Childe became aware that he was gasping. He could hear his breathrattlingin and out, but he could not feel the thudding of heart nor themoving of hisribs.
Mrs. Grasatchow downed at least a fourth of the quart and thenlooked at her wristwatch.
"Forty-five minutes," she said. "Igescu will be furious."
She heaved herself up and said, "Hmm! What's wrong? He said he'dsend somebody after me."
She opened the door and looked down the hallway. Childe tried torun toward her then, hoping to knock her down with his momentum and get awaydown the hall. He only managed, after a seemingly long time, to get to his feet. Ifhe had exerted himself prodigiously, he did not know it. Reception from hismuscles was still cut off.
On seeing him move, the woman's eyebrows went up, and she said, "Do you feelthat suppository burning now?"
"No," he said. "It's still cold and heavy."
"You'll feel it in a moment. You'll think a hot-air balloon is going up yourass!"
A laughquake shook her. Afterward, she said, "That stuff has avery peculiareffect. You didn't feel anything while you were fucking me, but wait. I wish I could take advantage of you then, but you'll have to enjoy yourselfwith yourself."
She looked at her wristwatch again. "Maybe I won't go. I thinkIgescu hasforgotten me. Or he knows I'll be very angry indeed if I don't getall of you. Now, you just stand right there, little Georgey Porgey Pudding Pie. I'll fix youup again, and double the effect. I don't want you acting up on me."
As if a bore tide had reversed and was running back to sea, thecoldness and heaviness became warmth and lightness. The second effect startedwhere the first had ended, in the brain and the tip of his glands. The warmth andlightnessraced inward from all borders and met in the region of the cone, inhis anus, where, for a second, it burned as if a meteorite had just ended itsfiery curvethere.
He cried out with the pain.
The fat woman said, "Oh, oh! It's happened!" and she charged, onehand opento grab him and another cone in the other hand. She seemed to grow aslarge asthe wall. Her flesh shook like a loose robe in a stiff wind. Childe launched himself at her, his hands out to grab her ears, because he meant totear them off. He would have to fight savagely to get past her to the door. Even when he had his full strength, he would have been outmuscled by her, not tomention outweighed.
His hands caught her ears, and his face thrust into one breast asviolently"as if he had been dropped from the ceiling onto her. She screamed, because he had bitten down on the excrescence suddenly appearing between histeeth. It was- her nipple, as he found out when he got up from the floor where shehad thrown him. He spat out the piece of flesh--the nipple and some white skinaround it--and rose shakily. She was still screaming and rolling back andforth and clutching her mutilated breast.
Childe did not wait to completely recover from the impact of thefloor. Fighting dizziness and a pain in his shoulder, he kicked her betweenher legs asshe started to roll toward him. His big toe disappeared momentarilyin her slit. She screamed again. A flailing arm knocked his leg out from underhim. He fell crosswise on top of her belly. She clamped her arms down on hisbuttocks and then one hand slid down to grab his testicles. With a desperate jerk, he turned over to face her, still crosswise, seized a breast, and twisted.
Her arms came up; she screamed again. Childe rolled away acrossher bellyand down her legs. It was like rolling down a small hill. He got outof the wayof her kicking legs and leaped up and came down with both bare feeton her face. Her head was driven back against the floor; her nose was smashed; blood burst; her eyes crossed.
Again, he leaped and came down with both feet on her belly. Hesank deep. Her wind whooshed out, as if somebody had opened a big door to adistillery with a strong cross-draft. He almost gagged. But he jumped a third time, once more on her face. Her nose became even flatter. Her eyes rolled up until onlythe whites showed. Her mouth was wide open, braced like a sail against the windof her agony to get her breath back.
And, at that moment, the cone reversed its effect. It was as ifthe entire coition with her had been recorded with a glass window betweenhimself and his nerve endings. He could see but could not hear. Now, the glass wasgone, and hecould hear the rerun. With this difference.
He was no longer frozen. He now felt everything exquisitely; hecould feel his cock in her mouth and between her breasts and in her cunt, eventhough theywere no longer there.
During the fight, though he had not been aware of it, he had hadan erection. Now, he jetted, and the delayed-reaction orgasm stormed hisbody. Hefell to the floor and writhed helplessly, if ecstatically, in itslightnings. There was nothing else, for the moment, he could do.
When he could regain control, he got up and staggered toward thedoor. Although his penis no longer spouted, it remained as hard as beforeand did not have the delicious emptied-to-good-purpose feeling of an after- orgasm. It didfeel pleasurable, increasingly pleasurable, as if he were againworking up tocoition. He could, however, ignore it for the present.
Mrs. Grasatchow still lay on her back, arms and legs outflung, her mouth open, and her eyes open and showing white, as if hardboiled eggs hadbeen stuffed into the sockets.
He noticed a large turd spread out on the rug between him andMrs. Grasatchow. So, he had been "scared shitless" sometime during thefight. He hadnot known when he spurted out the excrement; it did not matter. Hewas sure that he had expelled the turd and not she, although it was possible thatshe had when he had jumped on her face. It was, however, so far from her that hedoubted it.
Gingerly stepping by the turd, he walked to her purse, which wasnear the door. In it he found the key to the door. She had locked the doorafter lookingdown the hallway the last time. He unlocked it and, carrying herpurse, wentdown the hall toward the room in which he had originally beenimprisoned.
First, though he hated the idea of any delay, he had toinvestigate theother rooms along the hall. There was always the chance of otherprisonersthere. Perhaps Sybil was in one. Six doors were closed. Three wereunlocked and contained not much of interest. Three opened to the key from the fatwoman's purse.
The first two were small rooms with padded walls and floor. Thethird contained some furniture, modern Danish, with a color TV set, a well- stocked bar, a pool table, and cartons of cigarettes and cigars and boxes ofmarijuanasticks and bottles with pills of various sizes, shapes, and colors. It looked as if it might be a rest room or recreation room. The occupants couldrelax here between their working bouts in the other room. There was also a largebureau with a mirror, which he did not think was one-way. The top of it wascrowded with cosmetics and held some wigs.
He opened the drawers, hoping to find some clothes he could wear. Before he could examine one, he was overcome with another semi-epileptic orgasmand jettedover the clothes in the top drawer. There was a washroom which heused to clean his genitals, face and hands, and his mouth. He drank several glassesof water and returned to the bureau.
There were some T-shirts and gym shorts. He found some that werenear enoughto his size and put them on. Then it occurred to him that he wasgoing to haveanother ejaculation soon and would be very uncomfortable. It waseither that or stick his cock out. He decided on the latter, although he feltridiculous. And he looked ridiculous in the mirror. A knight with a stubby delicatelance. Some knight! Some detective! A private dick become public.