Leia didn't fail to notice the meaningful glance that passed between Mon Mothma and General Madine, though Mon turned her eyes down in warning. As Leia turned to Madine, she caught Tag's eye and recognised the same look on the Intel Chief's face; this was something going on between Mon and Madine then; something even Tag Massa didn't know.
Mon Mothma considered, finally speaking out loud. "We'd have to consult existing records, find out exactly what he's capable of. I'm sure it would require more complex consideration to ensure a favourable result."
Leia was dragged from her reverie by Mon's casual air, hard intent disguised by oblique references. Why didn't she just come out and say it- to guarantee we could murder him.
"Is this what we've come to? Is this what we are now?" The tone of her words brought everyone's eyes to her. "What has he really done against us?" Leia couldn't believe she'd said that - almost word for word Han's argument. She'd dismissed it so easily then but now, faced with this- it wasn't even that she liked Luke Skywalker or whatever the hell his real name was, it was just that... it felt wrong. In every fibre of her body, it felt wrong.
"I assume you're talking beside standing second-in-command to the Emperor, maintaining and stabilising his dictatorship, murdering individuals without trial, infiltrating and informing on the Alliance, overriding inalienable sentient rights and practicing Sith doctrines?" Mon challenged smoothly.
"Two wrongs don't make a right."
"I think we're beyond superficial sophistries now, Leia." Mon chided, "Sometimes one must look at the greater picture. Can we really afford to let a Sith dynasty take hold?"
Leia shook her head, not certain why she was fighting this corner, but very sure that she was doing so alone, "I'll say again; what has he ever done to indicate that he disapproves of the Alliance- that he would be a threat to us if he came to power? He may well be the one to end this civil war."
"One way or another." Madine said grimly.
Leia turned to Tag Massa for support, "You said yourself; he has no loyalty to the Empire."
"He's already illustrated the extent of his loyalty to the Alliance." Mon argued, shooting that argument down.
"If we're going to make an assassination attempt, should it not be for the Emperor?"
Mon shook her head, "The Emperor is far harder to reach. Even if that were possible, the logical path would be to remove his successor first, otherwise all we do is aid The Wolf's ascension to power, create a dynasty by putting another Sith on the throne, an unknown, unpredictable quantity. General Madine is right- better to stop this line of succession now."
Leia rubbed her forehead, tired and irritable, "I can't condone this action. I won't."
"May I ask, Leia-" Mon said, voice like steel wrapped in silk, "Are you speaking as a leader in the Alliance - or as his friend?"
That was a low blow. Leia drew herself up in her chair, fixing Mon with her most unassailable stare. Mon had been a master in the Senate chamber, but Leia had served too, young as she was - and she'd learned a thing or two. "That was uncalled for. Yes, I was deceived, as we all were- but my loyalties remain the same. They are to the Alliance and to democracy. And I won't have that brought under question to serve ulterior motives."
Mon held her stern stare for long seconds, everyone else at the table suddenly finding some pressing reason to look elsewhere as the two strongest wills in the Alliance hierarchy met head on...
"Perhaps," Ackbar offered at last, always the voice of reason, "We should reconvene at a more convenient hour. We're all tired and this isn't the time to make far-reaching decisions- it requires a more considered approach before we move forward."
Both women slowly settled back into their chairs, but Leia couldn't quite let it go yet. "I'm not happy about playing devil's advocate in this, but I won't see us make a decision which would shape the view the rest of the galaxy holds of us and the course of all our future dealings without considering all possible ramifications."
"Are you suggesting that we would?" Mon asked, unyielding.
"I'm suggesting that our principles seem a little compromised here. You accuse me of having a biased opinion of The Commander. I would accuse you of the same. He hurt us and he undermined our image... and you want retribution."
"It was not me who brought the question as to how to deal with this subject to light, Leia." Mon challenged levelly.
Oh, that was good, Mon, Leia had to allow as General Madine stepped in, Mon having neatly brought him into the argument, deflecting Leia's last comment towards him.
"May I remind you, Princess, that we are at war." The General said sternly, "And our enemy's strategy has suddenly become very clear. It is my duty to do everything within my power to shorten this war and ensure a positive outcome. Or do I misinterpret the parameters of my duties?"
Leia turned to him, forced to defend on two fronts now. "No, General. But there are conventions, even in war. It would be rather difficult to maintain the moral high-ground when we're holding assassin's knives."
"In case you failed to notice, your Highness, The Wolf's primary Aide is an Imperial assassin." Madine countered, voice full of scorn.
As good-a soldier as he was, Madine was no diplomat, and Leia again blessed her father for drilling those skills into her before she had the slightest sense of their value. "And you disapprove of that, General?"
Madine paused, seeing that he had been cornered, glancing momentarily to Mon Mothma.
Admiral Ackbar took the initiative in the ensuing silence, "I think that perhaps we should break for now, to give Intel some time to put forward a more rounded view of this situation. We'll reconvene in the morning- details will be sent to your offices. Thank-you."
There was a pointed finality to it which no longer invited debate, everyone looking to disperse before the situation deteriorated, even Leia. It wasn't what she was there for- it had just somehow happened. But she hadn't failed to notice that Mon, ever the consummate diplomat, had managed to get someone else to fight her corner rather than dirty her own hands. Leia sighed, rising to walk from the War Room, her automemo clutched to her chest, Han catching her eye as she passed into the ante-room.
"Hey. You got that 'someone just stepped on my toes and I'm about to jump up and down on his' look in your eye." He murmured easily, falling into step beside her, hair still mussed from sleep.
"Not at all." she said tersely, eyes on Madine as he walked from the room ahead of her, deep in discussion with Mon.
"O-kay." He said, clearly unconvinced. After several silent steps, he tried again, "So what's going on?"
Leia's mind was still reeling, trying to find a path through too much information. But she turned to Han, knowing this would be a blow for him, "Luke's been named by Palpatine as Heir Apparent to the Empire."
Han's feet stuttered to a halt as he stared at Leia, who felt for some reason strangely guilty- as if it was she and not Luke who had let Han down.
"That's...not..." it was all he could manage, his face bewildered and wounded, Leia regretting now having told him so directly.
"I'm sorry, Han." she said, but he was looking away now, eyes to the assembled Chiefs as they walked away, heads down.
"So what were you talkin' about in the War Room?" he asked, voice low with suspicion.
"They're...we're," Leia corrected herself, "trying to decide a course of action."
Han's eyes narrowed, "Like what?"
Tag Massa passed through Leia's field of vision behind Han, and Leia briefly rested her hand on Han's arm in reassurance, "Wait here."
Leia hurried her step to catch up with Massa, Han holding back, knowing her well enough to know that she was up to something.
"That's quite an interesting opinion you hold, Chief." Leia said as she drew level with the Intelligence Chief.