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Jean-Luc Cheri


RowdyGirl› hi bobby!

Strummer94› hey mandy

RowdyGirl› how was your weekend?

Strummer94› great

RowdyGirl› get any?;)

Strummer94› yeah u?

RowdyGirl› no:(

Strummer94› too bad

RowdyGirl› who was she?

Strummer94› rachael

RowdyGirl› nice!

Strummer94› yeah it was

RowdyGirl› i want details

Strummer94› she invited me over her house to watch a movie

RowdyGirl› parents?

Strummer94› not home

RowdyGirl› sweet!

Strummer94› we were on her couch and started kissing and i touched her breast and she didn’t complain

RowdyGirl› slut;)

Strummer94›:) then she asked if i wanted to go up to her bedroom

RowdyGirl› were you hard?

Strummer94› yeah so we went up and she started taking her clothes off

RowdyGirl› was she pretty?

Strummer94› smoking hot

RowdyGirl› did she suck you?

Strummer94› yes she let me cum in her mouth

RowdyGirl› srsly?

Strummer94› yes then she laid back on the bed and spread her legs and asked if i was hungry

RowdyGirl› no way!!

Strummer94› so i licked her

RowdyGirl› ur making me wet

Strummer94› when she came she moaned real loud and pulled on my hair

RowdyGirl› then what?

Strummer94› i was hard again and i wanted to fuck her but she stopped me

RowdyGirl› why?

Strummer94› she leaned over to her drawer and pulled out a condom and said put this on

RowdyGirl› sweet!

Strummer94› so I did then we kissed again and she was on top so she held me in her hand and put me in the right spot and sat down on me

RowdyGirl› mmm was she tight?

Strummer94› very

RowdyGirl› my pussy is soaked

Strummer94› i wish I could taste you right now

RowdyGirl› oooh you just made me even wetter

Strummer94› i thought of you while i fucked her

RowdyGirl› you did?!!!

Strummer94› yes

RowdyGirl› that’s so hot!!!! omg i’m so horny

Strummer94› ur prettier than her


Strummer94› i look at the picture you sent me all the time

RowdyGirl›:) that was my cheerleading photo from two years ago when i was only sixteen. my breasts are bigger now

Strummer94› maybe you could send a new one

RowdyGirl› maybe;)

Strummer94› maybe one with some more skin?: p

RowdyGirl›: O you are so bad!!!

Strummer94› lol

RowdyGirl› i’m still waiting for a picture of you mister mysterious


RowdyGirl› what?

Strummer94› ur too beautiful for me. one look and you’ll never speak to me again


Strummer94› don’t get angry

RowdyGirl› do you really think i’m that shallow?

Strummer94› no that’s not what i meant

RowdyGirl› what did you mean then?

Strummer94› i’ll send you a photo

RowdyGirl› you will?:)

Strummer94› i’ll have to find one where i’m not so ugly

RowdyGirl› shutup;) you wouldn’t be getting laid so much if you were ugly


RowdyGirl› i wish we lived closer together

Strummer94› so do I

RowdyGirl› if we ever did meet do you think we would fuck?

Strummer94› i would like that

RowdyGirl› i would too

Strummer94› are you still wet?

RowdyGirl› very

Strummer94› thats so hot

RowdyGirl› want me to cum for you?

Strummer94› i would love that

RowdyGirl› mmm i just touched myself through my shorts

Strummer94› are your nipples hard?

RowdyGirl› oh yeah do you want to suck them?

Strummer94› yesss and nibble on them

RowdyGirl› oooh, just got wetter

Strummer94› touch your pussy

RowdyGirl› it’s very wet and smooth

Strummer94› is your clit hard?

RowdyGirl› its been hard since you told me about rachael

Strummer94› rub it, and pretend it’s me doing it

RowdyGirl› niiiice!

Strummer94› does it feel good?

RowdyGirl› so fucking good. wish you were here with me

Strummer94› are you going to come?

RowdyGirl› soon. are you jacking off?

Strummer94› yes my cock is

I stared at the screen, watching the letters as my hand worked under my panties, using my fingertip to rub over my slick, swollen clit. The pleasure was building inside of me, preparing for its release.

“Come on, Bobby,” I muttered, “your cock is what?”

I continued to stare, waiting for his words so that I could time our orgasms and come with him.

After a moment, I focused on the keyboard, using my free hand to type out ‘Bobby?’ But when I looked up at the screen, what I had typed didn’t appear. Grabbing the mouse, I swirled it around, watching in frustration as the pointer on the screen didn’t move.

“Shit!” I muttered. “Shit, shit!”

The computer had locked up again, and at the worst possible time. I wanted to come, but didn’t want to do it without my friend, Bobby.

We had met online a year ago, and quickly became close, sharing secrets with him that I didn’t share with my best friends. He had been shy, and I guessed his age was younger than the eighteen he claimed. Probably closer to sixteen. But as we got to know each other, his shyness had turned into inquisitiveness, as we shared the intimate details of our sex lives.

I wanted to meet him, but he lived on the other side of the country, so we had to settle for sharing intimate encounters in words only.

The first time I had come with him had been surprisingly intense, as I followed his directions, allowing my hands to become his, touching all those sensitive spots and pretending it was him. Then I did the same, explaining how I wanted him to stroke his cock. When he came, he was very good at describing how it felt, making me feel like I was right there with him.

I slapped the side of my monitor. “Come on!”

Suddenly, a popup window appeared on my screen, informing me that the hard drive was corrupt, and needed reformatting. Fuck! I knew it wasn’t true, just some virus, but it meant that my computer was screwed.

I sighed and rubbed my face in my hands, catching the scent of my arousal still on my fingers. But the mood was gone. I was too pissed to be horny.

“Dammit!” I said, standing and glaring at the monitor. This was a job for my brother.

I left my bedroom and walked down the hall to the next door, knocking on it.



“Got a minute?”

“One sec.”

A moment later the door opened, and my brother stood in front of me. He was dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt that came down to his thighs and was half unbuttoned, revealing his muscular chest. His long dark hair hung down around his deep blue eyes.

He’s your brother, he’s your brother, he’s your brother, I chanted to myself, as I felt my eyes begin to wander curiously over the soft trace of hair that was visible through the open shirt.

Actually, he was my stepbrother, but close enough. When we first became brother and sister five years ago, he wasn’t that impressive. Fourteen at the time — a year older than me — he was just a typical teenager, and an annoying boy living in the house. But over the years he had changed, growing taller and filling out, starring in both football and hockey. I became the envy of all the other girls, who couldn’t believe the fact that I was lucky enough to have a hunk like Brandon living in my house. Despite all that, I managed to keep myself in check, constantly reminding myself we shared the same parents.

But when he had come home from college for the summer a month ago, he was different than when he left. His face was more rugged, and his body thicker, showing a hint of the man he would eventually become.