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“Let’s sit for a minute. I have some things I need to talk to you about.”

This couldn’t be good. My instincts were right. This was why he wanted a public place—he was going to tell me we were finished.

We walked to a bench and as soon as we sat down, I grasped a lock of my hair and began spinning it. When Drake glanced at my hand, I dropped it to my lap and twisted my fingers together instead.

“What is it, Drake?”

Scanning my face as if he hadn’t seen me in years, he said, “God, you’re so beautiful.” Then he took my hands in his and blew out a long breath. “I went to Georgia.”

“Why were you in Georgia?”

“This isn’t going to be easy for me to say, and it’s probably going to be harder for you to hear, but after you told me your story, something didn’t sit right.”

My heart stopped. “You didn’t believe me?” How could he think I’d make up such a horrific story?

“No, of course I believed you. Please know that what I did was out of love for you, because I do love you, Lucy. I think I started loving you the day I walked into your classroom and you told me about Marcie. Your kind heart and compassionate soul drew me to you.”

“I love you, Drake,” I said quickly, needing desperately to tell him in person. But I was terrified to hear what was coming next, and completely confused about what it could have to do with Georgia. “Please tell me what’s going on.”

He looked at me and shook his head. “I can’t believe we just told each other we love each other, and now . . .” His voice trailed off as he stared unseeing at the Ferris wheel at the end of the pier.

“What? You’re scaring me, Drake.”

“Like I said, something didn’t sit right with what you told me. So I called in a favor and found out that Greg Madison didn’t die in action, nor was he missing.”

“What?” Tears filled my eyes and I stared into his.

“He’s not dead, Lucy. I found out he was near Fort Benning. He was injured, but he survived.”

My hand went to my chest, pressing against my heart as warm tears slid down my face. “Greg’s alive? Oh my God. He’s okay?”

Drake nodded. “He is, and when I talked to him—”

“You talked to him?”

“Yes, I asked him about you. At first he didn’t say much, but then he told me he looked and looked for you. He even went to your parents to get information. But of course, they didn’t have any, and he said it would be a long shot because they never liked him.”

“Because I changed my name.” I was sure I was going to hyperventilate.

Drake took my hand in his and held it tightly. “Right, because you changed your name.”

“Does he hate me?” I lowered my head but still kept my eyes on Drake.

“No, he doesn’t hate you. I think he still cares for you.”

I stared at him, speechless. What could I say that would make any sense?

“Lucy, are you okay?”

He lifted my chin with his finger and wiped my tears with his thumb. The sensitivity this man had warmed my soul.

I nodded. “I just can’t believe he’s alive and you did this for me. You told me what I needed to hear to feel better. Thank you, Drake.”

I leaned in to hug him, but he pulled back. “That’s not all I did.” Drake stood and pulled me up. He put his hands on my shoulders and kissed the top of my head.


My eyes widened as I looked at Drake, who was peering over my shoulder. He gave me a gentle nod, and I slowly turned around.

Greg. The years had been good to him. He was a grown man now, filled out, not the slight teenager I remembered. He was also taller, his light brown hair cut short and tight, and the T-shirt he wore stretched over his muscles. The military had been good to him.

“Greg? Oh my God. It’s you!”

When I threw my arms around his neck, he hoisted me in the air and spun me around, his grin as wide as mine. I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me.

Once I was back on solid footing and Greg released me, I just stared at him. “I can’t believe you’re alive. I’m so sorry for not being there for you when you came back. When I heard you were MIA and presumed dead, I lost it.” I knew I was rambling, but didn’t care. I had years to make up for. “There wasn’t anything left for me in Colorado, so I moved. I should have contacted your family, and I’m so sorry I didn’t.”

“It’s okay, Abbi, I understand why you did what you did. Everything that happened back then wasn’t your fault. You did it to protect me, and I understand it and appreciate it. More than you know.”

“How long are you in town?” I asked, having a hard time grasping that he was actually standing in front of me.

Greg gave me an apologetic smile. “I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon. I run a farm with my fiancée in Georgia, and I need to get back. She knows all about you, so when Drake found me, she encouraged me to come. I just couldn’t leave right away.”

“Thank her for me, please. And congratulations; I’m so happy for you.”

And I truly was. After everything we’ve both been through, we turned out okay. Not only was Greg alive, but he had a future—a bright one. I was thrilled for him.

Greg grasped my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. “I’m happy for you too,” he said against my hair. “Drake is a really great guy. I don’t know many men who would seek out their girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend to reunite them.”

Hugging him back, I pressed my cheek against his chest. “Thank you; I think he’s pretty special too. I told him our story and how guilty I felt for everything that happened.”

Remembering Drake, I gasped. When I turned around, he wasn’t there. I quickly scanned my surroundings, but there was no sign of him.

My chest ached and my heart wept. Drake was gone.


~ Drake ~

Lucy’s face had lit up when she saw Greg, which warmed my heart and broke it at the same time. Greg might have called her Abbi, but she was Lucy to me, and I couldn’t imagine calling her anything else.

I knew I’d done the right thing in bringing him to her. There was nothing left for me to do but to leave them to catch up. My job was done. Lucy was happy, and that was all that mattered. So I left to go home.

My head was in a fog as I sat on my couch and flipped on SportsCenter. I wasn’t paying attention and really couldn’t care less who won or lost their last game. But that didn’t stop me from numbly watching the highlights and reading the ticker at the bottom of the screen. It might as well have been displaying stock market information, because I wasn’t paying attention.

All I kept seeing was Greg holding her in his arms as he spun her around. How long would that scene invade my brain?

My phone dinged, reminding me I had a fundraising event that night to benefit the veterans’ hospital. I had completely forgotten about it, but it was an important event. Reluctantly, I texted Gretchen to see if she could go with me, and she agreed.

Then I heard another beep, and glanced at my screen to find a message from Lucy.



: Are you okay?



: Yes. Are you?



: Yes and no. We need to talk.

Talk. She wanted to talk, and for the first time in my life, I was scared. All I could imagine was her telling me she was moving to Georgia to be with Greg. No. I didn’t want to talk, not now anyway.



: I’m on my way to an event. Can it wait?



: Sure. Have fun.

Fun? That was the last thing I was going to have, but I didn’t want her to feel bad about that.