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amount of pain she'd felt. There were two incision lines. One started right at the

hollow below her hipbone extending past the bend where her pelvis met her leg

and down to her upper thigh. There was a second suture line running right below

the bend where her leg met her pelvis to the right of the first one. It ran down the

inside of her upper thigh. Riley checked to make sure all the sutures were intact.

Sam grimaced in pain as Riley slowly rotated her leg to get a look at the sutures

high up on her inner thigh.

"Sorry," Riley said patting her hip in sympathy. The incision looked red and

swollen, which was normal. There were no signs of infection. "Everything looks

good Sam. No sign of infection and for the amount of suturing I did minimal

swelling. I know it hurts but you need to take the pain meds and use the leg as

much as possible without straining it. We'll get you a walker to start with then

you can work up to crutches." Riley said.

Sam relaxed as Riley gently applied a new dressing. She was just finishing up

putting on new tape and was so focused on not hurting Sam she didn't hear the

door to the room open.

Jess and Kim stepped in the doorway and took in the scene in the room. Sam

was lying back with one arm over her eyes as the small red-haired doctor

worked between her legs. Jess couldn't resist tweaking her sister. She cleared

her throat loudly.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything?" Jess asked in an insinuating tone.

Riley jumped at the sudden sound behind her. She jerked her hands back and

blushed even though she knew she hadn't been doing anything remotely

embarrassing. Sam's eyes popped open and met Riley's slightly embarrassed

gaze. She glared at her sister's grinning face and snapped at her. "Knock it off


"What? What'd I do?" Her answer was a hard jab in the ribs from her wife. One

look into Kim's face and Jess instantly sobered. "Sorry." She murmured


Sam smirked at Jess as if to say, 'you're in trouble'.

"Hello Dr. Connolly. How's my troublesome sister today?" Jess asked trying to

take the focus off her poor attempt at a joke.

"Please call me Riley," she reminded her. She removed her gloves and smiled at

Sam gently patting her leg before covering her back up. "She's doing well.

Incision looks good with minimal swelling. She's still on antibiotics and pain

meds. She should be ready to start getting up and moving around this evening.

I'm estimating a week and a half to two-week hospital stay. She'll then go home

and into outpatient rehab."

"Hey I am right here you guys. Damn, you talk about me like I'm not even in the

room." Sam complained.

Jess and Kim both watch with interest when Riley placed her hand on Sam's


"Sorry Sam, professional hazard." Riley said squeezing her shoulder.

Kim sat a large bag on Sam's bedside tray. The aroma coming from the bag was

heavenly. "Real food as requested." She told Sam leaning forward to kiss her

lightly in greeting.

A very loud growling sound interrupted Sam's thank you. Riley blushed when all

eyes in the room turned to her.

"Well Sam I'll check on you tomorrow. Have a good evening." Riley had taken a

single step away from the bed when Sam reached out and took hold of her

forearm pulling her back.

"Please stay and have something to eat. I'm sure there's more than enough."

Sam gave Riley her best puppy dog look. She glared at her sister when she

heard her snicker.

"I'm really not that hungry." Riley denial would've been more believable if her

stomach hadn't chosen that moment to growl even louder. She blushed at the

behavior of her protesting stomach.

Kim spread out the food containers on Sam's over the bed table. "Come on Riley

there's more than enough. It's from Sam's favorite restaurant Dim Sum. You like

Chinese?" Kim asked ignoring Riley's comment about not being hungry.

Riley's stomach answered for her and Sam surprised her by pulling her down to

sit on the side of the bed. She tried to get up but Sam even injured was

amazingly strong.

"Come on Doc. We can't have you falling into your patients on the operating

table." Sam teased her.

Riley gave in relaxing on Sam's bed and helped herself to the food Kim had

spread out on the tray she'd slid between them. Riley moaned with pleasure at

the first taste of the wonderful Sesame chicken. It was one of her favorites. Sam

felt her heart pick up speed at the sound and was thankful she wasn't still

hooked up to a heart monitor.

Riley was amazed at how comfortable she was around the other women. They

laughed and joked comparing stories of the various experiences at the different

hospitals they'd worked in. Sam was captivated, her eyes never leaving the

doctor for long. She was mesmerized watching Riley's many varied expressions.

She frowned suddenly realizing she could easily fall for the beautiful doctor.

She'd never been involved with a straight woman and wasn't about to start now.

She knew that way lead to heartbreak. Sam unknowingly let out a big sigh,

saddened by what might've been. Riley immediately caught Sam's change in

expression; she quickly got up and approached her.

"Are you alright? Do you need your pain meds?" She asked softly in concern.

Unconsciously she took Sam's hand in hers stroking the back of her hand with

her thumb.

Sam forced herself to smile though it was half hearted at best. "No I'm fine, just


Riley suddenly realized she was acting as if she was visiting a friend and not

checking on a patient. As much as she enjoyed the company of the three

women, Sam was her patient. Riley berated herself; she again had started

thinking of Sam as a woman and not as a patient. Riley turned to Jess and Kim.

"Don't tire her out too much. She's still weak. She does need to try and walk a bit

tonight but don't let her over do."

She turned back to Sam trying to regain her professional demeanor. "I'll send the

nurse in with your pain med. You might want to take a little nap before trying

your walk. Don't over do it" She smiled at Sam unable to help herself. "Don't

make me have to come back into the hospital."

Riley quickly made her exit, waving to the women as she left.


Kim had been watching the interaction between Sam and Riley while they'd

been eating. Riley's eyes rarely left Sam's face when she was speaking and

even when she or Jess were talking she'd watched Sam; obviously taken with

her. Kim had interacted with many patients in her career and it was clear to her

that Riley Connolly cared for Sam well beyond her concern for a patient. She'd

thought Sam might be beginning to have feelings for the doctor as well. Now she

wasn't quite sure what was going on.

She sat down on the side of Sam's bed. When Riley left the room, Sam had

leaned back against the pillows and closed her eyes. Kim stroked Sam's arm

until she opened blue eyes so familiar to Kim. Even though she appeared

outgoing, friendly, and affectionate the total opposite of Jess, in many ways she

was the same. Her emotions ran deep and she never let anyone get too close

emotionally. Many people thought they knew Sam but the truth was all they ever

saw was the tough cop persona she presented to the world. None of them had

ever seen the true Samantha McKenna. Kim herself hadn't realized the depths