguish each vertebra and each cellof the cerebellum as a frozen entity. He could also feel the individualvessels of his penis slowly filling with half-frozen blood. By then, Mrs. Grasatchowhad turned him around again and was down on her elephantine knees and sucking onhis penis. She grunted as if she were a sow tearing into a corncob, but, as faras he could detect, he was being treated gently enough. Her jaws did not move, only herlips, shaped around the glands, moved. He could feel nothing. Hemight as wellhave had a hundred local shots of morphine over his body and onemassive shot in his penis. But if his brain was receiving no tactile message, part ofhis bodywas. The penis, like an independent creature, a leech stuck in hermouth and drawing blood from her tongue, was gradually filling up.
When she felt that it was as swollen and rigid as it could be, she stood up. She said, "You're not going any place, not now!" She unlocked thecollar and putthe key in her purse. He tried to run from her to the door, but hislegs wouldnot move.
She lay down on the floor and spread her thighs open--it was likethe Red Sea splitting to make passage for the horde of Moses--and she said, "Eat me!"
Obediently, although his frozen brain tried to push out a messageof resistance to his nerves, he got down and spread the slit open andprepared totongue the clitoris first, as was his habit.
She said, "No, idiot! The other way! Sixty-nine!"
He crawled up onto her and swiveled around. She took in his penisuntil his hairs pressed against her lips. He could not feel this, but he lookedthroughthe space that existed briefly between their bodies and saw the hairsand the narrow band of the root. He flicked the tip of his tongue over the"little penis." A "little penis" this clitoris was. He had never seen such anenormous one. He did have some difficulty getting to it, however, because herbelly wasso huge. It was like having to curve over a hill, hanging upsidedown, to lickat a spring in a crevasse at the bottom of the hill.
The worst of it was, he felt no sexual stimulation, only disgust. But he had to do exactly as she said, and his organs, outside of the brain, mustbe responding to some sensory input.
At another order, he withdrew his penis from her mouth and turnedaround and inserted it into her vagina. He began pumping slowly but soon speededup inresponse to her command. She began groaning and moaning, turning herhead from side to side, crying out in a foreign language, rolling the greathips sidewaysand then thrusting and now and then lifting herself up from the waistand grabbing his buttocks and pulling and pushing him.
He did not know how long they were in this position nor whetheror not he had an orgasm. But the time came when she rolled him off her, theuncouplingwetly announcing itself, and got above him and eased herself downupon his penisand moved the great body as lightly and swiftly as a toy balloon onthe end of a string. After what seemed to be a hundred orgasms, judging by hernumber of frenzies, she got off him and went to the corner after her bottle ofwhiskey. Heseemed able to move a little of his own volition, so he turned towatch her. She sat on the rug, leaning against the wall, looking like an over- yeasted mass ofdough.