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Sam laughed. "No, we just had to bring in a drunk that fell and cut his hand. I left

my partner in the ER and thought I'd stop by and see you for a minute."

Riley stepped into Sam's arms and hugged her tightly before pulling her head

down for a deep kiss. She'd gotten used to seeing her in her uniform over the

last few days. She was still scared by Sam's work but the women in the support

group had explained to her that was perfectly normal. She just couldn't let it

control her life. Both women were breathing heavily when the kiss finally broke.

Riley jumped when Sam's radio suddenly squawked. Sam listened for a minute

then frowned.

"Sorry Babe, I have to go. Guess the ER decided to be efficient today and our

guys' done. What time do you think you'll be done tonight?"

Riley had been slowly cutting back her hours much to the annoyance of her

fellow staff. She'd always worked more shifts than anyone else had on the

service, giving them more time off. "Barring any major disasters I should be

home by six."

"Great I'll see you tonight." Sam said as she headed for the door.

Riley wasn't really listening anymore. Her eyes were fixed on Sam's butt

displayed wonderfully by her tight uniform pants. Sam turned back when she

didn't get a response. She grinned when she caught Riley staring at her ass.

When Riley's eyes finally made it to her face Sam laughed outright. Riley

shrugged refusing to be embarrassed by being caught ogling Sam in her

uniform. With a final wave, Sam turned and swaggered out the door. Riley

sighed and turned back to her paperwork.


Riley sat at the kitchen counter drinking her coffee waiting for Sam. She had a

light schedule today and was looking forward to getting an early start on the

weekend. She looked up when she heard Sam coming down the hall. Now that

she was getting used to seeing Sam in her uniform, she couldn't help admiring

how good she looked in it.

"You really do look great in this Honey." Riley said reaching out to run her fingers down the sharp crease on the front of Sam's shirt.

Sam slipped on her mirrored aviator sunglasses and grinned cockily. "Glad you

like it Babe." She purred in a sexy voice. Riley felt every word right between her

legs. She swallowed trying to get some moisture into her suddenly dry mouth.

This was something she hadn't considered, that she'd be turned on by Sam in

her uniform.

Sam had been watching Riley's facial expressions. Her cocky grin widened

when she realized Riley had become aroused. She took her baton off her belt

and lightly ran it up the inside of Riley's thighs. "Maybe when we get home

tonight I could show you all my equipment." Sam stroked her again with the


Riley's eyes were dilated and her chest was heaving as her arousal soared. She

wasn't sure how much longer her legs would hold her up. Her reaction to Sam's

words had been unexpectedly intense. Sam slipped her baton back onto her

belt. She hadn't expected Riley to react quite so strongly. She felt her own

arousal surge. Sam glanced over at the clock. If they didn't leave right that

minute, they were both going to be late.

"I'm sorry Babe, we have to go." She said with a disappointed sigh.

Riley looked at Sam unbelievingly. She wasn't even sure she could walk. She

looked over at the clock and groaned. Shaking her head she tried to focus her

thoughts away from the throbbing between her legs.

"You're gonna pay for that McKenna." She threatened Sam as she shakily made

her way to the door.

Sam threw back her head and laughed. "Promises, Promises." she teased. She

met Riley at the door and placed a quick kiss on her lips. They headed out to the

parking lot together.

For the first time since she'd gone back to work, Sam headed out the door with a

light heart. Riley headed off to work never realizing that for the first time she'd

watched Sam leave for work and hadn't been scared.


Sam lay on her stomach trying to catch her breath. Riley was sprawled across

her back where she'd collapsed. Riley finally managed to slide off Sam and roll

over onto her back. Sam flipped over and they both lay side by side, panting.

"Damn Riley, you're trying to kill me." Sam accused. Riley had pounced on her

the second she'd walked in the door. That was over two hours ago. She'd been

surprised to find Riley home but Riley hadn't given her a chance to ask any

questions. The first round had been on the couch. Riley had managed to strip

her of her clothes in record time. When she'd buried her face between Sam's

thighs, it had effectively ended any conversation. The second time they'd made it

as far as the hallway before Riley had pushed her against the wall. They had

eventually made it to the bedroom. Sam had managed to turn the tables briefly

but Riley had been unrelenting. Sam chuckled to herself. She'd definitely met

her match in Riley and surprisingly she loved every second of it.

"I warned you this morning. I had to take a freezing shower when I got to work

this morning thanks to you."

"That you did Baby, that you did," Sam laughed. "Though I never did get to show you my equipment." Sam teased. She groaned when Riley slid back on top of

her, her eyes sparking. She didn't want to admit Riley had worn her out. Riley

started to kiss her neck. Her growling stomach provided a distraction. "Food

Babe, I need food to keep up my strength." Riley's stomach growled loudly at the

mention of food.

"Okay." She pouted. "But I'll hold you to it later."

Sam kissed her forehead and rolled them both out of the bed. "You bet." She

said wiggling her eyebrows.

Riley couldn't help but sigh as she watched Sam leave the room her tight gluts

flexing as she walked.


They'd decided on sandwiches and returned to bed with them. They sat talking

as they ate.

"So what did you and Davidson do today, anything interesting." Riley asked.

Sam looked over questioningly then realized although they'd started talking

more frequently about her day, she'd never actually mentioned who her partner


"I'm not riding with Davidson." Sam explained. I was his Field Training officer.

After he passed his twelve-week training, he was assigned to another officer and

placed on probation for a year. You usually don't ride with the same rookie you

were FTO for. I'm riding with Kellie Matthews and continuing her training during

her probation year. You remember her from the baseball game?"

The green-eyed monster jumped out and grabbed Riley by the throat. Sam was

riding in a car every day with that... that...woman!

"Yeah I remember her." Riley finally acknowledged, jealously making her voice


Sam frowned at Riley's tone of voice. She was confused by her sudden change in demeanor.

"She's a goo

officer." Sam said thinking maybe Riley was just concerned.

'I'm sure." Riley said dismissively.

Sam couldn't help grinning as she figured it out. "Don't worry Babe, I'm all yours."

"Yeah well you'd better make sure that green-eyed blond bimbo knows it too." Riley said sharply.

Sam fell back against the pillows holding her sides as she roared with laughter. This was

a side of Riley she'd never seen, much less expected. She looked over and saw Riley