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I wanted to argue, but Jean-Claude was too close in my head, and Micah’s neck was between my teeth. So many hungers could be fed off this flesh, so many needs, so much… so much. The sweet tang of blood trailed across my tongue, and it brought me back into myself, helped me pull back before I hurt him. But he collapsed around my body as if we’d finished sex. He shuddered against me and let his breath out with a sigh.

I held him with my arms at his back, or I think he’d have fallen.

He’d given himself completely to me. He hadn’t tried to protect himself or worried that I’d eat his throat out, and he should have.

But he’d trusted me. Trusted me not to hurt him more than he enjoyed.

I’d never bloodied him before, never gone past teeth marks and hickeys. It had felt so good to hold his flesh between my teeth and not to stop, until I tasted that first blood.

He gave a shaky laugh and said in a hoarse voice, “Nathaniel’s going to be jealous.”

“Yeah,” I whispered, “he’s always wanting me to mark him.” The thought that came was, Would it kill me to give Nathaniel some of what he wanted? Not kill me, no. The question was, would it break me, and if so, how much? Jean-Claude’s echo in my head was, “Perhaps it will not break you, ma petite, perhaps it will heal you, and him.”

“Get out of my head,” I said.

“What?” Micah asked.

“Sorry, nothing, just babbling to myself.” Jean-Claude did what I asked, but his laughter trailed inside my head like an echo for the rest of the morning.


I was in the kitchen eating biscuits with butter and honey slathered all over them. The biscuits were good, but the show was Gregory. He was still in leopardman form, but he was eating biscuits.

Have you ever watched someone eat bread with teeth that are designed for tearing out the throats of gazelles? It was interesting. If he’d just put the whole biscuit in his mouth at once it would have been okay, but he didn’t. He ate the rounds of bread dripping with butter and red currant jelly in pieces, delicately. Except that his jaws weren’t made for delicate, so his fur was spotted with jelly, and he kept licking it off with an impossibly long tongue. It was disturbing, distracting, and vaguely fascinating. Like a combination of Animal Planet and Food Network.

It was good that I had something to amuse me, because Nathaniel was being very unamused. I’d known he might be upset about me marking Micah’s neck, when he’d practically begged for me to do it to him, and I’d refused, but I had no real clue how upset. He’d been banging things around the kitchen. A cabinet door didn’t just close, it slammed. Opening the refrigerator was a chorus of bangs, slaps, and the like… I didn’t even know that plastic food containers could make that much noise.

In between slamming things around, he was agreeing with everything Gregory said, but his tone of voice sounded like he was fighting.

“We’ve been advertising a leopard for tonight, if they can’t have me, you’re it,” Gregory said, then licked that long pink tongue all the way around his “muzzle.”

“Fine, it’s not like I’ll be doing anything else tonight.” Somehow I thought that last was directed at me.

Micah was giving me the look, the one that said as clearly as if he’d spoken, fix this. Why was it always me that had to fix it?

Because I was usually the one who screwed it up in the first place.

Oh, that was why.

My teeth marks were imprinted into Micah’s neck. The marks had been smeared with Neosporin, but he hadn’t had to bandage them. Good for him, and for me. I’d stopped before I’d hurt him too badly. It was actually less blood than the one and only time I’d let myself mark Nathaniel. It had been when theardeur was new and I was still trying to find ways to feed it that didn’t involve intercourse. Silly me.

The last straw was when he took the butter dish off the table, before everybody was finished with it. Gregory grabbed for it, and claws were wrong for grabbing china. The plate fell and broke all over the floor. The butter slid across the floor in a long yellow line, like a really nasty snail trail. I don’t know what I would have said-probably something not helpful-but just then the phone rang.

“Someone else get that,” Nathaniel said from the floor where he was wiping up the mess, “I’m a little busy.”

Micah just kept eating his breakfast, I think because he was upset with me for not saying something to help Nathaniel feel better.

Problem was I didn’t know what to say. So I got the phone.

“Anita, it’s Ronnie.”

“Ronnie, hi,” and I was thinking furiously. Oh, yeah, I wasn’t the only one having personal problems. I still couldn’t believe that she’d turned down Louie’s proposal. Out loud I said, “How ya doing?”

“Louie left a message on my phone, so I know you know.” She sounded defensive.

“Okay, you want to talk about it?” I didn’t take offense. It wasn’t me she was mad at.

She blew out a loud breath. “Yes… no… I don’t know.”

“You can come here, or I’ll meet you somewhere.” I was using that careful voice, like the one Micah used so much on me.

“I’ll bring bagels,” she said.

“You could have homemade biscuits when you get here, instead.” I said.

“Homemade biscuits? You didn’t make them, did you?”

“No, Nathaniel did.”

“Can he cook?”

“Actually, yes.”

I could almost feel her doubt wafting over the phone.

“Honest, he’s really good at the baking stuff.”

“If you say so.”

“Well, we’d starve if they waited for me to cook.”

She laughed then. “That is the God’s honest truth. Okay, I’ll be there soon, save some biscuits for me.”

“Sure thing.”

We hung up.

I stayed by the phone for a second or two, watching Nathaniel’s angry back at the garbage can where he was depositing the broken dish and dead butter. I’d never realized that a ponytail could bob angrily.

Micah looked at me, and the look was eloquent. It said, fix this, fix this, or I’ll be mad at you, too. There are a few downsides to having two men living with you. When they both get pissed at you at the same time is one of them.

Nathaniel stayed by the cabinet, hands on the edge of it, and his entire body radiated his anger. I’d never seen him this angry. It should have made me mad, but it didn’t. He could be angry if he wanted to be, I guess.

I tried to think of something useful to say. He’d gone from being happy as a domestic lark to being as pissed as I’d ever seen him. The only thing that had changed was the mark on Micah’s neck. He’d lived through Micah getting intercourse and orgasm, while he, Nathaniel, got almost nothing. So why was that one over-enthusiastic hickey the breaking point for him? I thought and thought until I could feel a headache beginning just between my eyes. Then I had a good thought-it was almost insightful. I don’t usually get too insightful without talking to smarter and wiser friends. But suddenly there it was, the truth, I think.

I walked over to him and touched his shoulder. He jerked away from me. He’d never done that before. It scared me. I didn’t want him that angry at me, ever. Micah was right, I had to fix this. But how?

“Nathaniel…” It was as if saying his name opened the floodgates.

“I can’t live like this. You give me an inch, and then you take it away. Orgasm today, but only because of some metaphysical shit. You’ll find an excuse not to do it again. You always do. He gets intercourse and orgasm, and I get nothing. But you marked me, me. Not him, me!” He was still staring at the cabinet, while he ranted louder and louder.