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“You didn’t tell me until I forced it out of you. I was worried you would do the same thing with them. I thought I should do something to make it easier for you.”

I hate that Carson took it upon himself to decide what was the right move for me. This isn’t his baby—it’s mine. I should be able to decide when and where I tell people—if I tell them at all. “You shouldn’t have done this.”

Kate scoots to the edge of the ottoman, directly in front of me. “I live here and I know I’m not around much—my schedule is pretty much opposite yours, but I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here when you needed me.”

“It’s fine. I took a test and went to the doctor.”

“And the doctor said the baby was okay? You’re okay?”


The next words out of her mouth surprise me. “I’m proud of you, Kinsley.”

I raise my head, wondering how in the world she could possibly think that. “How can you be proud? I messed up.”

“But you did something about it. You got yourself care. That’s the best thing you could have done for your baby.”

“Rhett’s the one who’s been taking care of me—at least until last night. He’s not too happy with me after what I did.”

Kate reaches for my hand and squeezes it. “Something tells me he’s not giving up on you just yet.”

I shake my head. “He’s not.”

Carson shifts next to me, no doubt uncomfortable with Rhett being the topic of conversation. I glance at Wyatt to gauge his reaction, but he’s not even looking at me. His head is tipped back and he’s looking at the ceiling. It makes me feel guilty that he had to drive home to deal with my problems when he clearly would rather be just about anywhere else.

When the doorbell rings, he hops off the couch so fast he almost trips over his sneakers sitting next to him on the floor. “Hey, baby,” he says. “Come sit with me.”

Becca walks in the room with Wyatt, and she gives me a forced smile. Knowing her, she’s pissed I didn’t run to her with my news. Wyatt pulls her onto his lap and kisses her lips in front of all of us. I get it, they missed each other. Still, Wyatt doesn’t get any happier now that Becca’s here. He still isn’t saying a single word to me.

“Hey,Becca.” I try to break the tension by acknowledging my best friend.

She doesn’t take the bait though like she normally would. All I get is a simple, “Hi, Kins,” before she nudges Wyatt in the stomach. “Stop,” she whispers.

He rolls his eyes, but finally acknowledges me. “You fucked up.” Is all he says.

My brother’s opinion means the world to me, and right now, he looks ashamed that I’m his sister—like it’s hard for him to even speak to me. He breaks my heart all over again.

Kate senses I’m about to fall apart, and takes another turn, transitioning into guardian mode. “We’re all spending Thanksgiving together at Carson’s cabin. He’s graciously offered it to us, so we can get back to being a family. We’ve all been going in opposite directions and clearly we’ve lost you along the way. What’s done is done, but I want this baby to be something we can all learn from. I also want it to be a blessing.”

“I can’t go away. I have to work.”

“You’ll go talk to Betty and clear your schedule. If she fires you, then so be it. I’ll cover your share of the bills. We’ll figure the rest out later.”

“Okay, but if I’m going to be treated like a problem the entire time, I’d rather stay here.” My comment’s directed toward Wyatt, but I’m not sure he even hears me. Becca’s nuzzling against his chest, and he’s holding her like she’s his prized possession. Everything about it rubs me the wrong way. Not because I’m jealous of what they have, but because my own brother can’t bother to show me an ounce of the love he’s giving her.

“You’re not a problem, Kinsley.” Kate stresses. “I just think we need to stop being too busy for each other.”

There’s no use arguing about it. I have one more day before we’re shipping off to some cabin in the woods to be a family. Though a real family wouldn’t have approached me like this—like I’m some druggie off the street who wouldn’t have sat down to have a normal conversation with each of them, one-on-one.

“I have to get to the diner.”

Carson jumps from the couch, chasing after me like a little puppy dog. “Wait, Kins. I’ll drive you.”

“I got it,” I tell him, as I walk away. Last night the idea of being completely alone brought me to my knees. Now, all I want to do is find someplace I can be by myself. It’s crazy how things can change in less than twenty-four hours.

Carson follows me outside even though I told him I was fine on my own. “You’re mad I called them, aren’t you?”

I stop, only halfway down the stairs. “Wyatt won’t even look at me. Becca said two words. Kate’s treating me like some case at work. I don’t need this stress, Carson. You meant well, but please stop interfering.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’m going to need support and help, but Rhett and I have a lot to figure out as it is. And those decisions will be made by the two of us—not anyone else.”

“Okay, I get it. Will you still let me drive you? I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Maybe by the time we get to the diner, I’ll have figured out how to let Carson go without ruining our friendship. Though something tells me it won’t matter how gently I go about it. He’s going to be gone for good.

KINSLEY DIDN’T COME to school today. It was only a half day anyway, but she probably thought news of our baby would be spread all over school by now—and it is. I’ve fielded curious questions all day long, but it was the ones about us breaking up that pissed me off the most. I didn’t break up with my girl. As far as I’m concerned, she’s still mine. Whatever my mom tried to do to our relationship isn’t going to stick.

I spent most of last night and today thinking up the perfect plan. Finally, while I was running in gym class, it dawned on me there might be a solution. I’m not supposed to get any of my trust fund money until I turn twenty-one. My grandfather put aside a large portion of his estate for me so that when I was responsible enough, I’d have access to the money.

As long as I can convince my dad that I need some of the money early, and my mom doesn’t find out about it, I’ll be able to support my family while we both go to college. Preferably far enough away from here that I won’t be accused of tarnishing the family name any more than we already have.

When I open my locker, there’s a crumbled envelope taped to the inside. I pull it off the metal door, and when I open it up, I realize it’s the hush money Kinsley was paid to keep the baby’s paternity a secret.

“Thank fuck,” I whisper, unable to hide the smile on my face. I’m so proud of my girl and I take it as a sign that she’s not ready to give up on us like she said she was. That she’s not going to bow down to anyone even if the money would have made her life a whole lot easier.

I shove the envelope in my pocket and take off running toward my truck. When I push through the front doors to the school, I spot Kinsley getting into Carson’s Jeep. Considering how upset she was when she came to my house last night, even saying Carson almost hit her with a book, I’m more than a little surprised she’s already made up with him. Especially before she spoke a single word to me.

I follow them all the way to the diner, watching as he helps her out, just like I would have done. I hate that he’s trying to take my place, but what I can’t stand even more is the way she’s looking at him. Like she might actually have feelings for the guy.

He must feel it too because he leans in and kisses her on the forehead like I’ve done so many times. I have to close my eyes it hurts so bad. I’ve been willing to look past their friendship because they have a long history, and I would never ask her to give that up, but the guy I’m watching, loves Kinsley. Problem is, she’s already mine.