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regardless of what's happened between you. Maybe you just need to give her

some time before attempting to approach her again."

"I know you're right. I just..." Sam's voice trailed off as tears again began to flow.

Kim stroked her hair and back. She had never seen Sam affected so strongly by

a woman before. She'd watched her date a string of women. They all loved her

and any one of them would've been happy to make a life with her. However,

none of them had ever been able to touch Sam's heart. She wished she could

give Sam the answers she wanted. Sam eventually drifted off to sleep her arms

wrapped around Kim's thighs. Kim slipped out from under her and gently

covered her up. She heard the others come back in and left the room, leaving

Thor to watch over Sam.


Kim walked straight into Jess's arms. Jess wrapped her arms around her wife

hugging her tight.

"How's Sam?"

"Physically she seems fine, emotionally that's another story."

"Is it post traumatic stress from the shooting?" Jess asked in concern.

"I'm not sure she's even dealt with the repercussions of the shooting yet. Her

main problem right now is she has deep feelings for Riley and Riley doesn't want

to have anything to do with her."

"What? Why the hell not?" Jess asked in outrage. "It was obvious when we were here before that the woman had feelings for Sam."

Kim explained what Sam had told her. She left out the part about them making

out on Sam's hospital bed. She was worried Jess would rush over to the hospital

to confront Riley. She cautioned Jess as well as Frank and Cheryl to not push

Sam on the subject and let her come to her own acceptance of the situation.

They reluctantly agreed. They all cared for Sam and only wanted what was best

for her. Jess and Frank both wanted to march over to the hospital and give Dr.

Riley Connolly a piece of their mind but Kim's cool-headed advice prevailed.


Jess and Kim were cuddled together on the sofa and Frank and Cheryl sat

curled together on the loveseat. They were just about to start discussing the

timing of their upcoming plans. Before their discussion could get started, they

were interrupted by the sound of Sam coming down the hall.

"Don't everyone stop talking on my account." Sam said as she reached the

room. "Unless of course it's because you were talking about me." She said in an

accusing tone.

Kim patted the sofa next to her. "No, actually we weren't. Come have a seat."

Sam looked at Jess then Frank. They both had bland expressions on their


"Sorry." Sam muttered before sitting down.

"We were just discussing the sleeping arrangements for tonight." Jess told Sam.

"Kim and I need to find a hotel I guess." She continued looking over Kim.

"I think tonight would be a good TIME for all of us to be together." Kim

interrupted. She made eye contact with Frank and Cheryl then turned to smirk at

Jess. Jess's face broke into a huge grin and Frank and Cheryl smiled widely.

"So how do you think we should work this?" Frank asked. "We don't want to

leave Sam here alone."

Sam was totally confused, she felt like there was a conversation going on she

wasn't hearing.

"Someone want to tell me what's going on?" she asked looking at four far from

innocent faces.

"Nothing." Jess said unconvincingly.

"Fine." Sam said. She wasn't in the mood to play games with her sister. "You and Kim take my bed. Frank and Cheryl can have the guest room and I'll sleep

on the couch. Since it's such a good TIME for us all to be together." She said

looking directly at Kim emphasizing the word time as she had.

Kim looked away and Sam knew for sure she was hiding something. She just

didn't know what.

"No, we can't take your bed." Jess said sounding disappointed. "You just got out of the hospital yesterday."

Sam didn't ask what was going on but now she knew it was something

important. One look at her sister's face told her that.

"It's no big deal... really Sis," Sam insisted. "You know how comfortable this couch is you've slept on it enough."

Jess smiled at Sam. "Are you sure?" Sam nodded. "Thanks Sis."


Dinner was a quiet affair. Sam could sense the underlying tension in the air but

was too involved with her own problems to really question her siblings. They'd all

gathered in the living room and watched a movie Jess rented. Sam didn't pay

much attention to it. She truly was tired her roiling emotions taking their toll on

her. Everyone finally decided to call it a night. Everyone left the living room

except Jess she wanted to check Sam's incision just to be assured that she

really was healing well. After she was done, she sat on the couch next to her


"How are you really doing?" She asked Sam. She tilted Sam's head up forcing

her to meet her eyes.

"Okay I guess. I'm still sore but it gets better every day. I'm supposed to start

physical therapy on Monday." She told Jess.

"That's good but that's not what I was talking about."

"I know." Sam acknowledged. "I just don't understand. I know she has feelings for me but is just so hung up on not getting involved with a patient. I really care

about her Jess... it hurts. I just don't know what to do."

"Maybe you just need to give her some time. Then approach her again."

"I don't know if I could take it if she turned me away again." Sam said her voice cracking.

"You don't have to make a decision tonight. You just got out of the hospital. Give

yourself some time to heal then decide where you want to go with this." Jess


"I know it's just hard. I want to march into that hospital and shake some sense

into her. Make her see what she's giving up without a fight." Sam sighed putting

her arm over her face.

"I know Kiddo, just hang in there for awhile, and don't make any big decisions."

The two sisters hugged before getting up to make up the couch for Sam.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright out here?" Jess asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Want to tell me what's going on?"

Jess grinned. "Not yet... but soon." With that, she walked away before Sam

could ask any more questions.


Sam's eyes popped open. Something had awakened her. It was dark but the hall

light was on. She lifted up and looked down the hallway. Frank was standing

outside her bedroom door talking quietly to Jess. She watched as her brother

passed something to Jess but she couldn't make out what it was. He leaned

over and kissed her on the cheek before returning to the guest room. Jess stood

silently in the hall for several moments before turning and entering Sam's

bedroom. Sam heard the click of the latch as it locked. She lay back down

wondering what the hell that had been all about.


The siblings and their spouses spent a quiet Sunday with Sam. She was still

depressed over the situation with Riley but did her best to appear normal to her

family. She was happy to note no one pressured her for information about it. She

knew that had to be Kim's doing and silently thanked her for it. She was

surprised when Kim and Jess decided to spend Sunday night and leave early in

the morning Monday to return to LA. She'd tried to convince Frank and Cheryl

that she was fine and didn't need them to stay. They insisted on staying until her