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“You are stunning,” he says. “I said that before to you at Lorena’s party, I know, but I can’t help and say it again. You’re so much like–”

He catches himself, snapping his Director face back on in a flash. He was about to say someone’s name.

Who, dammit? Whose name?

Suddenly, a piece of the enigmatic puzzle that is this dark beast was almost revealed to me, then ripped away again.

It’s a girl. There’s someone else out there. I remind him of someone else.

Oh, I know! No, it couldn’t be!

“You look a little like her,” said Karissa the night after Lukas Thorn saved my life.

“Look like who?” I said.

“Clarissa Stock, the girl who was with Lukas Thorn in the restaurant.”

I laughed. “The supermodel? Yeah, right.”

But then a few days later I saw Clarissa Stock on the cover of Cosmopolitan. And yes, there is a certain similarity in her eyes and nose. Maybe the lips too. But the rest of her . . . that bikini body . . . forget it. No way. Nothing like me.

Is that it, though? Is it her? A supermodel? I have no chance against a supermodel. Not a fucking chance in hell.

And yet . . .

I’m here and she’s not.

“You’ve been a very good girl,” says Lukas Thorn, snapping me out of my thoughts. “I think it’s time you get a reward for all your efforts.”

Thank you, God!

“If it pleases you, Director,” I say.

He laughs in that mildly amused tone again. Then he gazes down at me, launching a jubilant flurry through me, cascading in ripples all over my skin, like it’s matching the waves painted all over me.

“Do you want my cock?”

“If it pleases you, Director.”

“No, answer freely. Let your words flow. Permission granted.”

“I want your cock.”

“I’m not convinced. Sell me. Pitch me. Make me feel how much you want it.”

Easy. “I saw the outline of your cock through your tight black jeans on the airplane. I’ve pictured it in my mind ever since, wondering what it looks like.”

“Go on. You can’t have it until you prove to me how much you truly want it.”

Shit, I can’t believe I’m about to tell him what I’m about to tell him, but it’s like I feel unencumbered by any hesitation when I’m near him. He knocks all my boundary walls like they’re made of spongecake.

“The afternoon before Lorena’s party, I masturbated to thoughts of you . . . and your cock. I pictured it . . . I . . . uh . . . felt it in my mouth.”

“What was it doing in your mouth?”

“I was sucking it and it was fucking my mouth.”

“Were you deep-throating it?”

I nod. My underlook is real now. I’m so close. I’m going to have it! It’s close. It’s on its way. I can feel it. I’m going to have Lukas Thorn’s cock in my mouth! Haha! “It was slamming the back of my throat, just how I like it. I couldn’t breathe.”

“Good. Very good. Show me how you masturbate.”

I don’t hesitate for a second. I only hope I don’t blow right away. I reach down and touch my folds with my fingers.


“Lean back,” he says. I do. “Further on your elbows. Bend those knees. Raise your hips up so I can see.”

I do as I’m told, stroking some more, accidentally grazing my clit. Ooops, almost came there.

“Very good. You have a delightful pussy. Keep stroking yourself . . . but you may not come until I command you. I will say, ‘Come for me’ and then you shall come.”

Yeah, right. Sure, buddy. Haven’t you learned anything about me yet? Im-fucking-possible.

“I know you think that’s ridiculous right now, but trust me I have a special power.” His words seem to echo. Is that really happening or am I imagining it? And his eyes seem to almost glow again. At the same time, his sinful words have wrapped themselves around me in a velvety sheen and invaded me. I feel a switch turn somewhere.

“I now control your orgasms completely. You may not come until I tell you to. When I say the words ‘Come for me,’ you will come so hard that your entire body will convulse in pure joy and you will be unable to stop yourself from screaming.”

Oh, I’m almost right there right now, buddy!

“Stroke yourself hard.”

Oh come on, pal! No way am I not going to come!

“Acknowledge me!”

“If it pleases you, Director.”

Fully knowing that I’m about to come, I stroke my pussy and get my clit involved.

But wait, something’s different. I stroke harder, pinching my hood in between my fingers as I rub them up and down.

I’m on the edge, right on the edge, riding the edge, still unable to break eye contact with him. But . . . and I never thought I would say these words . . . I can’t come.

Holy fuck, what’s wrong with me?

He laughs heartily, the echoes vibrating past the rotting brick pylons into the deep recesses of the old stone building.

“Stroke yourself harder!” he says in a new more feral tone.

I stroke harder. Shit. Still riding the edge. I get a finger up inside me. That, combined with the pressure on my clit, is always a guarantee.

But nothing.

I grunt, sensing my eyes rolling up in my head as I shake all over in a steady state of bliss, unable to come.

“Stop,” he commands. I stop. I’m panting. I want to scream. “You see, I control you completely now. You are nothing without me. I made you come on the plane. I apologized at Lorena’s. But now I take it back . . . because now you have proven yourself worthy. You are now truly my property.”

I don’t know what this means, but I like the sound of it.

“You will come for me soon. Very soon at my command. But now it is time for your reward. Reassume Service Position.”

I move off my elbows and back up to kneeling position, hands behind my back, mouth open, eyes down.

“You may expose your reward.”

I can’t help but smile as I put my hands up under his flowing shirt and to the top of the black jeans. Then I laugh. Not a girlish giggle, either. More like a victory laugh.

Where are Kayla and Nikki now?

Where is supermodel Clarissa Stock now?

Not here!

Fuck yeah, bitches!

I fumble with his thick belt, my happiness on overdrive. Dammit, I can’t get the fucking belt undone.

Come on, fingers!

I consider biting the jeans and ripping them with my teeth. I swear I have enough pent up energy to become my own whirlwind of un-fucked horny girl.

But the belt comes free, the zipper comes down and . . .

Oh my sweet heaven!

Out flops a work of art. Words are not enough to fully communicate the beauty of the beast in front of me. Perfectly straight, thick and bulbous, with a glistening, shiny head that seems to wink at me. The helmet is the same girth as the long shaft that drifts down to a set of high balls. I cup them in my left hand as I allow the length of the rod graze past my cheek.


Yep, like I told you way back, this is my thing. I think I want to become a sculptor and just make these. Big ones. Maybe put them all over my house. Nothing in life is as glorious as a beautiful man’s thick throbbing rod this close to my face.

“Do you like your prize?” he says.

“Uh-huh.” I’m barely able to get the words out. I stick out my tongue and lick it.

Oh, it tastes so good! Like musky man.

“Look up at me!” I look up. “You’ve been such a good girl, I grant you permission to indulge yourself. Now enjoy.”

“If it pleases you, Director.”

He pats my head. “It does indeed.”

Then I go to town. This is my reward all right. I explore all the veins with my tongue, feel the heft of his balls with my hands, bounce my lips and chin back at forth feeling it’s rock solid hardness flop all around me. It rolls through my hair on both sides of my head.