And after almost two years of serving Skywalker whilst reporting to the Emperor through Pestage, seeing his own distaste at the petty machinations of Palace life reflected in Skywalker's and watching him try to steer a fine path between personal ethics and the need to interact with this unpleasant state of affairs, it was hardly surprising that Wez had begun to listen.
He'd been warned of course that the man he would be assigned to was a Sith. That because he could read thoughts, he would know exactly the tack to take with Wez when he came to try to recruit him- which he would, they assured. Though having said that, for a long time Luke had, if not ignored Reece, then certainly discounted him, clearly viewing him as nothing more than another spy in his midst. It was only when Reece began to build some kind of relationship with Nathan Hallin that Luke had begun to accept Reece... and pull him in.
He had simply seemed... the better choice. Everything that the Emperor was, just as decisive and resolute and uncompromising, as was required to lead so massive and sprawling and diverse-an Empire, but with some sense of moral code. Some vision other than the pursuit of personal power and indulgences.
The Empire that Reece so venerated would be better served in Skywalker's hands; it was as simple as that.
He didn't regard himself as a dissident or a Rebel. Though, like Skywalker, he was willing to use such factions, he would never support them; he believed absolutely in the sanctity of the Empire. And he believed that Skywalker could maintain and further that. So he was not disloyal, he had simply chosen his loyaties with care - and thus far, had never found reason to question that choice.
Now, in the face of consummation of those expectations, Skywalker kept to himself leading up to the inauguration, quiet and insular, remaining in his apartments. Though unlike the ever-cautious Nathan or the unusually-nervous Jade, Reece could hardly fault him; it was better that he kept a low profile since his injuries were still apparent and anyway, it was time he began creating some sense of detachment.
Public ceremony not-withstanding, he was Emperor now, and some degree of decorum must be maintained.
It was the night before the inauguration when Mara received the comm she had been dreading and yet somehow, on some level, expecting.
"Mara- is Luke with you?" It was Hallin, the raw nerves audible in his voice, making her sit up in her bed, hand slapping at the light panel nearby.
"No, where are you?"
"I'm in his apartments- he's not here."
Her heart skipped- it actually skipped; she felt it pause then drum against her chest, "Wait there- I'm on my way."
She ran all the way; the entrance to the Perlemian Apartments was calm and composed from the outside, the lights turned low for the night and the main doors closed, guards in ever-present attendance.
It was very different inside; when Mara passed through it was into pandemonium, every room lit, about a dozen of the more trusted guards clustered in the security office which was opposite the main staff offices just inside the doorway, everyone checking security footage to trace Luke's last known movements.
"Have you done a life-sign check?" Mara asked, pushing through; Hallin was nowhere to be seen but Reece was at the front of the throng. They'd disconnected practically all of the security lenses in the apartments at Luke's order a week ago, only those at the main entrance remaining.
"No- we're just calling everyone out of the rooms. We've done a visual check- in fact we've done about three."
"If he doesn't want to be seen he won't be." Mara reminded.
Call-ins were being monitored by the redoubtable Clem, a long-standing member of Luke's security staff, who had made the transition from Palpatine to his Heir without so much as a blink. Now he turned to Reece, voice tight, "We have all eyes reported in again- still negative."
Reece shook his head, not really needing the life-sign check; "He's not in the apartments."
"How did he get past ten guards?" Mara asked, feeling some uneasy deja-vue creep over her, realising just how much this reminded her of the time long ago when Luke had first broken out of these apartments to buy Han Solo's freedom.
That time, he'd intended staying in the Palace- this time...
Reece took her arm, pulling her away from the crowds, "We have less than nine hours before the official public inauguration starts; we'll look pretty stupid without an Emperor in attendance."
Mara twisted free, "Then you should have been watching him- don't tell me you didn't see this coming."
"You're supposed to be stabilising him."
"Don't worry, Reece, he'll be at your precious investiture." She set off out of the security rooms, knowing that it would do them no good to keep looking- if he wanted to be found, he'd be found. The question was; did he want to be- ever?
She was three steps down the hall when Hallin caught up with her on his way back in, though his worried tone at least held genuine concern, "No luck yet?"
"He's not here." Mara shook her head, walking out into the corridor beyond the apartment then pausing, realising she had no idea where to go next.
"We just need to think this through," Hallin said obviously, bringing Mara's disparaging eyes round to him though he continued gamely, ignoring the look- or missing it in his anxiety, "Where would he go... did you two ever meet anywhere- anywhere private?"
"Nathan, if he wanted to leave, he'll be long gone by now, believe me."
"Why are we assuming he wants to leave?" Hallin asked, frowning, though he didn't dispute the fact, Mara noted.
She set off down the corridor, keeping her voice low, "Come on, you've seen how he's been. He doesn't want this- he never did. His father wanted it and now he's locked on that course. Maybe he finally decided to get off."
Hallin was unperturbed, strangely calm in the crisis, as he always was when it actually came down to it, "If that's true, he won't stay on Coruscant; his face is all over the HoloNet- somebody would stop him. He'd want to get further afield."
Mara frowned, pulled in to the discussion, "Who's that smuggler he deals with - the one with the handlebar moustache?"
"Karrde?" Hallin considered, "He has expanded his network this far into the Core Systems..."
"Where's his nearest base?"
"I know he has bases at Velusia and Abregado-Rae...."
"Nothing reachable with a short-range transport; he'd need a hyperdrive?" Mara prompted.
Hallin shook his head, uncertain, "I think he may have a few safe-houses on Coruscant, near the Poles- you'd have to check with Wez-"
Mara had already pulled her comlink free, another thought occurring; "Control? This is Jade- are there any ships due to leave from the secure bays in the West Tower?"
"No, Ma'am. All Tower bays are closed down until after the inauguration."
Mara frowned, not willing to let the hunch go yet, "Anything cleared but not actioned- high priority clearance?"
There was a pause; "Yes Ma'am; two Echo-Group fighters due to relieve perimeter guards- they're from bay three... and a long-range scout in bay nine- no assignment listed but it's an Echo designation; registered to the 701st."
She shut off the comlink, setting off at a run, "Got him!"
Mara glanced behind her, shouting to Hallin, repeatedly pressing the turbolift call and resisting the urge to head for the stairs, "Get everyone out of Bay 9W - quietly; don't spook him - and don't let anybody up there!"