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arms around Jess.

"It's alright... let it out, she's going to be fine." Kim assured Jess.

Finally the damn broke and tears began to flow down Jess's face. It was the first

emotions she'd allowed herself since the phone call telling them Sam had been shot. Kim

stroked her hair and continued to hold her tightly.

"God Kim, what if we'd lost her," Jess cried.

"We didn't lose her and we're not going to. You can't beat yourself up with what might have been. She's here and she's safe, we need to be thankful for that."

"I know you're right," Jess said struggling to regain her composure. "We should let her rest."

They both gently kissed Sam's forehead before leaving the room.


Riley strolled back into the ICU the following morning. She checked all her post-op

patients leaving Sam McKenna for last. She found her just waking up as the nurse was

checking her vitals.

"Hi Sam, how are feeling this morning?" Riley asked as she approached the bed to stand next to Sam.

"Did you get the license of the truck that ran over me?" questioned Sam in response.

"That good huh," Riley said sympathetically. "That's to be expected. Give it some time.

Did you see your family yet this morning?"

"Shit..." Sam muttered. "Why'd they have to call them? Who's here?"

"Your sister Jess and her wife are here. They came in yesterday while you were in

surgery." Riley told her.

Sam sighed in relief. "I don't want my parents to have to make the trip down here from Northern California. It's not a big deal, I'm fine."

Riley didn't know what came over her; she felt an incredible surge of anger at Sam's

words. She gripped Sam's forearm tightly.

"It is a BIG DEAL, he almost killed you!" Riley exclaimed almost shouting.

Sam's eyes widened, surprised at Riley's outburst. She reached out taking Riley's small

hand in her much larger one. "It's okay, calm down. I didn't mean it like that."

Riley realized how inappropriately she'd reacted. Just the thought of this woman not

caring how close she'd come to dying made her crazy. She needed to get away before she

did anything else stupid.

"I need to go check on my other patients. I'll let your sister know you're awake."

Sam squeezed the small hand still in hers. "Thanks. Will you come back later?"

Riley smiled down at Sam. "I'll come and check on you before I leave for the day."


Jess and Kim entered the room to find Sam sleeping peacefully. Jess looked up checking

the monitor. Kim wrapped her arm tightly around Jess's waist as they reached the bed.

Jess reached out stroking Sam's face. "Hey Sam," she called softly.

Sam's eye's slowly opened. She grinned crookedly when she saw her sister. "Hey fancy

meeting you here." She tried to joke her voice cracking. She could see the emotions

churning beneath the surface of Jess's gaze. "I'm okay really." She tried to reassure her sister and Kim.

Kim leaned down kissing Sam softly on the forehead. "You scared us."

"I'm sorry you had to make the trip down here. I'm fine really. You didn't have to come."

"That's a bunch of bullshit of course we had to come!" Jess told her angrily.

Sam tried to shrug and winced in pain. "They didn't call the folks did they?"

"No I'm listed as your emergency contact. They called me as soon as the station house

knew what happened but they only said you'd been shot and were in the OR. We got

down here as fast as we could. I called Mom and Dad after we talked to your doctor.

They wanted to come but I convinced them not to."

"Good I don't want them making that trip. I'll be out of here soon." Sam said confidently.

"Damn it Sam! You've been shot twice and seriously injured, you're not going

anywhere." Jess insisted.

Sam looked away and didn't respond.

Kim stepped in leaning down to whisper in Sam's ear. "She was petrified Sam, give her a break."

Sam smiled at Kim, before meeting her sister's eyes. "Don't worry Sis I'll do whatever my doctor says to."

Sam was rapidly fading. Kim and Jess kissed her goodbye and told her they would see

her later. She was asleep before they got out the door.


Riley had seen Jess and Kim in the waiting room and convinced them to go eat and get

some rest. She assured them baring any problems and she quickly reassured them she

didn't think there would be any; Sam would be released from the ICU in the morning and

transferred to the post-op surgical floor. Riley was exhausted but had promised Sam

she'd stop by before going home. At this point all she wanted was a nice soak in the tub

and a stiff drink.

Sam was asleep when Riley entered the room. She hesitated not wanting to wake her.

Before she could make up her mind Sam's eyes slowly blinked open. She smiled softly

when her gaze met Riley's. "Hi," she murmured sleepily.

"I'm sorry I woke you. I was heading out and stopped by as promised."

Sam's hand lifted from the mattress beckoning Riley closer. She stepped to the head of

the bed and took Sam's large hand in hers. "How are you feeling? Are you having much


"Some but not too bad. My shoulder aches but mostly my leg hurts when I try to move."

"Not surprising. You have quite a bit of muscle damage and sutures in the leg and pelvis.

Just take it slow. The nurses will be getting you up to sit in a chair a little later we don't want you getting pneumonia. Let them help you." Riley instructed Sam. "Everything will be fine, I promise." Riley said gazing into Sam's amazing blue eyes.

Sam was lost in the doctor's striking violet gaze. "Thank you." She said softly.

Riley felt her throat tighten with unshed tears. "I should be the one thanking you. You saved my life."

Sam squeezed Riley's hand, "Guess that makes us even Dr. Connolly." Sam realized she didn't know her first name. She tried to sit up a little to see the doctor's name tag

Riley misinterpreted Sam's movement. She quickly slipped her arm behind Sam's back

bringing her into a more upright position. Sam groaned loudly when her leg bent at the

pelvis shooting a sharp pain down her leg. Riley quickly lowered her back to the bed

apologizing. "I'm sorry I thought you wanted to sit up."

"It's okay," Sam said grimacing slightly at the lingering pain. Riley noticed she still had her arm wrapped around Sam's shoulder and quickly retreated. Sam immediately missed

the warmth of her arm.

"What were you trying to do?" Riley questioned. "Just ask if you need something."

Sam was embarrassed and looked down at the blanket. "I um was trying to see your

name tag. I don't even know your first name."

Sam looked up when Riley laughed softly, it was a wonderful sound and she wanted to

hear it again.

Riley shook her head, "You could've just asked me." She stared at Sam arching one eyebrow.

Sam grinned realizing the doctor was going to make her ask. In the sexist voice she

could manage she purred. "So doctor just what is your first name."

Riley gulped amazed at the reaction of her body to Sam's voice. She blushed lightly

before replying. "It's Riley."

Sam stuck out her hand, Riley accepted and her hand was enveloped in Sam's much

larger one. "Nice to meet you Riley." Sam hesitated then asked. "Is it okay to call you Riley?"

Riley smiled. "Well, not usually but since you saved my life I guess I can make an

exception in your case."

Sam's little half smirk appeared on her face. "Good to know, Riley."

Riley realized their conversation had slipped into light flirting. It wasn't a good idea to become attracted to a patient and she had to keep reminding herself no matter how