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They'd spent the rest of the day hanging out watching football. Riley had never been

much of a football fan but watching the game with Jess, Sam and Frank was an

experience she wouldn't have missed for the world. Kim and Cheryl had just shaken their

heads; they were obviously used to the sibling's antics.

The enjoyable day had continued with dinner. The siblings had teased and taunted each

other through out dinner telling stories of holidays past. The atmosphere had been

relaxed and the teasing all in fun. She'd blushed profusely when each person at the table

had stood and personally welcomed her to the family. She had thanked everyone and

then surprised herself by kissing a beaming Sam in front of them. It was the most

wonderful Thanksgiving she could remember since her parents passed away. She felt

herself drifting off to sleep from all the food she'd eaten and the warmth of Sam's body.


Riley's eyes fluttered open. She was lying with her head in Sam's lap and she was softly

stroking her hair.

"Welcome back." Sam murmured softly.

Riley sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She was the last to awaken from their

impromptu nap. Jess entered the room carrying a tray with six glasses of champagne.

Everyone looked at her quizzically.

"Ah... good everyone's awake." She said with a teasing wink at Riley.

She handed out glasses to everyone and then went over to sit on the footstool at Kim's

feet. She smiled sweetly up at her and Kim nodded her head in response.

"Kim and I have an announcement to make and would like all of you to join us in

celebrating." She paused to make sure she had everyone's attention. "Kim's pregnant."

Frank whooped and pumped his fist. "Yes!" he exclaimed.

Cheryl smiled at them and raised her glass to both women. Riley was happy for them,

just one look at them and she knew how much they both wanted this child. She was also

relieved to know what was wrong with Kim. Jess's cryptic comment from that morning

now made sense. Yes, Kim would eventually get over her morning sickness. She

congratulated both women.

So far, Sam hadn't said anything and appeared to be truly shocked. "Pregnant?" she finally repeated.

"Yep," Jess grinned. "A little over three months."

Riley could almost see the wheels turning in Sam's head as she tried to work it out.

Sam's eyes widened as it all suddenly came together. Her gazed traveled over to her

brother and her mouth dropped open in shock. His smirk said it all. She glared over at

Jess in outrage.

"You didn't!"

Jess wasn't sure what Sam was talking about. She was confused by Sam's reaction and a

little disappointed. She thought she'd be the first to congratulate them. "What?" she asked in confusion.

"Tell me you didn't get her pregnant in MY BED!" Sam demanded, obviously outraged at the thought.

Jess and Kim both burst out laughing. Jess winked at Kim then turned back to her irate

sister. "Oh yeah! I most certainly did." She told Sam with a smirk then puffed her chest out in pride.

"That's just gross." Sam whined.

"We did change the sheets." Jess laughingly told her.

"We're turning over the mattress as soon as we get home." Sam told a grinning Riley.

"Hey Sam, I donated in the guest bedroom." Frank threw in.

Sam growled at her brother.

"And I helped." Added a smirking Cheryl.

Sam put her hands over her ears. "Too much information." She whimpered.

Riley patted her consolingly on the thigh as the room erupted in laughter. When the

laughter died down Sam stood up and stuck her tongue out at her brother. She bypassed

Jess and went directly to Kim. She leaned down and kissed her softly. "Congratulations, you'll make a wonderful mom." She told a glowing Kim. As she walked past her sister,

she smacked her on the back of the head. "That's for using my bed!" she said then squeezed her shoulder in congratulations.


Riley stared out the windshield. The drive back to San Diego had been quiet. She had so

many emotions whirling around inside she just needed time to think. She'd shared a

tearful goodbye with Frank and Cheryl that morning when they'd left to fly back to San

Francisco. They'd invited her and Sam to come visit. The leave taking with Kim and Jess

had been even more emotional. For the first time in 25 years, she knew what it was like

to be part of a family. She glanced over at Sam marveling at how much her life had

changed in just a few months since meeting her. When Keith had barged into the trauma

room Riley had feared her life was about to end. She hadn't realized it at the time, but in a heartbeat her life had ended and a new one had begun.

Chapter 14 - Conclusion

6 months later

"Riley, come on... wake up Babe."

Riley rolled over and groaned. "What time is it?"

"It's just after 1am. That was Jess. She's at the hospital with Kim, she's in labor."

"Okay," Riley mumbled still groggy. Her eyes popped open when it registered what Sam had said. She pulled back the covers and leapt out of bed. "Well come on what are you

waiting for we don't want to miss it."

Sam chuckled as she got up to get dressed. "Jess said she's four centimeters and it might be a while."

They hurriedly dressed and headed for Los Angeles.


Sam approached the nurse's station. "Hi I'm here to see my sister-in-law, Kim

McKenna." Kim used her maiden name at work but had changed her last name to Jess's

when they decided to have a child.

"Sure go on down, she's in room 302."


Sam slowly pushed the door open. It had been a little over 2 hrs since Jess's call. Kim

was lying on her side as Jess massaged her back. She and Riley quietly stepped into the

room. Riley immediately went to Kim's side.

"Hey how're you doing?" she asked with a soft smile as she leaned down to kiss Kim.

They'd grown very close in the last six months. She pushed the sweat soaked hair back

from her face.

"Besides the fact that my back is killing me and I swear this kid is trying to kick her way out. I'm just peachy." Kim replied grumpily.

Riley smiled making no comment, she'd dealt with women in labor during her internship.

Sam wasn't as bright.

"It'll all be over soon." Sam advised with a smile.

Kim growled at Sam. "I've been in labor with this kid for 10 hours. So let me tell you the next two minutes isn't soon enough." She snarled.

Sam looked shocked. She'd never heard Kim speak in that tone of voice before. Jess just

grinned; she'd been on the receiving end of Kim's temper for the last 10 hours. Riley

pulled Sam down so she could whisper in her ear. "Honey, women in labor are not

rational, just nod your head and be quiet."

Kim's labor had picked up in the two hours since Jess's call. They'd be moving her into

the delivery room soon. Riley was surprised to see Sam turn pale when the next

contraction came.

"Would you guys like to be present for the birth? Kim and I talked about it and you're more than welcome to if you want." Jess asked once the contraction had passed and Kim

had released the death grip she had on her hand.

Riley was unsure as Sam looked quite pale. She'd delivered babies during her internship

so wasn't concerned for herself. She glanced over at Sam. Sam swallowed heavily before

nodding yes.

The next contraction hit sooner than expected. Kim clutched her belly and growled at