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Only now that he’s allowing me to walk away, I can’t. I simply stand next to him for a couple more seconds, watching as he lies down on the couch, covering his face with his arm. He’s gotten me through so much pain, and now I’m the cause of it.

Finally, I turn to walk away.

“I’ll kill him if he doesn’t treat you right.”

I don’t doubt his threat for a single second.

“Holy mother of all things holy,” Becca says in shock. “I didn’t realize Carson was so intense. I really underestimated him.”

“It was crazy. I still feel terrible.”

“What’d you do with the ring?”

“I put it in my jewelry box next to my mom’s diamond ring.”

Becca starts to speak, but stops. She tries again and nothing comes out. My best friend has never been at a loss for words, yet she’s choosing her next ones wisely. “You’re sure you made the right choice?”

“No. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. All I can do is go with my gut, and I guess if it’s a mistake, then it’s my mistake to make. Even if I did want to be with Carson, I would never be able to break up with Rhett. I can’t hurt him like that—not when he makes me so happy.”

“You also can’t stay with him because you’re worried about hurting his feelings.”

“No, Becca. That’s what I said, but it’s not like that. When I was with Rhett this afternoon, I wasn’t thinking about Carson or wondering what it would be like to be kissing him instead. It was all Rhett. The entire time.”

“You also didn’t know Carson wanted you, either.”

“You’re not helping, Becca.”

“I’m sorry, but just think it over. You’ll be with Rhett tonight. Worry about the rest tomorrow. You’ll figure it out.”

I smile at her, wanting her to desperately take her own advice. She’s in her own mess with Jake and my brother. She catches on to what I’m thinking, holding her hands up in surrender. “Point made, Kins.”

Rhett and Jake walk out of the locker room, side by side, saving us from the rest of this conversation. I’m ready to have some fun.

“You ready, Sunny?”


Jake takes Becca’s hand, leading her to his car. She glances at me over her shoulder, smiling when she sees Rhett with his arm around me. This is right. I know it is. If Carson was meant for me, we would have known sooner. Right?

KINSLEY’S QUIET ON the drive to Jake’s place. I try to scoot her closer to the middle of the truck, and she finally takes her seatbelt off, and buckles into the middle seat instead. “You okay?”

She leans her head against my shoulder and nuzzles against me. I feel her nodding her head, but she’s still not saying anything. “What’s wrong, Sunny?”

“Nothing. I’m good. Just glad to be with you again.”

I like her answer, but something tells me there’s more to it than missing me. Then again when we pull into the grassy field next to Jake’s barn, and the party is already in full swing, I can see why she might be a little nervous about coming here.

I’ve been to every single football party for the last three years, but this one already has more people at it than I’ve ever seen. Between the size of the property, and the number of people walking around, it looks more like spring break gone country.

Kinsley’s staring through the windshield with wide eyes. I can guarantee she’s never been to a field party before—maybe not even a high school party.

“Rhett, I think the entire school is here. I wasn’t expecting so many people.”

I kiss the top of her head, the need to reassure her before she changes her mind about being here, my only concern. Kinsley’s not used to all this. For me, a crowd of a couple hundred is the norm, but for her, it’s just a lot of eyes prodding into her personal space. “Jake’s place always draws a big crowd, but this might be the biggest party he’s ever had.”

“If you say so,” she says, as she continues to pull on the sleeves of the shirt she’s wearing under my jersey. I love that she put a layer under my jersey instead of over it when she went to the game. She’s as proud to wear my number as I am to have it on her.

I know just the thing to settle her nerves. At least it always settles mine. “Come on, Sunny. Let’s have a little fun.”

She lets me wrap my arms around her, shivering as soon as I touch her. It’s a little cooler than when the game ended, but from the way she’s trembling, you’d think this was a cold winter night. “I’ve got you,” I tell her, as I help her climb out of my truck and set her on the ground in front of me.

Kinsley gives me a sweet smile, the one that’s reserved specifically for me. I pull her into my side, tucking my hand in the back pocket of her jeans. Each step she takes, I feel the curve of her moving up and down. She doesn’t seem to mind, and I can’t help myself. When I’m around her, I have to touch her.

I feel her tense the closer we get to the crowd of people. “Rhett,” she whispers. “People are staring.”

I peer down at her, our height difference making her seem extra small tonight. “That’s because you’re so pretty.”

The blush that spreads from her cheeks all the way down her neck only adds to her appeal. She’s not strutting around the party like she owns the place, or acting like people should feel privileged to be in her presence. No, my girl might be a little timid at times, but she’s as welcoming as they come once you crack her protective shell. They’ll all see what I see soon enough. Even if I don’t want to share.

“Rhett, it’s about time. Thought you bailed.”

I glance at my watch. “The game’s only been over for like forty minutes, Jake.”

“Then you’re thirty minutes late. I’ll spare you the ten for a shower because your ass stank. And where’s your cup?”

I roll my eyes, not even bothering to argue with him. He’s already had a couple, I can tell. When Jake drinks, he’s even more illogical than he usually is—and it’s hilarious to watch.

Becca’s at his side, sipping from a Solo cup, too. I wouldn’t have pegged her for a beer drinker, then again, I already picture her as the doctor she plans on becoming. And to me, most doctors are a little uptight. At least the ones I’ve worked with every time I’ve gotten injured playing football.

I nudge Kinsley. “Do you want a drink?”

She shakes her head, “I don’t think I should.”

I pull my hand out of her pocket, already mourning the loss. Instead, I hold her hand, rubbing my thumb across the soft skin of her wrist. “I don’t mean alcohol. There’s soda and water.”

“I’m okay, but if you want something, I don’t mind. Not that you need my permission or anything.”

She’s cute when she’s second guessing herself, but I wish she wouldn’t do it. If she doesn’t want me to drink, I want to know that. I want to know her opinions, her thoughts—everything. “I’m fine without it,” I tell her.

Grayson stands up from his spot around the fire with a piece of hay sticking out of his mouth. He’s a spoiled rich kid with a Mercedes and a trust fund. He’s anything but a farmer. Despite looking like an idiot, he walks closer to us with complete confidence, shuffling a football back and forth between his hands like he didn’t get enough of it during the game. “You always get the pretty ones, Rhett. What’s your secret?”

“Not a clue, Gray, but this one’s special.”

I worry I embarrassed Kinsley, but when I look at her, her eyes shine. She surprises me when she stands on her tip-toes, pulling my face toward hers as her back arches to meet me. In front of everyone, she plants a scorching kiss on my lips that I deepen the first chance I get.