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threatened by the gunman. Even in the incredible pain she was in she felt safe in her

arms. The doctor reached down brushing Sam's hair back from her face and then softly

stroked her cheek as she stared into the officer's vivid blue eyes.

"Don't worry, you're going to be alright. I'll take good care of you."

Sam was totally unaware of the other people rushing into the room. All she saw was the

beautiful woman above her promising everything was going to be ok. She could feel

herself becoming weaker and everything was getting dim. The last thing she saw was the

coppery haired doctor with the soft violet eyes leaning over her before everything went


"Get her on the gurney NOW!" the doctor yelled. "We're losing her."

Chapter Two

Riley Connolly helped the nurses lift the wounded officer up onto the gurney. She

quickly assessed her injuries. The bulletproof vest had deflected most of the impact of

the shoulder shot. It was her leg that had Riley worried. Keith had been taken to the

trauma room next door and she could see the doctor working over him. She pushed

thoughts of him away and concentrated on the officer who'd saved her. The nurses

quickly cut her clothes off, inserted IV's and attached her to a heart monitor. Riley

glanced up from where she was working to stop the bleeding at the officer's groin. She

was suddenly uncomfortable seeing the beautiful body of the officer on display, which

surprised her; usually the last thing on her mind was a patient's modesty. Not really

knowing why she reached up and pulled the sheet up over her exposed chest and pelvis.

Several police officers barged into the room.

"How is she? Is she going to be okay? We need to talk to you about what happened here

doctor," demanded one of the officers.

"You can't be in here, let me work and I'll talk to you when I can." Riley said never looking up from where she was still trying to stop the bleeding. "I think the femoral

artery has been nicked. Type and cross her for 4 units and send them to the OR STAT!

Open the IV's full bore she's losing too much volume. We have to get her upstairs NOW!

Let's move it people!"

One of the officers stepped in front of her, "You're going to operate on her? Are you a surgeon?"

Riley tried to push the large man aside. "Yes, I'm a trauma surgeon. Now get the hell out of my way. I'm trying to save your friend before she bleeds to death!" The officer

quickly scurried out of her way.


Riley stepped out of the OR and watched as they rolled the officer into recovery. She had

indeed had a nick in her femoral artery. She'd managed to repair it before the tissue was

damaged from loss of blood flow. They had been able to stabilize her quickly with little

additional blood loss; her vitals had come up after pumping in a couple liters of fluid.

They'd been able to complete the surgery without having to give her a blood transfusion.

The leg had pinked up well and Riley was confident the officer would, baring any

complications, recover fully. With the strain of being held at gunpoint then the struggle

to save the injured officer who'd been shot protecting her, Riley was at the end of her

rope. She was physically and mentally exhausted. She slumped against the wall outside

the OR.

"Dr. Connolly." Riley looked up wearily as one of the recovery room nurses approached.

"There are several police officers waiting to talk to you and the patient's family has arrived."

It was then that Riley realized she didn't even know the officer's name. She walked over

and picked up the officer's chart off the rack flipping to the first page she saw her name, Samantha McKenna.

"Okay Sara, I just need to check that she's gotten settled in recovery and write her post op orders. I'll be out to talk to the family then the police officers."

Riley entered the recovery room and went straight to Samantha's bed. She couldn't help

admiring the beautiful woman with her high cheekbones and classically chiseled

features. Not even realizing what she was doing, she gently brushed Samantha's dark

hair back from her face and softly stroked her cheek. God she's gorgeous, she thought.

Riley jerked her hand back when she realized what she was doing. She went over her

chart and wrote out her post op orders. Everything seemed fine. She looked down into

Samantha's slack features marveling at what the woman had done throwing herself in

front of Keith. She couldn't believe the officer had risked her life for someone she didn't even know. Sighing heavily she made her way out to face the family and Samantha's

fellow officers knowing this was all her fault.

The surgical waiting room was packed with police officers. Sitting in one corner were

two women looking shell-shocked holding hands. Riley did a double take; the dark

haired woman could've been the twin of the woman she'd just left in the recovery room.

She ignored all the officers and approached the two women.

"Are you here for Samantha McKenna?" She asked the two women already knowing the

answer. Jess looked up at the small slender redhead. Riley backed up a step when the tall

raven-haired woman rose towering over her. Her vibrant blue eyes locked with the

doctor's violet ones.

"Yes, I'm Jess McKenna, Sam's my sister. This is my wife Kim." She introduced the blond standing next to her. Riley glanced down noting the wedding rings both women

were wearing. "What's my sister's condition?"

"I'm Dr. Connolly, I operated on your sister." Riley said shaking hands with both women.

She's in recovery and doing well."

"What was the extent of her injuries? All the officers told us was that she'd been shot twice." Jess asked.

"Her bulletproof vest deflected most of the impact of the gunshot to her shoulder. She has a graze wound and extensive bruising to her shoulder. The second shot was to her

leg, it did a bit of damage." Riley explained. "I repaired the damage and she should recover fully."

"Exactly what type of damage? Please be specific. I'm a physician. I'm Head of the ER at LA Metropolitan."

Riley blushed. "I'm sorry Dr. McKenna no one told me that. The bullet entered at the

groin and nicked the femoral artery, it then tracked downward damaging the quadriceps

muscle. I was able to repair the damage to the artery and the limb pinked up

immediately. I also repaired the muscle damage. The damage to the muscle was fairly

extensive. Fortunately it was a small caliber handgun or the damage would've been even

more widespread. We were able to support her with several liters of fluid and avoid a

blood transfusion. With physical therapy she will regain full use of the leg."

"The police said you were in the room when she was shot?" Jess questioned.

"Yes, I was being held at gunpoint, your sister threw herself between me and the

gunman. I'm so sorry she got hurt." Riley apologized contritely.

"When can we see her?" Kim asked.

Riley glanced up meetings the blond's gaze. "She's still in recovery and will be going to the ICU once she regains consciousness. You can see her as soon as she reaches the


"I'd like to see her now." Jess requested. When Riley hesitated Kim spoke up. "My wife and I are both physicians, as a professional courtesy we'd like to see her for just a few

minutes. We're both aware of the rules of the recovery room."

"Okay, but only for a few minutes." Riley conceded.

Jess headed straight for Sam's bed. She picked up her hand on her uninjured side.