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Olan clacked his beak. “That is not what I asked you.”

She cleared her throat. Annoyance flushed her cheeks. “Ursulina is my mother’s aunt. My great aunt, I suppose. I contacted her to ask her what the key to the spell was. She told me.”

He hopped a little closer to her. “And what is that key, girl?”

I didn’t like Olan questioning Cate. “Why do you need to know?’ I asked before she could answer. If she was going to answer that is.

“It may be of importance. I have been in this world longer than either of you youngsters, perhaps I know more about spells than you.” His tone was wounded as though he hadn’t been interrogating Cate, just offering suggestions and help.

Cate sighed. “I cannot tell you what the key is. It is a secret kept to my family. I can tell you that it won’t be dangerous. Or rather it won’t add to the danger. The key is available and within my power to use. I have used it before.”

Olan bobbed his head. “What if the amulet isn’t where Maeve said it was?”

“Do you think she lied to us?” I had considered the possibility that Maeve was setting us up, but since she seemed to have sufficient motive to support us I had already dismissed the idea.

“If not, perhaps it has been moved,” Olan answered.

“We can’t do anything about that,” Cate snapped at him.

“No, but if this plan of yours, relies on Quinn’s ability to find the amulet and get out fast, perhaps it is a good idea to think of a way to deal with it being moved or hidden.”

It didn’t help that Olan had a point. “I could look for a recognition spell.” I had a few in my books.

Cate shook her head. “No, one of the criteria of the spell is that no one can cast another within the range. If they do, they will fall asleep.”

Olan laughed. “Ah, so finally we start to get to the nub of it. So, tell us what the spell will do, girl.”

Cate looked down at her lap.

I tried to make her feel better. “Hey, don’t be upset. I know spells have rules and constraints.”

“Thanks, it’s not that. I was just thinking them through.” She patted my arm. “Okay, the spell allows me to specify a species. I will set it to make every Sidhe in the range fall asleep. I’ll make it fifty yards to cover the building and a half block. It also constrains anyone casting a spell within that range. You can continue a spell that was cast but not cast one.” She looked at me. “Do you know any spells that you can cast first and continue?”

“No. If I cast any of my spells while the Sidhe are aware, they’ll know. And, that will just make them come after me faster; probably while we’re trying to remove the spell.” I thought for a moment, to see if I could figure out a way to sneak a spell. “I’m worried that if they know I am seeking, Fionuir will grab the amulet, fall asleep with it in her hands and I won’t be able to take it out without hurting her.”

Olan hopped onto my shoulder. “So, that is what you promised? Not to harm Fionuir. What is the penalty?”

He was right. This obligation went much further than my oath. Spirit wizards can’t kill but harm is a grey area. One many of us take advantage of. “If I have to break her fingers to release the amulet, it’s pushing my oath too far. Besides, I hate hurting anyone.”

“Is it permanent, this obligation?” Olan asked. I could almost see the wheels turning in his mind. Now he was being helpful, I was reminded of how tricky he could be.

“It doesn’t matter.” Cate slid closer to me on the bench. “We are not going to make Quinn break his oath. We don’t need to.”

I liked the warmth that filled me when she started protecting me. “Olan, if you can’t be of help, then you can be quiet.”

He crept closer to my ear and whispered into it. “What about that obligation? There is something, I can tell. What complications will it bring?”

“None for anyone but me.”

Cate shook her head. “Look, Olan. If the spell doesn’t work, Quinn won’t go in. If it does and the amulet isn’t there, he can look for an hour before there’s any danger of the spell wearing off. If it’s really not there, we’re in no worse a situation than we are right now.”

“Who else will be there?” Olan hopped off my shoulder as he spoke. “Who be there to cover your back if something goes wrong?”

Cate shook her head. “It’s too late to get anyone else involved. We are going to do this tonight. Look at the moon.” She pointed and I saw the moon rising, swollen into its full roundness.

I turned to Olan. “You could be there.”

He coughed. “I am worried that the Crow is around. It may be that she might try to interfere. I thought I would be as far as possible from the court and try to entice her away.”

I laughed. “And you are worried that we aren’t taking enough precautions.”

Olan flew away, cawing.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Cate stood at the corner across from the Sidhe court. I stood just behind her and waited for the moon to rise. It was about five minutes before peak. She was pulling spell ingredients from her pocket, inventorying them for me as she did.

“Rosemary, broken branches to take away memory; lemon verbena for cleansing, lavender for drowsiness, a grain of salt for honesty, that should make the base spell.” She held the items in one hand and looked at me. “I need to you look away when I cast. I read that if someone is looking at the spell when it happens they will fall under its power.”

“Not a problem. I thought I’d get a bit closer and go when the twins drop off.” I could see the two Sidhe who were guarding the court last time. They were standing on alert, eyes scanning the street. “I don’t remember them being so alert last time.”

“Do you think something is up?” Cate was reading a scrap of paper, not looking at me. “Should I make the spell stronger?”

“No, let’s just stick to the plan. If something has got them on alert, it shouldn’t make a difference when they are asleep.”

She looked up at me and I couldn’t resist giving her a kiss before leaving. It started out as a friendly peck on the lips. And then it turned into something more. Her tongue slipped past my lips and probed my mouth. I started to draw back and Cate placed her hand on the back of my head, pulling me closer. My own tongue took control and the next thing I knew things were getting out of hand.

Cate pulled away first. “Go, we don’t want to miss the timing. We’ll continue this later.” She smiled when she spoke; it seemed she was taking control of the relationship.

I gave her another kiss, this one quick and on the cheek. Looking up at the moon I said. “I’ll be across the street by the time you cast.”

She smiled again and started the spell. “I call upon the power of Hypnos to beckon the Irish Fay to sleep.”

She continued but I didn’t hear any other words as I loped toward the building.

Just when I got close enough to see the bruises on the Twin’s faces, I heard her murmuring stop. Two pairs of eyelids drooped and two swords slid from lifeless hands. So far, so good. The Sidhe rocked back to lean against the wall and slid to land on their silk clad butts.

I almost spoke the first words of an unlocking spell when I remembered I couldn’t cast any spells until we left the radius of Cate’s casting.

The door swung open at my push, I guess Fionuir had all confidence in her guards. I followed the path we had taken the last time I was here until I came to the large brass doors. Before I opened them, I closed my eyes trying to visualize the location of the tapestry. I thought it was to my right about half way down the room.

The doors were heavy but perfectly balanced, they swung open noiselessly revealing a room full of Sidhe draped over furniture, lying in piles on the floor, and propped against the wall. A few gentle snores sounded but no one moved. It seemed like most of the Sidhe in Vancouver were at home tonight.