He’d go looking for Blanca and not find her, wander around her building for a while and then give up, trail disconsolately back home, and find her there waiting for him in the entryway. He didn’t know what it was that drove him to look for her, and he didn’t understand what other reasons she had for trying to avoid him. She fell sick from depression and anemia, from the fearsome disarray of her daily life, and Mario, still no more than an obliging friend, keeping his love a secret, took care of her, used his administrative skills to help her sort through the disaster of her Social Security paperwork, managed to get the electric company to reconnect her after her power was cut off for nonpayment — without prior notification, she claimed. Under a mountain of assorted papers, old newspapers, and more than one pair of dirty underwear, Mario found the electric company’s warning notices, all unopened.
Little by little, almost furtively, he was making himself indispensable. When she was at her lowest point, so depressed and weakened she could barely get out of bed, Mario took three personal days off and spent them taking care of her and cleaning up her house, which was a more exhausting task than he could have foreseen but which left him, when he’d finished, with a very pleasant feeling of personal satisfaction, though he wasn’t sure whether Blanca had noticed any of the effort he had gone to. He bought detergents, sponges, window cleaners, polishes, disinfectants, mops, replacement mop heads, scouring pads, dish towels. He went to the home and kitchen section of the local Pryca and came back with the car fully loaded. He understood that Blanca had grown up in a household staffed with servants, raised in the belief that other people would take care of the housework, and he imagined, as well, with some degree of jealous spite, that Naranjo had been an incorrigible slob, taking the same approach to his own personal hygiene as to his canvases.
Blanca probably hadn’t had a proper meal for months before they met, “una comida como Dios manda,” as Mario would say, repeating one of his mother’s favorite expressions: a meal as God ordains. He talked to his mother over the phone two or three times a week, hearing her voice gradually turn into an old lady’s voice that seemed to come from very far away and that overwhelmed him with guilt and tenderness. It was his mother’s specialties that Mario knew best how to make, and he began preparing them for Blanca; cooking for her gave him a satisfying sense of himself as a skilled and diligent man that turned into something close to euphoria when she, at first so listless and uninterested, willingly ate up a plateful of lentil stew or chicken with rice and told him she’d never tasted anything so good.
He got used to living for Blanca, adapting his schedule to her needs, her sudden whims and outbursts. He enjoyed a kind of furtive and half-clandestine happiness, a happiness sustained by Blanca’s mere presence but continually assailed by crises of dejection and fear. The phone would ring and he’d be afraid the call was from Naranjo; someone would knock at the door and he’d go to answer, drying his hands on his apron and thinking he might see the painter’s hated face in front of him for the first time, afraid Naranjo’s arrival would expel him from the delicate, ambiguous situation he’d grown so accustomed to. He was more than a friend but not a lover, simply a kind of helpful figure, and he was afraid Blanca’s only feeling toward him was gratitude. Sometimes she’d look at him and seem to see not him but someone else.
He was ashamed of desiring her so much, ashamed of spying on her with primal hunger. She had moments of carelessness that plunged him into secret torments of an asphyxiating lust as strong as what he’d felt during his shadowy rural adolescence. Blanca would step out of the shower without having closed the bathroom door and he’d see her naked and white in the steam, tall and slim yet shapely, as elegant and exciting, he thought, as the models pictured in magazines, and so different from Juli, whose small, compact body he remembered only very dimly. Every morning he took a glass of fresh orange juice to her in bed, and when she sat up, still half-dozing, her face deliciously puffy after her first nights of deep, unbroken sleep in a very long time, the sheet would slip off her shoulders and reveal her small round breasts, which he barely glimpsed before averting his eyes in embarrassment, and Blanca would cover herself up unconcernedly as she drank the juice, then fall back to sleep.
The stronger his desire, the more excessive his love, the stiffer he grew. He became more and more timid with her, ever clumsier and more obliging, trying to make up with efficiency and practical assistance for what he felt to be his lack of attractiveness, the mediocre stature of everything he felt himself to be and to have in comparison to what Blanca deserved, what Blanca expected. Sometimes he thought she was aware of his anguished desire and was not flattered by it, only compassionate and detached. One night when he was about to leave, after they’d stayed up talking and drinking gin and tonic until very late — nowadays she allowed herself only a single gin and tonic every once in a while, and had Mario pour the gin — Blanca asked him to stay a little longer, and he was shaken with thrilled panic, imagining that now, at last, something that never happened was finally going to happen. After an instant’s hesitation, he sat down next to her on the sofa, not across from her as he’d been until then, and even that modest audacity almost made him dizzy.
“I’ll never be able to thank you for all you’re doing for me,” said Blanca with a serious smile and a confiding, intimate look that he thought perhaps he should bemoan, for he suspected that this was the lukewarm intimacy of someone who was not in love. “I’ll never be able to make it up to you.”
“But you’ve already made it up to me.” Mario was unexpectedly carried away by a torrent of eloquence. “No one has ever given me as much as you have; you’ve made me discover life. I feel as if I’ve been sleeping until now and you’ve finally woken me up. What was I doing when I met you? Working and meeting my monthly payments and reading the History of Spain every night. I was asleep and didn’t know it, and if it weren’t for you I could have grown old and never woken up at all, ever.”
“When I’m falling asleep at night,” she said, “I often hope I’ll never wake up.”
“I thought you were feeling better lately.” Mario was suddenly crushed by the thought that all his effort to care for Blanca had been in vain, that he hadn’t even managed to alleviate the sense of disaster and despair that had shocked him about her the night they met. Maybe she still missed Naranjo; she might even be trying to call him when Mario wasn’t there, when he went back to his own apartment at night after washing the dishes like some eunuch butler.
Sitting so close to her on the sofa, exalted by the two gin and tonics he’d drunk, he thought that instead of paying so much attention to what she was saying he ought to take her in his arms and kiss her, really kiss her, on the mouth, not just the two polite little pecks dictated by protocol that he always gave her. But he didn’t do it, and went home as he always did, more depressed and disgusted with himself each time.
Back home, he couldn’t sleep. He didn’t sleep at all that whole night, didn’t have a second’s relief in the darkness or when he switched on the light. He masturbated anxiously and without pleasure, trying to concentrate on Blanca’s half-glimpsed nakedness, and ended up feeling the same shame as when he was a teenager. He was frightened by the reality of a pain he’d never experienced before, and that he couldn’t find a way to ward it off. Why was he so determined to go on seeing Blanca? Why did he imagine that being with her was the only possible way to achieve not even happiness, but simple calm, when in fact what he felt in her presence was a permanent state of insecurity, anguish, and regret for not daring to say and do what he wanted, or for having said or done something that might strike her as ridiculous or trivial?