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He pulled out the man’s driver’s license and scanned it. “Chester Brand, of West Brownsville, I’m going to hold onto this.” He shoved the license into his back pocket, then scooped up the pile of clothes, walked to the door, and threw them outside.

He walked back over to the man, and stood on his hand, creating a crunching sound and causing the man to cry out in pain.

“Chester, you should be thankful I’m more concerned with taking care of my sister than beating the fuck out of you right now. Who knows, tomorrow I might pull out your driver’s license and look at your ugly fucking face, and decide to pay you another visit. But for now, I want you to get the fuck out.” He moved his foot off the man’s hand.

The man groaned and tried to get up.

“And if you ever contact my sister again, I’ll fucking kill you. You got that?”

The man nodded and stood, grunting in pain. He looked like he had been run over by a truck. His penis had shrunk to a tiny lump that dangled limply between his legs.

He began to shuffle towards the door, but my brother grabbed the back of his neck and hustled him along, shoving him through the opening, causing him to trip and fall face-first onto the gravel. Brandon slammed the door and locked it.

He turned back to me and our eyes met. I felt the tears coming and he stepped close and took me in his arms again. I melted into him and he supported my weight, holding me against his chest. I sobbed softly, burying my face into his shirt.

He caressed my hair. “It’s ok, you’re safe now.”

“I’m sorry.” My voice hitched.

“Hey, it’s not your fault. Are you sure he didn’t do anything?”

“I’m sure. I was just so scared.”

“I heard you screaming, and I thought he had hurt you. I could never forgive myself if he had.”

“I don’t want to think about what would have happened if you hadn’t shown up.” I began crying harder.

He held me tighter. “I have you, Mandy.”

I cried against him, blotching the front of his shirt with my tears. I was only dimly aware that my bare breasts were pressing against his chest. His hands caressed my back, comforting me.

After a few minutes, I sniffled and pulled slightly back, giving him a weak smile. “Thanks Brandon.”

He brushed my hair away from my face. “You’re welcome. You scared me.”

I gave him a puzzled look. “How did you know I was here?”

His face became clouded, and he avoided my eyes. “It doesn’t matter.”

My look became more curious. “Tell me.”

“Please, Mandy, just drop it.”

“I want to know.”

“You’ll get mad.”

“No I won’t, Brandon. You probably just saved my life. I can’t be mad at you.”


“Of course.”

“Yesterday, when I fixed your computer, I installed a program that allowed me to see your screen from my monitor. I saw the note you sent to Bobby before you left, telling him you were meeting the guy you thought was your brother. I knew it wasn’t me, so I got here as fast as I could.”

I stared at him. “You spied on me?”

“You promised you wouldn’t get mad.”


“I was worried about you.”

I continued to stare at him. The emotions boiled inside of me. Part of me was angry for what he did, but the other part knew I’d be in serious trouble right now if he hadn’t.

Finally, my face softened. “Thank you.”

He smiled softly. “You’re not mad?”

“I little, but I guess you had good reason to worry. Look at me.”

“You’re safe now. That’s all that matters.”

I studied his face a moment longer. “Were you watching my chat with Bobby last night?”

The blush crept up onto his cheeks. “Mandy, let’s just drop it, ok? I’ll remove the watcher program when we get home.”

“You did watch us, didn’t you?”

He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.”

I thought about what Bobby and I had done together last night. Brandon had watched that? He saw me fucking Bobby with my words? When I recalled the wadded Kleenexes in his waste basket, a twinge of pleasure went through me. Had he jacked off while watching us? I was convinced he had.

“It does matter, Brandon.”

“I just want to keep you safe, Mandy, that’s all. It doesn’t matter if you two talk about some girl named Rachael, or if you have cybersex with each other. My only concern was keeping you out of danger.”

“But you watched us.”

“I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

That wasn’t the answer I was looking for. I wanted him to tell me that yes, he watched me, and he enjoyed it. Enjoyed it so much that he had to stroke himself to orgasm as he watched his sister with another guy. He was still holding me, and I felt my nipples tighten and press against his chest as we stared at each other.

My thoughts returned to what he had said, rolling it over in my mind. Something didn’t make sense, but I couldn’t figure out what. I tried to slow down the words, going over each one. What did he say?

Then it came to me, and once again, my mind reeled in shock.

No. It couldn’t be. That just wasn’t possible. I went over it again and again in my mind. But the more I thought about it, the more I was convinced it was true.

I must have had an odd expression on my face, because he said, “Mandy, don’t look at me like that. I promise I’ll take the program off your computer.”

I stared at him, my heart beating wildly. “That won’t be necessary.”

His brow furrowed, looking curious. “What do you mean?”

“You won’t have to take the program off.”

“Why not?”

“Because you didn’t put it on there.”


“There’s no program watching me.”

“Mandy, you’re not making sense.”

“You said we talked about Rachael.”


“Bobby and I didn’t talk about Rachael last night. We talked about her in the afternoon, before my computer froze.”

He shook his head. “You’re mistaken. I know what I saw.”

“Yes, you did see it. But you saw it in the afternoon.”

“Mandy, you’re confused.”

“No, I’m not. You didn’t install a watcher program because you don’t need one.”

“Mandy, please stop this.”

“And the reason you don’t need one is because I tell you all of my secrets voluntarily. I share everything with you, Bobby.”

“What? What are you saying?”

“You know what I’m saying. You’re Bobby. The guy I’ve been so close to for the past year. The guy I’ve shared everything with. The guy I’ve made love to with my words during all those late nights. The guy who’s shared his secrets with me, and made love to me.”

“Mandy, that’s crazy.”

“No, it makes complete sense. That’s why you never sent me your picture. And that’s why you said you lived on the other side of the country, so there would be no chance of us wanting to meet.”

“Please, just stop.”

I looked into his eyes. There was no anger or denial. Only a pleading for me to stop. I put my hand on his chest.

“It’s ok, Brandon. I’m not upset. I’m glad it’s you.”

“Mandy, we can’t.”

I slid my hands up on his shoulders and pulled him down as I pulled myself up. I turned my face upwards, my lips searching for his.


I pulled harder, and our lips met, so soft against each other. I could feel him resisting, his hands on my waist trying to push me away. But I clung tighter to him, kissing him gently, reassuring him that I wanted him too.

Suddenly, his hands slid from my waist to the small of my back, and he pulled me into him, causing my spine to arch and my breasts to press harder against his chest. His kiss became urgent, and I felt his tongue lick along my lips. I parted them slightly, allowing him entrance, and I sucked his tongue softly as it probed into me.

Finally, our kiss broke and we pulled slightly apart, staring at each other. Then he spoke.

“It started with me just wanting to watch over you. I didn’t mean for anything to happen. But then I got to know you — even better than I did during the four years we lived together. And I found myself wanting to share with you too. I may have lied about who I was, but I never lied about the important things, like what I was feeling.”