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Mathas’s calm voice interrupted him. “Janik,” the elf said.


“What’s the Tablet of Shummarak?”

“And that!” Janik said, pointing a finger at Dania. “When were you planning on telling me about that? If I’d known about that while we were still in Sharn, I could have looked into it, but now—” He broke off.

“Janik, I—” Dania began.

“Ah, never mind.” Janik stood, scraping his chair away from the table. “I need to look at my notebooks. I’ll be in my cabin.”

Janik sat on his bunk, notebooks piled around him. Each lay open, some holding scraps of parchment or quills or ribbons to mark pages he had referred to. He was still angry with Dania, and he told himself he was justified in feeling that way. But even if he had known about the Tablet of Shummarak earlier, he would only have grieved the theft of the Darriens Codex that much more keenly. Darriens had quoted snippets of the Tablet’s text in his commentary on the elven writings, but the Tablet had been lost for centuries and no copies of the complete text were known to exist. Because of Darriens’s work and his connection to the Church of the Silver Flame, the Tablet was best known within the Church, and carried religious significance for the order. In fact, the Church’s use of the Tablet was one of the key points in the argument he had read connecting the Church to the ancient Serpent Cults of Xen’drik.

Janik remembered that the Tablet made reference to the couatls that had imprisoned the great demons within the earth. But he couldn’t remember whether any connection had been established between the Tablet and the Place of Imprisonment mentioned in the Serpentes Codex, which he believed was Mel-Aqat. His notebooks were no help.

Perhaps it was sheer coincidence that Krael and Maija had been seeking the Tablet, but Janik doubted it. It seemed far more likely that Krael suspected a connection to Mel-Aqat, or perhaps had established one. Maybe he had found the Tablet. Maybe that’s why he was going to Mel-Aqat. And maybe that was why he was so desperate to get Janik out of the way.

Hours had passed since Janik had left the dinner table, and the ship was silent except for soft creakings as it coursed through the open sea. Auftane had not come to bed, but Janik supposed he was sleeping on deck—it was a clear, warm night.

The quiet of the night was shattered by the artificer’s cry.

“Attack! We’re under attack!”


Shargon’s Teeth

Janik grabbed his sheathed sword from the floor as he leaped to his feet. He pulled the sword free and rushed to the cabin door, kicked it open, and sprang up the stairs to the deck. Auftane held his huge mace in one hand and a scroll in the other, dodging the tridents of three sahuagin as he tried to read the scroll. Janik ran to the artificer and plunged his sword into the back of one of the sea devils, which crumpled to the deck with a gurgling yelp.

Janik’s arrival gave Auftane the opportunity he needed to cast the spell on his scroll. A ring of whirling silver blades appeared around him, cutting into the flesh of both sahuagin. They cried out but did not fall. Janik glanced around the deck.

Auftane had raised an effective alarm. The three sahuagin that had surrounded him must have been the first to reach the deck, though plenty more were crawling over the bulwarks now. Sailors appeared on deck in clusters, rushing to cut at the fishlike creatures as they tried to climb aboard. Near the bow, Captain Avaen and his first mate stood back to back, surrounded by a group of five sahuagin. Dania was charging up the steps from her cabin, and Mathas touched her to imbue a spell just before she jumped up to the deck.

The two sahuagin near Auftane backed away from the whirling blades and sought another target, and Janik proved to be the closest. They maneuvered around the ring of blades and came at Janik from opposite sides, their tridents lowered. Janik ducked their onslaught, then somersaulted past one of them and shoved it hard toward its ally. It met the leveled trident of the other sahuagin and slumped to the deck.

Janik had hoped the two sahuagin would impale each other, and he cursed his poor aim. But Auftane quickly stepped up to the remaining sea devil, and it died in the ring of whirling blades before he could even swing his mace. Janik raised his sword in a quick salute to the artificer, then ran toward the bow to help the beleaguered captain.

Two sea devils threatened Janik as he ran. He drove his sword into the chest of one, then heaved its corpse toward the other. As the sahuagin stumbled, Janik ran on, noting with a backward glance that Dania had moved to engage it. The attackers surged over the sides of the ship in an apparently unending stream, and though he and his friends had little trouble cutting them down, the sailors were not faring as well. Janik jumped over the bodies of two fallen sailors on his way to the bow, and he saw that more were falling under the sahuagin assault.

By the time Janik reached them, the captain and his mate had felled two of the creatures surrounding them, but three more arrived just as Janik did. Despite the newcomers, Janik’s arrival tilted the balance dramatically. The sahuagin fell quickly when their attention was divided between the sailors inside their ring of tridents and Janik’s darting blade outside it. Moving swiftly around the ragged circle of sea devils, Janik guided his sword to vital spots, never needing more than one blow to finish an opponent. He killed four and reached the fifth just as the first mate’s cutlass hacked through its neck.

“Thank you, Janik!” the captain called. The first mate, a pretty woman with almond-shaped eyes, gave him a grim smile before running to help a group of sailors nearby.

Janik surveyed the deck again, looking for where his help was most needed. Auftane had fallen back to the cabins, where he and his ring of blades were providing an effective shield for Mathas, who propelled fiery rays and bolts of acid at nearby foes. Dania was on the starboard side amid a thicket of sailors and sea devils, her sword rising and falling in a deadly rhythm. An aura surrounded her that Janik had never seen before, almost a shimmer of radiance—but Janik supposed that was the spell Mathas had cast on her, some kind of protective ward. Avaen was making his way toward Dania and the sailors, while the first mate had joined another trio of sailors on the port side, who looked a little overwhelmed.

Janik hurried to help the sailors, trapping one sea devil between his own blade and the first mate’s, quickly bringing it down. His arrival—and the quick deaths of three more sahuagin at the end of his blade—shook the sea devils’ morale and they started edging toward the bulwarks. Out of nowhere, a sahuagin hurtled across the deck from the starboard side, crashing into Janik. The sharp points of his trident only grazed Janik’s shoulder, but its body slammed hard into him, forcing him against the bulwark rail.

Janik hung there for what felt like many heartbeats. The sahuagin was wedged on top of him, its weight pushing him toward the open air and the churning sea below. It got one foot onto the rail and used the leverage to push him up higher. Over its shoulder, Janik saw the first mate’s blade come down onto its back, and it threw its head backward in pain. In the same instant, the rail beneath him splintered and he plummeted into the water, holding fast to the lifeless body of the sea devil.

The cold water swallowed him.

Well, Janik thought, this is a problem.

Lyrandar Dayspring was still moving, quickly sliding past him and disappearing in the dark. Blood was flowing freely from his shoulder, though it wasn’t a deep wound—and blood in the water where there were already sea devils could mean only one thing: sharks. Two things stood in his favor—his short sword was still in his hand, and the attack had come so quickly that he hadn’t had time to put his boots on.