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“I’m just making sure you get inside safely.” He grins. “You got the key?” I move one hand from around his neck and fumble in the pocket of my shorts, holding the key up. He takes it from me and puts it in the lock, opening the door. I can’t see a thing and as we enter, my head hits the doorframe.

“Ow!” I cry, holding a hand to my head as I laugh. “You bastard.”

“Sorry,” Keets grunts as his legs hit something and he curses loudly. I giggle and shush him, not wanting to disturb Stone. The living room light comes on, and I blink at the sudden brightness.

I glance up and my heart sinks. Stone is standing in the doorway of his bedroom, casually leaning against the doorframe. His face, however, is anything but calm. “Having fun, are we?” he asks.

“Stone,” I say, suddenly keenly aware of still being in Keets’ arms. He senses my discomfort and deposits me carefully onto the couch. I can’t take my eyes off Stone. He looks like he hasn’t slept in a week. There are dark circles under his eyes and a five-day growth on his jawline. He’s clearly just showered, as water is still dripping down his torso, disappearing into the waistband of his jeans. He’s lost weight, his jeans hanging too low on his narrow hips. My heart breaks at the lost look in his eyes. He seems haunted, destroyed.

“Hey, man,” Keets greets, walking over and slapping him on the back. “How are you doing?”

Stone says nothing. He just stands there . . . staring at me.

Keets clears his throat and shoves his hands into his pockets, jangling the keys to his truck. “I, ah, guess I’ll leave you two alone,” he says, walking far too quickly back over to the door.

I don’t watch him leave, don’t hear his truck start up and pull away from the house. My eyes are focused only on the broken man in front of me. “How are you feeling?” I ask, clearing my throat as I struggle to sit up. My eyes widen as he slowly begins walking toward me. “I know you haven’t eaten much the last few days.” I’m rambling. “But Dr. James said—”

“What’s going on between you and Keets?” Stone interrupts, his voice low and kind of menacing.

My eyes widen even further. Is he serious?

“Stone,” I start, holding up a hand. “Keets is a friend, and—”

“Oh, I can see what a great friend he is,” Stone says sarcastically. “Does Ruth know?”

“Know what?” I gasp, not quite believing what I’m hearing. “Stone, what are you talking about?” Surely he can’t believe there’s anything romantic between myself and Keets.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” he counters, finally reaching my side. I recoil into the couch as he leans over me, his breath hot and heavy.

Fury builds inside of me at his words. Just who the hell does he think he is? I tilt my head up and jut out my chin, my eyes cold as steel even as I lie beneath him on the couch. “So what if there is something going on?” I seethe in my coldest voice. “It has absolutely nothing to do with you.”

“The hell it doesn’t,” he growls. I yelp as his arm slides beneath my legs and he effortlessly picks me up. “Stop it!” I yell, slapping his arm uselessly. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m making you forget Keets exists,” he tells me, walking into his bedroom and dumping me gently on the bed.

“You’re what?” I ask, trying to scramble up the bed, but he grabs my uninjured leg and drags me back down before moving over me. I’m unable to suppress the shiver that passes through me the moment his lips touch the side of my neck.

“I said,” Stone draws out. “I’m making you forget Keets ever touched this beautiful skin. You’re so fucking beautiful, Shannon. Do you even know how gorgeous you are?” He punctuates each word with another kiss to my bare skin.

“No,” I gasp, no longer trying to free myself. His kisses are setting my skin on fire, and all I want to do is burn. His hand slides up my ribcage, brushing the underside of my breast. I strain against his hand, trying to move it where I need it.

“Shh,” he soothes, kissing the outer corner of my lips. “Take it easy, babe. We’ve got all night.” His fingertips touch the tight bud of my nipple and I cry out against his lips. This, I think to myself. This is what I’ve been needing. His fingers twist, knead, and pluck at my nipple until I’m writhing beneath him. I need more.

Stone seems to know just what I need, and his hand moves from my breast long enough to pull my tank top up and my bra cup down, pushing my breast up to his hooded gaze. My dusky pink nipple stands proudly to attention, begging for more.

And more is exactly what he gives me.


She’s actually letting me do this.

A part of me can’t believe it’s happening, but another part of me is screaming not to stop. I finally have my hands once again on the delectable Shannon Harper, and this time we’re both sober. I’m so fucking nervous. If I had beer, I could… No, I tell myself firmly. This is something that needs to be done without the confidence of alcohol to back me up. She needs to see that I can do this. Besides, if I stop now, she may never let this happen again.

But even as I’m touching her, I know I’ll never be able to stop.

My tongue snakes out and flicks her hard nipple, and I relish the guttural cry that rips from her full lips as she bends her back, pushing her breast closer to my mouth. I’m more than happy to oblige. I close my eyes and hum as my lips close over her nipple and tug gently. Her hands move to my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin through my tank top, hard enough to draw blood.

And I fucking love it.

I’m an animal. Primal and ferocious, ready to pounce on my prey. Tonight, Shannon Harper is the gazelle and I am the lion. I don’t care if she thinks she belongs to Keets. Tonight, she’s mine.

My hand slips beneath the waistband of her shorts, and I growl when I feel the lacy edge of her panties. I don’t stop to enjoy it, though, as I tear my mouth from hers and make short work of stripping her naked, my eyes feasting on her soft, golden flesh as it’s bared to me. I part her legs gently, being careful of the injured one. I look up at her with my head between her thighs, my breath causing tiny goose bumps to rise along the sensitive skin. “Look at me,” I demand, hooking one of her legs over my shoulder, leaving the bandaged one flat on the bed. Her gaze lifts slowly to mine and, maintaining eye contact, I bend forward and trail my tongue slowly over the outer lips of her pussy.

Her breathing increases, loud in the quiet room as my tongue darts out and makes short, stabbing motions directly at her clit before drawing it into my mouth and sucking lightly. She cries out, and I slowly increase the pressure as I slip one finger deep inside her, followed by a second. Shannon makes a low, keening sound as her hips rock back and forth, guiding my mouth across her pussy. She’s so fucking wet. I love her tangy taste. I could do this forever.

My other hand moves to her nipple, twisting and plucking at it lightly as my mouth continues its assault. All too soon, she cries out, and I feel her clench around my fingers as I suck her clit once more. Hard. I’m almost sorry that she comes so quickly.


Making short work of removing my clothes, I smile proudly as her eyes grow wide when she looks at my cock. It’s not huge, about seven inches, but it’s thick. Really thick. Not wanting to waste any time, I don’t give her a chance to change her mind. I move to grab a condom from the dresser drawer, but her hand on my forearm stills my movements. I glance down at her flushed face. “We already did it once without protection,” I murmur, leaning down to brush a kiss against her forehead. “I don’t want to do anything you’ll regret.”