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an A+. I was always under great pressure to measure up, make him proud of

me. He always told me 'don't disappoint me Riley'. It was always assumed I

would go to college and take pre-med. In college a new kind of pressure started.

My aunt and uncle began harping about how I needed to be seen with the right

people and date 'appropriate men'. I just never felt anything for the guys my

uncle pressured me into dating. I finally met a guy on my own and started dating

him. I kept hoping I'd feel something, anything for him when he touched me."

She glanced up at Sam. "But I never did." She blushed and looked down at the

sheet, her hands twisting the material. "Mike had been pressuring me for a while

to sleep with him. Whenever we went out his touching got more and more

insistent. I went to a party with him and intentionally got drunk. It was the only

way I could let him touch me. He took my virginity in one of the bathrooms with a

bunch of people outside the door waiting to get in." She admitted sadly. "I

continued to date him for another two months but finally broke it off. He kept

demanding sex and I just couldn't pretend any more. I never felt anything and

had to get drunk so I could stand for him to touch me. I told him I needed to

concentrate on my studies."

Sam gently stroked Riley's back. She cursed, what kind of slime would take his

girlfriend in a bathroom at a party and she's a virgin. Bastard had to have

known. She mentally shook her head in disgust. Riley finally worked up the

courage to look up at Sam. She was sure she would see distaste and

condemnation in her eyes. She was surprised to find love and compassion

burning brightly in Sam's vivid blue eyes. Sam leaned down and placed a kiss

on her forehead.

"I'm sorry your first time was such a horrible experience Baby."

Riley smiled and hugged Sam before continuing with her story. "When my uncle

started up again about my dating I told him I wanted to get into medical school

with top grades. I knew that would feed into his ego. He stopped trying to set me

up and I graduated Magna Cum Laude. I wanted to apply to several medical

schools but my uncle decided I'd be attending his alma mater. I got accepted

right way and was excited to be moving out of my aunt's and uncle's for the first

time. Little did I know my uncle already had plans for me. He knew an alumnus

who had a big house in a really nice upscale neighborhood. It was traditionally

rented out to medical students attending their alma mater. It was in big demand

to get into. My uncle of course pulled some strings with his friend and got me in.

That's where I met Linda. She was one of the roommates. There were five

bedrooms in the house. Steven was graduating and I took his room. Paul was

starting his fourth year, Terry was a third year, Carol and Linda were both second

year and I was of course a first year."

"Carol? Is this the Carol who's married to your friend Denny?" Sam clarified.

Riley laughed, "Yes it's the same Carol but we didn't know Denny yet. You're

getting ahead of the story."


Riley squeezed Sam's waist and went back to her tale. "Linda and I became fast

friends during the first six months I lived in the house. She helped me study and

showed me around campus. We spent a lot of time together, studying, watching

movies. I soon realized I was developing feelings for her. I wanted to touch her

and it scared me. I'd never felt anything like that before. We both started to find

excuses to touch each other. It started out as backrubs then progressed to

massages. Everything had an explanation; we were just helping each other

relieve the tension of school, it was normal for friends to touch each other. It was

a confusing time for me. I longed to touch her and got more excited rubbing her

back than I had with Mike when we had sex." Riley said, blushing at her


"I understand. I get turned on just looking at you."

Riley blushed again, hiding her face in Sam's shoulder.

"It's true, you're a very beautiful woman." Riley wasn't used to hearing that and didn't know how to react.

Sam seeing she was making her uncomfortable steered the conversation back

to Riley's story. "So then what happened?"

Riley shifted getting more comfortable before she continued. "It was really

strange, one minute she would be rubbing my back or lying with her head in my

lap and the next it was like she barely knew me. I quickly learned that I wasn't to

touch her if anyone else was around including our other roommates. This went

on for several months then one night we were in my room studying. Linda

leaned over and kissed me. The next thing I knew I was underneath her and she

was removing my clothes. I was just in this haze, my body felt like it was on fire.

I'd never experienced anything like it before. I finally understood what all the fuss

was about. It was enlightening to say the least. I ah... I umm...I experienced my

first orgasm with another person." Riley stuttered blushing hotly. Riley glanced

up to see Sam's smirking face. She poked her in the ribs with her elbow.

"Hush..." she admonished. Sam just laughed. "I couldn't believe it when she got up and got dressed as soon as we were finished. I had just had the most

amazing sexual experience of my life and she was just going to leave. She told

me 'we need to keep this just between us. It wouldn't look good for either of us if

this gets out. Just think of how your uncle would react.' I should've realized then

how things would turn out but it was all new to me so I went along.

"Bitch!" Sam muttered angrily.

"Yes she was but it would take me almost two years to figure it out." Riley said


"We had no relationship in public. Linda would slip into my bed and we'd have

sex. She always put her clothes back on afterward and insisted I do the same.

After the newness of the experience wore off it was just... I don't know, not that

exciting. She'd come into my room, take what she wanted and leave. I never

initiated anything between us and she always came to my room. I didn't really

see or have much to do with anyone else. Carol tried to make friends but Linda

didn't like her so I never returned the overtures of friendship. This went on 'til the

end of my first year. She had me convinced that it was the way things had to be

for both our sakes. Things changed when Paul graduated and Denny moved in.

He didn't like Linda one bit. He and Carol quickly got involved and they would

insist I go places and do things with them. Linda refused to be seen in public

with me once we became lovers, so we never went out. I developed a close

friendship with the Denny and Carol. If it weren't for them I probably wouldn't

have ever gotten out of the house except to go to class or the hospital. Linda

had her own group of friends that she did things with but I was never invited to

join them. That was pretty much how things went for the next two years. In

retrospect I know she used what she knew about my relationship with my uncle

to keep me in line. Whenever I'd press to go out with her she would remind me

how my uncle would react if he found out I was seeing a woman. She knew how

much my uncle's approval meant to me and how much I wanted him to be proud