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He picked up her wrist and held it with two fingers while he looked at his watch.

“Your blood pressure is high, my dear. You need to try and relax. We won’t leave. And if you need a sleep aid, I can prescribe something for you, but rest is what you need right now.”

Lucy nodded obediently, and I took her hand and led her to one of Jack’s spare bedrooms. I pulled back the plaid bedspread, and she toed off her shoes before she slid in under it. Once she was tucked in, I kissed her on the cheek.

“Everything will be okay,” I told her as I stroked her hair. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“I don’t know how you’re going to do that,” she said, and her eyelids looked heavy.

“Go to sleep and don’t worry about how; just know I will.”

I was pretty sure she was asleep in the seconds it took me to exit the room.

When I walked back in the living room, my entire family looked at me as one. “I know,” I said, frowning. “It’s a horrible situation.”

We all went into Prescott mode. Jack said he’d contact his PR department and make sure they quashed any stories that were scheduled to be published. His company was one of the best public relations firms in the state. If anyone could shut down the media, it was them.

Mom told Jack she and her firm would take care of any legal issues.

Gretchen, being true to form, said she’d be Lucy’s shoulder and would kick anyone’s ass who came near her, and Josh echoed her sentiments.

And Dane, well, we knew how he felt.

As for me, I’d already made my decision as to what I was going to do. Now I just needed to tell my family. But first, I had to make a few calls.

I excused myself and went into Jack’s home office to call Ben.

“Okay,” I said without preamble when he answered. “Tell me how bad it really is.”

“Grissett is all over it like white on rice. He’s foaming at the mouth, and from what I understand, television ads are being produced as we speak.”

Fuck. “Ads stating what?”

“They’re questioning your character and choices. The asshole is going to trash you and your reputation.” He paused, but I stayed silent. “I don’t need to tell you the ramifications this could have in the long run. Being the incumbent, you don’t have an opponent in the primary, but he’s looking at November and is ready to discredit you any chance he gets. He’s like a dog in heat right now. I don’t need to remind you, the primary is just around the corner.”

“No, you don’t. Ben, I’m thinking of renouncing my candidacy. The party needs twelve days’ notice, and they need to get someone to run against this asshole. I know Smythe is ready to go. Maybe you can get a job with him.”

Ben cursed under his breath. “I had a feeling you were going to say that, and I told you not to worry about me. You do what you think is best, but I say let’s beat this guy fair and square. Your reputation is strong, Drake, but I understand why you’re considering it. Whatever you decide, I’ll be by your side.”

“Thank you. I’d like you to set up a press conference for next Friday. I’ll have my decision by then.”

“You got it, boss. Tell her I’m very sorry she’s going through all of this.”

“I will. Thank you.”

I sat back in the tall leather chair and swiveled to look out the window. Jack’s property was vast and professionally manicured. The leaves on the trees were still, and I just hoped it wasn’t the calm before the storm.

But I knew how to stop it. Yes, my decision was made.

I found everyone sitting at the table having lunch when I walked into the kitchen. I took a seat and grabbed a sandwich from the platter in the center of the table.

“Did you finish your phone calls, son?”

I nodded to acknowledge my father, and then scanned the room as all eyes focused on me. “I’ve decided to pull out of the race. It’s the best thing to do.”

“No! It isn’t.”

Lucy’s voice echoed through the room. Startled, I gaped at her as she came into the kitchen.

She walked up to the table and stood by me. “You can’t do that. I won’t let you.”

I got up and took her face in my hands. The color in her cheeks was back, and she looked better. “You’re more important to me.”

“That doesn’t matter,” she insisted. “You’re important to our country. You can’t pull out of the race because of me, Drake. This is my problem, and if we aren’t together, it won’t be yours.”

“Absolutely not. I’m not losing you, not when it took my entire life to find you. No, and I don’t want you to ever say that again.”

Jack spoke up. “Lucy, why don’t you stay here until things die down? The press won’t get past my gate. You’ll be safe here.”

Lucy shot him a grateful smile. “Thank you, Jack. But I don’t have any of my things, and I can’t hide forever.”

Gretchen shook her head. “I brought all the necessities you need, plus some clothes. I’ll go to your place tomorrow with Josh and grab whatever else you’ll need. And I already called Mason because he was worried about you.”

“Is he okay?” Lucy looked at my sister, concern for her best friend pinching her face.

“Yes, he’s fine. He said no one from the press had contacted him, and if they did, he’d deal with it. He also said that he put in a call to the school administrator, but he wasn’t there.”

Lucy considered what she said, and then nodded. “Okay. Thank you.” She looked at Jack. “I’ll stay here for a couple of days, but then I’m going home.”

Gretchen batted her eyes at Jack. “Can I move in too? I’ve never had a sister, and it’d be cool to hang out in your fancy digs for a while.”

“Yes, of course you can, Gretch,” Jack said with a grin. “You know my house is your house.”

“Thanks!” She leaped out of her chair and hugged him. “I have the best big brother ever.”

“Hey!” Josh and I said in unison.

Gretchen winked at us over his shoulder, and Lucy started to laugh. My heart lightened, because at this moment, I had my girl back.

I was relieved when Lucy sat at the table with us and had something to eat. She’d been so pale before, and had been shaking. Getting something in her stomach was a good start toward getting her back to normal.

As I watched her eat, I couldn’t think of anything but what she’d suggested. How could she think I’d even consider not being with her? That wasn’t going to happen, but she didn’t need to know I’d already made up my mind. Right now she was smiling, and I wasn’t about to do anything to wipe that smile off her face.

After we ate, Dad had to go to the hospital to check on a patient. Josh and Gretchen went to Lucy’s to pick up some clothes for her, and Jack took Lucy out back to show her the grounds.

That left my mom and me in the house alone. We sat in silence for about five minutes before she started in on me.

“Drake, I think you really need to consider what you’re going to do. But my motherly instincts tell me you’ve already made up your mind.”

“I have. Yes, it would be a dream come true to one day be president, but at what cost? There’s no way I could forge ahead without putting Lucy through more scrutiny. All of this wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t in the public eye like I am. But there’s no reason I can’t still make an impact in the private sector.”

I stood and gave my mom a kiss, trying to ignore the sadness I saw in her eyes. “Thank you for always being there for me.”


~ Lucy ~

I’d been holed up in Jack’s house for three days and was going stir crazy. The only good thing was no one knew where I was. I had turned my cell phone off, but it was time I returned Mr. McMillan’s call.

Yes, I loved my job, but right now I had bigger things on my mind—like how I was going to handle Drake wanting to renounce his candidacy.