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A blush rose in my face as I felt my nipple harden from his touch. This wasn’t going how I had planned it. Things were getting out of control.

The hand on my breast slid up to my neck, and the next thing I knew I was being pulled downward. Our lips met and his tongue darted into my mouth, searching urgently as the rough stubble on his face rubbed against my cheeks and chin.

I couldn’t think coherently. My brother was kissing me! Part of me wanted to push him away, but another part reveled in the wrongness of it, feeling my pussy getting wetter.

What was he doing? This had gone far past teaching me a lesson. Then my mind reeled as a new thought occurred to me.

He wasn’t trying to teach me a lesson. He had set this whole thing up because he wanted to be with me. Brandon had created PuckMe because he wanted to fuck his sister without her knowing it was him. That’s why the lights were off.

My mind swam as I realized that was the only explanation. He wouldn’t be touching and kissing me like this if he intended to teach me a lesson. I was so much in shock, I didn’t resist as he pulled me down further, laying me back on the bed and moving over me, pulling the blanket from between us and pressing his naked body against me.

His tongue continued to probe my mouth, and I felt his hand slide up between my thighs, pressing against my satin-covered mound. I groaned softly from the touch. Wasting no time, he slid my panties to the side and pressed a finger into my wet pussy.

“Uhhhh,” I groaned, gripping his shoulders tightly and meeting his tongue with my own.

Was this really happening? Was I really lying in a seedy motel with my brother’s fingers in my snatch? I felt like I was in a dream.

I reached down and gripped his cock again, tighter this time, and stroked him with my fist. He grunted and jammed his fingers deeper into my cunt, sending a wave of pleasure through me.

But something was wrong.

It started as a seed of doubt in the back of my mind, and grew from there, until I couldn’t ignore it any longer. Was it because this was my brother? I examined my feelings and decided it wasn’t. It was something else. But what?

His hand moved up and made quick work of the buttons of my blouse, pulling my bra down on one side, and leaning in to latch his mouth onto my nipple, sucking hungrily.

I sighed from the pleasure, but my doubts continued. What was it? Something was all wrong about this whole thing. Something was off — something I had noticed but hadn’t paid attention to. I racked my brain, trying to think of what it could be, as my brother’s teeth bit at my swollen nipple.

Then it hit me. Hard. It was the stubble on his face. My brother couldn’t grow a beard to save his life. The times he had tried had left his face with just sparse wispy hairs after even a week of not shaving. He had taken a lot of ribbing from his friends because of it.

The realization thudded through my mind like a sledgehammer. This wasn’t my brother.

“No!” I screamed, pushing him off me and turning over to scramble up the bed. I was able to reach the lamp and hit the switch before his strong hands caught me by the arm and pulled me down. He flipped me back over and moved over me again, his weight pinning me to the bed.

I stared up in horror at his face. As I already knew, it wasn’t Brandon. But it also wasn’t the cute hockey player whose photo I had seen. This was a man. An older man who was leering down at me with a cruel smile on his face.

“Let me go!” I screamed. I tried to flail at him with my arms, but he was too strong, and held me by my wrists.

He chuckled. “You’re feisty. I like it.”

“Get off of me!” Then I screamed, but this just caused him to laugh harder.

“Go ahead and scream. We’re all alone out at this end of the motel. No one’s going to hear you.”

I screamed again, louder this time.

“You’re wasting your breath, sexy. What’s the matter, I don’t look like my picture?” He laughed again.

“Let me go!”

“You cunts are all the same. You get online and tease every guy who comes along, acting like sluts. But when it comes to reality, you’re just a little girl. Well, tonight, I’m going to turn you into a woman.”

“Get the fuck off me!”

He quickly let go of my wrist and reached down, grabbing my bra between my breasts and yanking it up. The material stretched, then tore apart, and my breasts bounced free. I screamed again, and clawed at his face with my free hand. He caught it again, and pinned it to the bed, but I noticed with some satisfaction I had drawn blood from a long scratch on his cheek.

“Fucking bitch, you better watch yourself. Because if you want to get physical, I guarantee you’re going to lose that battle.”

I writhed and struggled with all my might, feeling the panic rising in me. This couldn’t be happening.

He responded by leaning down into me, kissing me hard. I groaned out in pain, but I waited for his tongue to probe into me, knowing he wouldn’t get it back if he did. But he was smart enough to not let it get near my teeth, and instead I felt his hand working between my legs. My panties were pulled outward, stretching and then tearing, and I felt the cool air of the room on my exposed pussy.

“No!” I cried. “No!”

His only response was to laugh and shift his body between my legs, forcing my thighs apart with his strength. I felt his stiff cock bumping against my tender skin.

I screamed again, loud and long, wishing all of this away. It was just a horrible nightmare and I was going to wake up in my bed any moment now.

He laughed and flexed his hips forward, missing my entrance and pressing his cockhead into the juncture of my thigh.

I kept screaming.

Suddenly, I heard the door burst open with a loud bang. The stranger turned his head and emitted a surprised grunt, Next thing I knew he was being lifted off me, and I saw Brandon standing there, holding the man in the air with his hand around his throat.

My brother’s fist came back and launched forward, catching the stranger right in the face, snapping his head back like a whip. Brandon re-cocked, then hit him again, sending a spray of blood from his nose. Then one more time, letting him go with his other hand. The man flew back against the wall, hitting it hard, then crumpling to the floor.

Brandon looked at me, where I was still lying back in shock with my legs spread. His face darkened again in anger, and he leapt on top of the man, punching him again and again. I could hear the stranger crying and pleading for him to stop, but I knew he wouldn’t. He was going to beat this man to death with his fists.

“No! I cried, and scrambled out of the bed, running to my brother, encircling his broad shoulders in my arms and hugging tightly to him.

“Stop!” I shouted, “You’re killing him!”

But he continued to hammer at the guy’s face, ignoring me.

“Brandon, please!” I pressed my face against his, feeling the heat of his anger. “He’s not worth it.”

Finally, he stopped, breathing hard as he stared down at the groaning man. I pressed my face into his neck, holding onto him, wanting to protect him from his own anger.

After a long moment, he spoke. “Are you ok? Did he do anything to you?”

I shook my head. “No, you got here just in time.”

He took me in his arms and held me to him, and all the fear that had been coursing through me seemed to drain out of my body from his touch. I relaxed into his strong embrace, knowing I was safe in his arms.

The man on the floor groaned again, and tried to get up. His face was puffy and bloodied, and his nose was bent at an odd angle. One eye was almost swollen shut.

Brandon removed his arms from me and stood, causing the man to cower and whimper softly. But instead of moving towards him, Brandon walked to the chair that held his clothes. Rummaging into the pants pocket, he pulled out a wallet. The man groaned again.

Brandon flipped through the photos. “Nice wife and kids you got here. I’m sure they’d be proud of you.”