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Smiling sweetly, I said, “I really wouldn’t know, but I’m sure if you contact his office, they could help you.”

And so it began. This was exactly what I’d been afraid of—unwanted attention.

Longing for the sanctuary of my classroom, I stood and headed for the door. Mason followed and slipped my heavy tote bag off my shoulder so he could carry it for me.

Since I taught history and government, the walls of my classroom were plastered with maps and pictures of past presidents. Scanning them as I made my way to my desk, I thought about how bizarre and incredibly wonderful it would be to have Drake’s picture hanging on my wall one day.

Mason set my bag on my desk as he perched next to it. “Drake seemed like a pretty cool guy.”

“He is and much more. But I just don’t know if the two of us getting together is a good idea or not.”

“Luce, do you like him? Because your face lights up when you talk about him, and when Marie mentioned his name, you looked as if you could scratch her eyes out.”

Shrugging, I said, “I hardly know him.”

“Did you kiss him?”

Avoiding his gaze, I pulled the stack of graded tests from my tote bag, trying to formulate an answer. I didn’t want to lie to my best friend, but I didn’t want to kiss and tell either. Besides, I was confused enough about what to do with Drake without Mason jumping on the matchmaking bandwagon.

The first bell rang, and for once I was glad my day was starting. As students made their way to their seats, chatting loudly, I glanced at Mason.

“You’d better get to your class.”

Mason stood and headed for the door, but turned before he reached it, calling out, “This conversation isn’t over.”

And that was where he was wrong. Our conversation about Senator Prescott was definitely over.

• • •

Later in the morning, I was reviewing notes for the end-of-the-year syllabus when there was a knock on my door. Jeanette, one of the office secretaries, was standing in my doorway, holding a vase filled with white hydrangeas and red roses.

“These came for you, Ms. Washburn.”

My students looked up from the test they were taking and snickered, glancing at each with knowing grins.

Jeanette set them on my desk and ran a finger over a rose petal as she gave me a sideways glance. “They look very patriotic.”

“Thank you for delivering them.”

She grinned at me, but turned and left without saying anything more.

“Who are they from, Ms. Washburn?” a student called out.

“Let’s get back to the lesson.”

Needing a moment of privacy, I turned to write tomorrow’s assignment on the whiteboard. The kids groaned in disappointment while I allowed a huge smile to take over my face.

Once my last class of the day ended and I was alone, I finally read the card attached to the flowers. I had an idea who they were from, but the card still needed to be read.

Thinking of you and all the ways I’m going to persuade you to be with me.


I reread his words, written in a bold script that had to be his, and leaned over to inhale the scent of the flowers. My stomach fluttered and my pulse raced.

It would be rude not to thank him, so I picked up my phone to send him a text.



: Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful.

He responded within seconds.



: You’re welcome. Is your last class over?



: It just ended.



: Are you leaving now?



: Yes.



: Do you have plans this weekend?



: No.

I waited for a reply, but when a text didn’t come through, I tossed my things in my bag and picked up the vase. I needed to head out to beat traffic because there was a small window of opportunity and if I didn’t get on the road before three thirty, that window narrowed. It was as if all of Virginia were on the road at the same time.

When I made it back to my apartment, I set the flowers on the coffee table and kicked off my shoes before flopping onto the couch. My cell phone rang, and I snatched it eagerly from my bag. When I looked at the screen, I was oddly caught between disappointment and relief when Mason’s name appeared.


“Don’t sound so excited.”

“Sorry.” I pretended to answer again with glee in my voice. “Hi, Mace!”

“You’re funny. I looked for you after school, but I must have missed you. I heard you got flowers today.”

“Yes, I left not long after the bell rang. Drake sent me flowers. How did you hear about them?”

“It was all the buzz in the office. I had a meeting with the athletic director, and the women were all chatting about you and the delivery.”

I let out a huff. “I need to tell Drake not to send anything to the school. People will talk and before you know it, my picture will be in the tabloids.”

Fear struck me to the core at that thought. Northern Ridge was a private high school, not to mention a very conservative one.

“Well, I think you should relax. Don’t get me wrong, I know what you’re worried about, but you’ve come a long way. Everything will be okay. Just be happy, kiddo.”

“I want to be happy, Mason, but I want Drake happy too.” My gaze rested on the flowers and I sighed.

“From what I can tell, it seems like you do make him happy. Look, you need to just go with what you’re feeling, Lucy. Really, your face lit up the other day when he came to your place. I’ve never seen that before, and I’ve known you for years.”

“But what if—” I couldn’t even finish my sentence, but with Mason, I didn’t need to.

“I’ll always have your back,” he promised, and the familiar sound of the train screeched in the background. “I need to hop on the Metro, and cell service sucks there. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay, thanks, Mace.”

What would happen if I gave us a try? Could Mason be right?

I rolled over onto my side and snuggled into a plush pillow while I stared at the flowers on my coffee table.

Drake really was a wonderful man. If only he were a regular person and not in the spotlight.

• • •

The rest of my week was relatively uneventful. Tests were given, students had spring fever, and I was bitten by the same impatient bug. Only seven weeks remained in the school year, and then I was off for the summer. Mason and I had planned a camping trip in July, but we still were in the planning stages. Other than that, I was free and clear.

Summer had always been my favorite time of year. No matter how much I loved teaching, I always looked forward to the end of the school year. It couldn’t come soon enough. But right now, I was concerned with starting my weekend.

As I was parking in front of my apartment, a black BMW with tinted windows pulled up behind me. When I saw it was Drake behind the wheel, a jackhammer took up residence in my chest. His car door swung open and my breath hitched at the sight of him. He’d been elegant and handsome in a suit, but dressed down in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with a baseball cap, he was mouthwatering.

Walking toward me, he raised a hand in greeting. “Hi. I hope you don’t mind me dropping by unannounced, but I was hoping to catch you. I’m on my way to the Nationals game and wondered if you wanted to join me.”

His bright smile brought out his dimples, which I found hard to resist. Or maybe it was him I couldn’t resist.

My thoughts drifted to Mason and I realized he was right. I’d never felt this way about a man before. So I stowed my fears.