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“That’s okay, Lionel.” I don’t quite know why I felt it was important to undermine Cate, but he was closer to the truth than she was, so he should get to speak. “You’re right. The Sidhe are up to something.”

I told them what I knew and Olan added his voice to answer their objections. After they were convinced I was right, we sat in silence. I got up and refreshed their drinks and noticed that the amber had done its job when I was able to see clearly from the table to the bar.

We got halfway through that round before anyone spoke. I had promised myself I wouldn’t be the one to speak first. I was surprised when Lionel was the one to break the silence.

“What is it you want us to do?” He asked after looking at Cate for permission to speak.

“We need to stop them.” I waited for them to agree. Lionel was the first to nod, he looked at Cate and she smiled at him before saying, “He’s right we can’t let the Sidhe destroy our world over a political dispute.”

I looked to Beacon. My plan only needed one other person to help, but if he was willing to join, we would be stronger.

Beacon sighed and then swallowed his cider. Wiping his lips with the back of this hand he stood. “I do not wish to die in a fight with Fionuir. I carry an obligation to her. If I actively oppose her, I will wither and die within two days. Thus far I am safe, if I go further with your plan, I will not be.”

He threw some coins on the table. “I thank you for your hospitality wizard, but I will pay for my own drink just to be safe. Do not worry. I think keeping the secret so far will not imperil my health. If I could I would wish you luck but that might be going too far.” He winked at me before walking away to join a table of Kobolds.

Olan hopped on the back of Beacon’s vacated chair. He didn’t waver at all, that bird sure could hold his liquor. “Are you in, Witch?” He asked.

Cate frowned, I knew that look. She was weighing the alternatives. For her there were always more than two choices. Within a few moments, she nodded. “I am in, but Lionel is not.”

Lionel sputtered his objection and she waved her hand in a silencing spell. “It is too dangerous to you and us to have an untrained wizard at war with the Sidhe. You will go now and wait for me at home.”

I could see the fight in the boy’s eyes as he slowly unfolded himself from the chair. He stood at least six foot three but the oath he took to become an apprentice forced him to obey. Cate took some mercy on the boy. “I will let you become involved if I feel you have the skills. While I am here with Quinn, you can study the second level spells you have been eying.”

Lionel’s eyes shone and he opened his mouth but no sound came out when he tried to speak.

Cate laughed. “Try not to blow up the house in your studies.”

We waited for Lionel to leave the pub before speaking. When the door shut behind him, Cate leaned forward. “Do you have a plan, or do you need someone to take this to the next level as usual?”

Olan cawed his laughter. “She’s feisty, Quinn. I like her.”

I rolled my eyes and pretended to ignore him. “I have an idea. But, the details are still fuzzy.”

“As usual. I remember when we both had to learn and perform the hunting spell. You had a general idea how to go about it but couldn’t be bothered with the details. As I recall you ended up successfully hunting a rock.”

“I’ve learned since then.” I guess there was no way we were going to be more than rivals. I tried to make my peace with that. “I don’t know enough to create a detailed plan. That’s where working together will be better.”

“So, what’s the idea? I know you aren’t going to kill her. Even you know that will be a violation of your oath as a spirit wizard. And you can’t order me to do it either. Just because I’m an earth witch doesn’t mean your oath is bypassed.”

“I don’t want anyone to die. There have been enough killings already. We need to stop this, not participate in more deaths.”

“Just tell her your plan,” Olan said. “Stop the mating fight and get on with business.”

Cate blushed at that and I pretended I didn’t hear him. “Fionuir has somehow cast a layer of spells on the Gur amulet. If we can find the amulet, maybe we can remove that layer.”

“Makes sense.” Cate looked at the bottom of her wine glass. “How about another round?”

I signaled to Mark who called over the sprite waitress. Olan winged his way to the front door which opened as he approached. When the drinks were deposited and the empties removed I leaned closer to Cate; she smelled of flowers and citrus. I said, “We need to know two things to accomplish the plan. What she did to the amulet because that is important to reversing it, and where the amulet is.”

“If you can do that, what guarantee do you have that Fionuir won’t start again?”

“The Sidhe only change queens every fifty years. If she remains queen through this cycle, she won’t need to give extra power to her followers. If she loses, she won’t have to campaign for queen for another thirty or so years.”

“So, it’s just buying time.”

“A lot of time. And hopefully enough to find a way to discourage this kind of thing in the future.”

“Okay how do you think we can get either piece of information?”

That was the detail I hadn’t gotten to. Cate was right; I wasn’t good with the details. “That’s your area of expertise. Where do you think we should start?”

She chuckled and I felt the vibration in some very private places.

“See, I knew you would get stuck on the important stuff. Talk this through with me. There are only three places we can touch this. The fairies, the other Sidhe and Fionuir.”

“Fionuir won’t give us anything. I tried.”

“So the fairies and the other Sidhe. Oh, and I guess the rival for queen. Someone knows something.”

I told her what Princess had said.

“It’s unlikely we’ll find the mate of a shunned fairy, unless you’ve gotten much better with the hunting spell.” She raised her eyebrow.

“We probably want to leave that to the last resort.”

“Okay. So the fairies know how to contact Iain. It must be something fairly straightforward otherwise they wouldn’t be able to do it.”

“Do you think catching a fairy will be the best way to get the information we need?”

“No, I think the best way to get that is to find Fionuir’s rival. She’ll know something, or know someone who knows something.”

Maybe this would get easy once we got the information we needed, but getting the first piece of information was going to be a killer. “I think I can craft a spell that will track Iain without him knowing.” I said.

“Okay. I can add something that will make a fairy talk.” She pulled a notebook out of her pocket. “When we get the fairy, we find the information that gets us to other Sidhe. They will probably be on Fionuir’s side. But we can try to get information out of them about the rival.”

I saw where this was leading, we made a good team. “Shall we go to your place or mine?”

“Quinn, I didn’t know you cared.”

I blushed. “I mean to put the spells together.”

“Yeah, I know.” I thought I heard a twinge of regret in her voice. “Your place will be better. It wouldn’t be fair to Lionel to kick him out just as he was getting into the second level spells.”

“Yeah, about him.” I couldn’t contain my curiosity. “Why did you take on an apprentice? I thought you said you would never burden yourself that way.”

“It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, you should try it. I find myself stretching to keep ahead of his appetite for learning. I remember the feeling that Master Vollont was holding me back. It’s about keeping pace not keeping secrets.”

“Okay, but why did you take one on?”

“Master Vollont said I should. He brought Lionel to my door a month ago. He said it was the next step in my development.”