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Pete, wearing his trademark cape once again, steps forward shushing the crowd. “Ladies and fuckwads, gather round.” He stands before us grinning. “We’ll have four rounds tonight, announced by the lovely Bria.”

Hoots and hollers from the guys erupt as Bria steps forward holding a cardboard sign that says Round 1 written in black marker. She’s in a denim skirt so short, I think I just caught a glimpse of her butt cheek, a skin-tight white tank and a straw cowgirl hat. She struts around in front of us, making sure everyone has seen both the sign, and everything she has to offer.

“Tonight’s match-ups will feature Dane versus…” Pete leans to the stocky guy next to him. “Paul.”

Our little crowd cheers for Dane, and the people from the karate school cheer on Paul.

Pete introduces the rest of the fighters, pairing up first and second years from Wilbrook against guys from the karate school.

Finally he ushers Colt forward. When I see his opponent, doubt rumbles through me. Colt will be fighting the biggest guy here. Jose. He looks to be in his early twenties, solid muscle and a mean glare on his face. My stomach twists with nerves. I’ve never sat and watched people fight for fun before. And suddenly I’m worried for Colt. I might have been nicer to him earlier if I knew he was fighting tonight.

Pete gives everyone a few more minutes. Money exchanges hands, bets are placed and alcohol continues to be distributed. I stay away from the puke-smelling flask, but do allow myself a few sips as various bottles are passed to try and ease my nerves.

Pete goes over the rules. The fight is over when someone taps out or passes out. My stomach clenches.

When the first match starts, people are on their feet, cheering and screaming. Dane and Paul circle each other at first, neither ready to make the first move. But then Paul lunges at him, knocking him to the ground where they wrestle, fists flying. This is nothing like our fights in our self-defense class. Blood and sweat drip from their bodies onto the straw floor.

Dane ends up tapping out when Paul bends his arm back at the shoulder.

Whoa, that was intense.

Drake, another first year fights next and also loses his match. But no one seems all that surprised that the first years lost. They’re not nearly as experienced as the guys from the karate school.

The next match up, with the second-year I don’t know named Matt is over quickly, and he’s the winner after a knock out, which is tough to watch.

There’s a fifteen minute break in the action before Colt’s fight – the main event. The twins in my grade who fought, Dane and Drake are bloody and bruised as they make their way over to sit near us, taking deep pulls from each bottle that’s passed.

Colt stands alone in the corner, his face is serious and his jaw set firm. His opponent paces on the other side of the barn. Jose is bigger, both in height and weight, but some still think Colt is unbeatable. Bets are being placed all around me, and I find myself more interested than I should be, on the edge of my seat waiting for the fight to start. I remember the way Colt efficiently handled Lars, choking him into unconsciousness and fight off a shiver that runs down my spine.

Bria struts in front of us with the Round 4 sign, wagging her hips and capturing the attention of every male in the place. She’s eating this up.

Pete thanks her and she finally ends her little show. People start chanting Colt’s name and he steps forward. Colt. Colt. Colt. I don’t join them, but I repeat it in my head.

Jose is grinning, standing solidly in the center of the ring. His size is intimidating and I’m suddenly worried for Colt. But I know he’s strong and fast. Still, I hold my breath in anticipation

Jose wastes no time, charging straight for Colt. He grabs Colt around the waist and hauls him back several steps. Colt twists his leg around Jose’s, forcing them to the ground. They roll together, tangled limbs, straw clinging to their sweaty skin as they struggle to free themselves.

Back on their feet, Jose lands a quick punch to Colt’s jaw. Colt steps back, wiping the blood from his lip with the back of his hand, a slight grin on his lips. It’s like the punch didn’t hurt, it only pissed him off.

Colt fakes left, then pops Jose in the nose. He’s got crazy quick reflexes. He hits Jose again with a right hook that sends him staggering back several steps.

His next punch sends Jose to his knees, but Colt doesn’t let up. He clocks him again, sending a spray of red blood flying from his mouth. Jose falls flat to the ground and stays there.

The place erupts in cheers. Jose rolls over but doesn’t get up. Colt helps Jose to his feet as the crowd begins chanting his name again. Pete tries to lift Colt’s fist over his head, declaring him the winner, but Colt shrugs out of his grasp, and heads for the door. He seems pissed despite his victory.

Now that the fights are over, people scatter. Logan seems quite taken with one of the karate guy’s younger brothers, and MJ says there’s a girl who wants to get a piercing like the one she had. “You’ll be cool, right?”

I can make my way back to the school alone. It’s a massive stone building lit up on a hill, no way I couldn’t find it. The opening in the fence might be more difficult to locate, but I wasn’t going to worry about that just yet.

“Yeah, go.” I smile. “Have fun.”

“Ciao,” she calls, and happily saunters off to a dark corner to swap body-piercing stories.

I step out in the night air, it’s warm and lit brightly by a nearly full moon. I’m in no hurry to head back yet. My head is still swimming with mixed emotions.

I cross the grassy field, weaving around behind the barn to another smaller barn. I stop suddenly, realizing I’m not alone.

He’s sitting on the ground, leaned up against the side of the building, his head hung between his knees.

His head jerks up. It’s Colt.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t know anyone was out here.” I feel like I’ve interrupted something private, but I’m not sure what.

“The schools that way.” He tips his chin in the direction of the school, not bothering to make eye contact.

“Thanks for the tip,” I say sarcastically, turning to leave.

“Taylor? Hey, wait up.” He stands and comes closer.

I spin to face him, wondering what derogatory comment he’s got in store for me now.

He holds up his hands in surrender. “I was dick earlier. I’m sorry.”

I raise my eyebrows. How much did I have to drink? I must be imagining Colt’s apology.

He takes a step closer. “Forgive me?”

I nod, involuntarily.

We watch each other for few seconds in silence. The night air rustles the loose strands of hair against my neck. In the moonlight, I can see his lip is busted. “You’re bleeding.”

“No shit. I was just in a fight.” He wipes away a smear of red, which looks darker in the moonlight.

“I know, I saw it.”

“You watched?”

I nod. Of course I watched. I don’t point out that the entire school was there.

He takes a healthy swig of the amber-colored liquor, wincing as he wipes his mouth. “Fuck. That burns.”

“Sorry if I don’t have a lot of sympathy for you right now. You chose to get in that ring tonight.”

“Yeah,” he scoffs. “And what do you think they’d say if I didn’t?”

I study him for a second. I’d never considered that. He’s the martial arts instructor. Of course he had to fight at these stupid events – whether he wanted to or not. “Let me see.” I close the distance between us, and reach up, tilting his chin to get a better look. “That looks painful.”

“Nothing a little alcohol won’t fix. I’ve had much worse, trust me.” His tongue finds the cut and he winces just a bit.