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“What’s up?” he asked.

“My computer has a virus.”

He cocked an eyebrow and shook his head. “I told you to stay away from that Russian porn.”

I felt my cheeks getting hot. “No, it’s not my fault.”

He gave me a condescending look. “Mandy, you wouldn’t be getting viruses if you stayed away from that stuff.”

“Maybe you didn’t clean it all off last time.”

He folded his arms. “And maybe I shouldn’t clean it at all this time.”

“Ok, ok. I’m sorry. I’ll be good. No more porn.”

The corners of his full lips turned up into a slight smile. “Yeah, sure. Let’s go.”

I led him down the hall to my room, and he sat in my desk chair. He typed randomly on the keyboard, and moved the mouse, confirming that it was locked up. Leaning in, he read the message in the popup window.

He continued reading, even though the message was short. His eyes were focused on the screen in concentration. I looked at him curiously, wondering what he was doing.

Then it hit me. He wasn’t reading the popup message. He was reading what was behind it — the end of my conversation with Bobby.

Shit! I had forgotten all about it.

I stepped forward and hit the power button on the front of the computer. The screen went black.

He blinked, then looked up at me with a curious expression.

“I thought it would be better to turn it off, so the virus doesn’t do any more damage.”

He stared at me longer. “Right.”

“What?” I gave him my best innocent look.

He just sighed and shook his head. “You may as well go watch some TV or something, this is going to take a while.”

I grinned. “Thanks, brother.”

An hour later I was sitting on the couch watching a movie when Brandon came down and sat beside me.

“You’re all clean,” he said.

“Thanks!” I leaned into him and gave him a hug, making sure to keep it sisterly. Although my nips hardened slightly as they brushed against his chest.

“You’re welcome. Um, Mandy?”


“You do know that when you talk to people online, there’s no way to be sure they’re really who they say they are?”

My cheeks got warm. “I know that.”

“I just think you should be careful.”

“I am careful. Bobby is my friend. I know everything about him.”

“Do you? Or do you just know what he’s told you?”

“We’ve been friends for a long time. He’s a sweet guy. He would never do anything to hurt me. You don’t spend a lot of time with someone without getting to know them.”

“You would never do anything stupid, right?”

“Stupid? Like what?”

“Like meeting someone from online?”

“Of course not.”

“I saw what you told that guy, about wishing you lived closer.”

“Brandon, that’s just Bobby. He’s harmless. Trust me.”

“Do you talk to anyone else?”

“Not like that.”

He nodded. “Ok. But just be careful, alright?”

I smiled. “I always am.”

“Dinner time!” Mom called from the kitchen.

After dinner, I went up to my room to check out my fixed computer. Brandon had done a good job, and I was back in action. I logged onto the chatroom to see if I could find Bobby, but he wasn’t there. I chatted in the group for a while to some of the people I knew, waiting to see if Bobby would show up. I hoped he wasn’t upset because I had dropped off line before. I also hoped that he hadn’t finished jacking off, because I wanted to pick back up where we left off.

As we were chatting, a newbie showed up, named PuckMe. We got guys like this all the time, coming in and trying to meet girls. I got my fair share of private messages from them, asking me to chat privately. I sometimes did, but never took it seriously, because Bobby was my online guy, and we were kind of exclusive.

Sure enough, after several minutes my private message box lit up.

PuckMe› Are you really a rowdy girl?

I just clicked the window closed, not wanting to encourage him. A few minutes later he sent me another message.

PuckMe› Hey why the silent treatment?

I typed in my reply.

RowdyGirl› please leave me alone

PuckMe› Why so hostile?

RowdyGirl› not hostile just don’t feel like talking

PuckMe› Do you like hockey?

RowdyGirl› yes

PuckMe› I play hockey

RowdyGirl› for what team?

PuckMe› My college

RowdyGirl› what position?

PuckMe› Center

RowdyGirl› are you good?

PuckMe› Captain of the team

RowdyGirl› that’s cool

PuckMe› Want to see my picture?

RowdyGirl› sure

PuckMe› Hold on, i’ll message it to you

I watched my inbox, curious about what this guy looked like. Most hockey players I knew were very cute, and had great bods. After about a minute, the light lit up, letting me know a new message was waiting. I clicked it open.

Holy shit, he was fucking gorgeous. Long brown hair and light colored eyes — not sure if they were green or blue — and he was wearing jeans and a gray T-shirt that showed off his muscular chest. He also had a great smile.

RowdyGirl› very nice

PuckMe› You like?

RowdyGirl› me like


RowdyGirl› ur cute

PuckMe› Thanks do you have a photo?

RowdyGirl› yes

PuckMe› Can I see it?

RowdyGirl› it’s two years old

PuckMe› That’s ok

RowdyGirl› ok one sec

I brought up the directory where I kept my photos, and found the one that I had sent Bobby. I thought I looked very cute in it, and also very innocent in my sophomore cheerleading outfit. My long, blonde hair was slightly shorter now, and I had grown another inch in height.

I dragged it onto my private message box, and addressed it to him, then clicked send. After a few seconds he responded.

PuckMe› Whoa! You’re hot!


PuckMe› I mean it girl, you’re smoking!

RowdyGirl› thanks

PuckMe› Do you have a boyfriend?

RowdyGirl› not a steady one

PuckMe› Are the guys all blind where you live?

RowdyGirl›:) u r sweet

PuckMe› That’s what i hear

RowdyGirl› lol

PuckMe› What’s ur name?

RowdyGirl› mandy

PuckMe› Hi Mandy. I’m Drew

RowdyGirl› hi drew

PuckMe› How old are you?

RowdyGirl› 18

PuckMe› You sure? Because I don’t want to be messing with no jailbait

RowdyGirl› lol i’m sure

PuckMe› Sweet!

RowdyGirl› how old are you?

PuckMe› 20

RowdyGirl› you sound like ur mature

PuckMe› What do you do for fun?

RowdyGirl› all kinds of stuff. hang out with my friends, talk online

PuckMe› Do you talk to boys?

RowdyGirl› sometimes. there’s one I talk to a lot

PuckMe› Nice. Do you talk about everything?

RowdyGirl› yes

PuckMe› I used to have an online girl like that. Carly was her name. I could tell her anything

RowdyGirl› that’s how me and bobby are

PuckMe› On the night I lost my virginity, I got online and told Carly all about it

RowdyGirl› thats sweet

PuckMe› It was. I miss her

RowdyGirl› what happened to her?

PuckMe› We were both 16 and her parents found out what we were talking about, and took her computer away

RowdyGirl› that’s so sad

PuckMe› I was very upset

RowdyGirl› do you have a real life gf?

PuckMe› Oh yeah, but its not the same

RowdyGirl› i know what you mean. i would never tell the guys i date the things I tell bobby.

PuckMe› Exactly

RowdyGirl› u seem like a nice guy drew

PuckMe› Thanks. Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?

RowdyGirl› no go ahead

PuckMe› Are you a virgin?

RowdyGirl› no

PuckMe› How old were you the first time?