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Mason took a breath and gave me a pointed look. “She asked if your boyfriend knew you were two-timing him with me. Then she asked . . .” His voice trailed off, which wasn’t a good sign.

Lucy’s chest rose and fell quickly as she took quick breaths. “She asked what, Mace?”

His jaw clenched, and he shook his head.

“What? Tell me!”

“She wanted to know if I was the baby daddy.” Mason stood. “She knows, Lucy. I told her to get the hell off your property, but she knows.”

The phone rang, and Lucy’s head whipped around. Her eyes widened at the caller ID that read BLOCKED. She stood there, frozen in indecision, as the display blinked that she had seven missed calls. Reaching out a trembling hand, she put the phone on speaker, and we listened to the first message.

“Hi, this is Kendra from the National Reveal. We’d like to get a statement from you in regard to what your boyfriend and Republican US senator thinks about you having an abortion. Please get in touch with me—”

Lucy skipped to the next message.

“Lucy, this is Alistair McMillan—” At the sound of the man’s voice, all the color drained from her face. “The school has received a couple of calls today inquiring about you. Please contact us as soon as possible.”

“Oh my God. How?” Lucy looked at me, her eyes were rimmed in red. “Drake?”

“Did you have something to do with this, Prescott?” Mason’s hands balled into fists as he glared at me.

I got up and knelt next to Lucy, who was a bundle of nerves sitting on the couch. “This is what I wanted to tell you earlier.”

God, how could I say this and not make her hate me? I took both her hands in mine and held on tightly as they rested in her lap. When I looked up at her, my heart splintered into a thousand tiny pieces.

“Emily overheard me telling Gretchen about you last night.”

Her eyes flew open wide, and she jerked her hands away.

“Holy shit!” Mason began to pace, shooting me death glares.

“I didn’t know she was there,” I told Lucy, my heart breaking at the pain I’d caused her. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“You better fucking believe it is!” Mason went to Lucy’s side and took her hands in his that had just been in mine. “Come with me to California, Luce. You can stay with me until you get on your feet. The college set me up with an apartment just off campus.”

He’s moving? I watched the woman I loved as she seemed to be contemplating his suggestion.

Before I let her answer, I needed to interject. “I’ll take care of this. I haven’t told you the rest of the story.”

“I can’t wait to hear what’s next.” Mason’s sarcastic tone was punching my buttons. But for Lucy, I kept my anger in check.

“Emily is engaged to Grissett’s right-hand man. All I need to do is drop out of the race, and this will be over. No one will care who you are or about your past. They only care because of me.”

I reached out to cup her cheek as I stared into her anguished eyes, swimming in tears.

“Don’t leave me, Lucy. I’ll fix this.”


~ Lucy ~

Leaving and going to California, although tempting, wasn’t what I wanted. I’d run away once already, and that was plenty for me. The thing was, my past was just that—mine. I couldn’t hide from it, nor could I shield myself from the scrutiny that came with it. However, I could protect those I loved from getting hurt in the process.

“I’m not leaving.” My attempt at sounding strong must have been futile because Drake looked at me like his dog just died. I wrapped my arms around him. “I’m not, Drake. I love you too much.”

His arms tightened around me, and as usual when I was with him, I felt safe and protected, even though the only one who could protect me was myself. There was no way I was taking my friends down with me. To think of the Prescotts being bombarded by reporters was enough to make my stomach lurch.

Mason glanced between us and sighed, then walked toward the front door. “Lucy, I’m going to take off. I’ll call you before I leave. Please think about what I said. Getting away may be exactly what you need. It doesn’t have to be permanent.”

Giving him a wan smile, I shook my head. “Thank you, but I don’t want to run. You and I both know that there are certain things that you can’t hide from. I’m just sorry you had to deal with all of this.” I got up and hugged him good-bye. “Please take care of yourself, and if I need a break, I promise I’ll come visit you.”

Mason shot a hard glance at Drake as he left, and they didn’t exchange good-byes before the door closed behind him.

“Do you want me to leave too?” Drake peered at me, his eyes so caring as they bored into mine, and I couldn’t let him go.

“No. I need you here, but it’s late and I understand if you need to leave.” Although I said those words, in my head, I begged him not to leave. Please don’t go. Please don’t go . . .

“I’ll never leave you,” he said softly, and pulled me back into his arms. “But it’s late, and you should get some sleep.”

“Come with me?” I mumbled against his chest. “Please, I need to be in your arms tonight.”

Drake followed me into my bedroom after I locked the front door and flipped off all the lights. We stripped to our underwear and lay on the bed, facing each other, but not as a precursor to sex this time.

I pillowed my face on my hands, not wanting to talk, but I could sense the gears turning in his head. The moonlight angling in through the blinds emphasized the stress lines that had formed above his eyes.

“What are you thinking about?” I whispered as I linked my fingers with his. “Please, Drake, tell me.”

He reached out to brush back my hair from my face, his voice low. “How much your life has changed since I walked into your classroom not so long ago. I’ll never forget that day. When I saw you, I practically forgot my own name. Then the way you handled your class, it was a huge turn-on for me. You have such a way with them. We need more teachers like you, and now the school administrator has reporters calling him.” His eyelashes laid flat on his cheeks before he opened his eyes again. “I didn’t realize Mason was moving.”

“He was offered a coaching position at UCLA. It’s a great opportunity for him, but I’ll miss him very much. I honestly can’t imagine not seeing him every day.”

“He’s a good guy.” Drake’s eyes dimmed. “I can see how much you mean to each other.”

I smiled. “He’s the best. I’m really sorry he yelled at you. He was just upset.”

“And he has every right to be. You did so much to protect yourself, and he’s been right there with you. Then you meet me, and I had to go and fall in love with you.” Drake winked, and his dimple that I loved faintly appeared, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. “I won’t apologize for how I feel about you, but I am sorry for thrusting you into the public eye.”

“I don’t want you to apologize. You see, when I met you, I just had a feeling. Yes, your charm and good looks instantly won me over, but your heart is what I fell in love with. It didn’t take me long to know you were a great man. And it wasn’t because of things I’d read or pictures I’d seen of you helping others, but because of what’s in here.” I placed my hand over his heart. “Everything else is just a bonus.”

Drake placed his hand on my cheek and stared into my eyes. “You, Lucy Washburn, are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” His fingers ran up and down my arm from my wrist to my shoulder. “Can I ask you a question?” he asked, and I nodded. “Why Lucy? What made you pick that name?”

Thinking back, I couldn’t help but grin. “I wanted a name that when I heard it, would make me happy. When I was really young, my grandmother and I would watch I Love Lucy reruns. After she passed away, I watched them to remember her and the good times we had. So, when I filed the papers for a name change, I picked Lucy with the hope . . . never mind. It’s silly.”