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Giving him a disbelieving grin, I said, “You’re on your way to a Washington Nationals game via Virginia?”

“Okay, I took a detour, but what do you say? Join me?” He gave me a puppy-dog look, and all I could do was laugh.

“Come on in. I’ll need to change.”

When we walked into my place, I told him to make himself comfortable and offered him something to drink, but he declined and sat on my couch to wait.

I hurried into my bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans, a cute red top, and grabbed a jacket. I didn’t go to many baseball games, but at least I was wearing the team color. I quickly freshened my makeup, brushed my teeth, and ran a little gloss over my lips.

Looking at my reflection, I took a deep breath and whispered to myself, “Here we go.”

Drake gave me a big smile when I walked back into the living room. “Why, Ms. Washburn, you look adorable.”

My face heated as I grabbed my keys, and we left in his car.

Being in such close proximity to Drake still felt surreal. The man exuded such poise and confidence. I glanced over and noticed that even when he was relaxed, his posture was straight.

The car came to a stop on the interstate, and when I looked out the front windshield, a sigh escaped me. “What is with Virginia traffic?”

He chuckled. “Someone should really do something about it.”

“Yes, I agree. Maybe I’ll write my congressman. They seem to know how to get the job done.” I smiled while Drake just shook his head.

After a long forty-five minutes, we pulled into Nats Park. Drake produced a parking pass, and we were waved toward the front entrance where we parked. When we got out of the car, Drake walked over to me and grabbed my hand in his, lacing our fingers.

He lifted our joined hands. “Is this okay?”

“Yes, and thank you for bringing me here. I’ve never been to a Nationals game.” Truth be told, I’d never been to a professional sporting event, but I didn’t want to admit that.

“Well, I’m glad you’ll be enjoying your first time with me.”

That comment held such promise. Of course I wasn’t a virgin, but I had a feeling he could make me feel things I’d never felt before.

The sights and sounds of the stadium made me smile—the crack of bats against baseballs, the smell of popcorn, and the sea of red shirts in the stands. Drake slid on a pair of sunglasses that had been propped up on the brim of his hat as we made our way to our seats. As we descended the concrete steps toward the field, my excitement grew. We were so close, I could smell the freshly cut grass on the field, and inhaled deeply.

Drake stopped and checked our tickets, and then ushered me into a row. “You’re seat number three.” He sat in the seat next to me, leaving an empty seat next to him.

I was pleased to see our seats were cushioned, unlike some of the other seats above us, and they were red like almost everything else in the park.

Once I lowered the seat and sat down, Drake smiled. “Welcome to the Red Porch.”

From here we could see the entire park. We were sitting behind center field, which surprised me. Given the prestige of Drake’s position, I assumed he’d have box seats or a suite of some sort, but these definitely weren’t. Excited, I glanced around to see fans were beginning to file in, but we still had a good hour or so before the game began.

“There’s so much red here.” The comment had flown out of my mouth before I realized how ridiculous it sounded. In my defense, every fan was wearing some form of red or white. Didn’t the opponents have fans in this area?

Drake chuckled. “We’re playing Cincinnati tonight. So their fans will be wearing the same colors as we are.”

“Oh.” I glanced down at my shirt and shrugged.

“Hey, Prescott!”

A booming voice came from behind us, interrupting our conversation, and Drake stood.

When I looked to my left, a very handsome man who looked a bit like Drake but younger, was standing at the end of our row next to a gorgeous fair-haired woman. She looked very familiar, but I couldn’t place her. Both were wearing—what else—red, and the woman’s hair was in a ponytail pulled through the back of a baseball cap with a W on it.

Drake stood and shook the man’s hand. “There you are.”

His voice was jubilant, and they seemed like close friends. Then he kissed the woman on the cheek and pulled her into an affectionate hug. Was she an ex? No. Why would he bring an ex here? My insides twisted, and an unwelcome wave of jealousy washed over me.

The woman’s eyes widened, and her face lit up when she saw me. “You must be Lucy. I’m Gretchen.”

My shoulders relaxed. She’s his sister. Thank God.

When I extended my hand to her, she surprised me by pulling me into an embrace much like she gave her brother. I looked over her shoulder to Drake, and the dimple that I loved appeared.

Gretchen stepped back and beamed at me. “You’re just as pretty, if not prettier, than my big brother described you.”

As I was trying to absorb the compliment, as well as the implication that Drake had told her about me, she took the seat on my right.

I was still at a loss as to who the man was. If he was with Gretchen, wouldn’t they want to sit together?

“Lucy.” Drake clapped the other man’s shoulder with his hand. “This is my younger brother, Josh.”

“Oh! You’re the chef.” I extended my hand, but he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

Drake had been telling the truth; the Prescotts really were easygoing and laid-back. I envied that. A kiss on the cheek as a greeting to someone you just met might seem forward to some, but to them it was natural.

Josh was adorable. He had a beard, more than scruff but not bushy, an earring in each ear, and colorful tattoos down his arms.

“Yes, I am.” We all took our seats and Josh leaned forward. “Make sure this guy brings you to our next Sunday dinner.”

I nodded, realizing Drake never told him he asked me to go with him, which made me feel even worse. He probably didn’t want his family to know I’d rejected him.

Drake leaned over to kiss my temple, and the brim of his cap grazed the side of my head as he told me, “We’ll be right back.”

Drake and Josh stood and walked up the steps, out of my sight.

“My brother tells me you’re a teacher.”

Gretchen was beautiful in that girl-next-door way. Her skin was flawless, and aside from mascara and light lipstick, she didn’t wear makeup.

“I am. That’s where I met Drake. He came to my class to speak.”

Pride shone in her eyes. “He’s such an amazing guy. To think he used to pull my pigtails when we were younger.” She laughed. “Now he’s everything I’d want in a man.”

Did I know what I wanted in a man? And for that matter, did I even want one?

All I could do was nod and say, “He’s very kind.”

Gretchen gave me a sympathetic look. “I know you don’t know him very well, and the senator title may be intimidating, but give him a chance.”

How much has he told her?

I grinned. “I am.”

And I was. My being here wasn’t actually giving him a chance; it was giving me one. I hadn’t allowed myself to care for anyone for a very long time.

Before anything else was said, Gretchen looked up and her eyes sparkled. She rapidly clapped her hands with glee. Drake and Josh were back, and they were loaded with ballpark treats.

“That better be for me!” Gretchen held out her hand and made the gimme sign with her fingers.

Drake handed her a large pink puff of cotton candy in a plastic bag. “Of course this is for you,” he said with a smile. The small cardboard tray in his other hand held four hotdogs and fries.

Josh sat a drink carrier in his seat with four beers in large cups. He plucked two out and handed them to me. One I passed to Gretchen, and we both tucked them in the cup holders near our seats.

“I hope you like beer and hot dogs.” Josh smiled as he situated his own drink and Drake’s before taking his seat.